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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Ren could feel himself losing to his panic, tears streaming down his face and struggling hard to get away even being pinned. “I-I’ll scream! Don’ touch me or I’ll scream!” He threatened through his crying.
Ren’s nose gushed blood, and it dazed the boy, but only made him flail more wildly, starting to scream out like he had threatened.
After the fourth or fifth punch, Ren stopped struggling, slowly falling limp beneath Hideie. Blood gushed from his nose and split lip, one eye swollen shut and the other staring up blankly at the ceiling, only a soft wheezing coming from the boy.
He panted hard, his arm and knuckles hurting, before he pushed open the first couple layers of robes. That's when the door opened and that's when Hideie saw Ieyasu staring with a disappointed frown.
"What have you done, Hideie?" Ieyasu asked.
Ren lay partially exposed on the floor, struggling to stay conscious, battered and bloody beneath the older man. He rolled his head to look when he heard another voice, but could only make out a bright gold, letting out a small whimper. Who was there? Was he there to hurt him too?
"I think she would be better in my care." Ieyasu said and moved to cover Ren as Hideie scrambled away.
"Y...Yes, of course.." He replied. Ieyasu helped Ren stand and pulled him out of the room.
"Are you alright, young lady?" He asked.
Ren barely could walk, having to almost be carried along with Ieyasu, blood dripping down his face. “Ain’t... ain’ta girl...”
Ren only went quiet, head slowly dropping forward and he began to drag, Ieyasu having to carry him the rest of the way.
Ieyasu got him to the healer and ordered a full heal for the young man and a change of clothes.
"Make sure yiu give him a gi." He said. Thr healer blinked.
"A gi, sir?"
"Yes, it's inappropriate fir a young man to dress in women's clothes." Ieyasu said. The healer merely nodded and Ieyasu left.
Ren lay unconscious, face bruised and swollen, but he would be fine otherwise, maybe a mild concussion.
Ren was plagued with horrible nightmares, nightmares of Hideie and his men, all of which violated him in ways he couldn’t even imagine. When he woke, the room was dark, no light coming from outside, and he was covered in sweat. Sitting up, he held his head- a bandage over his swollen eye -letting out a soft groan. How long had he been out? Had Hideie done anything to him? Other than his sore face and pounding head, his body felt fine, so he looked around to try and figure out where he was
Ren looked the healer up and down, but took the water with a muttered thank you. He drank every drop, hands shaking a bit as he handed the cup back. “Where am I..?”
"In the infirmary. Ieyasu-sama brought you here." He answered before handing Ren a clean gi and hakama, "You may change into these if you have the strength. I will inform Ieyasu-sama you're awake."
Ren watched the healer leave, then slowly got out of bed, having to lean against it so he wouldn’t fall as he changed his clothes, then sat back down on the bed.
Ieyasu came in and smiled softly, "How do you feel? You've been out a while. Hideie did a real number on you to put you out like that." The last part was meant to be teasing, the bubbly general as jovial as ever.
Ren looked uncomfortable in Ieyasu’s presence, even with his disarming demeanor, but it was reasonable for him to feel such a way. He had just been badly beaten and almost raped after being captured from his home and sold off. “Like shit..” He muttered, watching him closely. “Did he...?”
He shook his head, "I believe I intervened in time. You will be working under me from now on. I won't give you any strenuous tasks, I promise.." He said
Ren scowled through the swollen mess that his face was. “I can work plenty’a strenuous jobs... I just don’ serve tea and wear dresses..”
Ren looked down at his hands, frowning himself- they were rather beat up. “Aye..” He muttered with a nod.
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