Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

"So this is Toyotomi Hideyoshi.." Motochika had a wild grin on his face before pointing to Hideyoshi as he and his army drew close to the Fugaku, "Target that wild monkey bastard! He's Toyotomi's giant general!"
"Aimed and ready!" The gunner called.
"Fire!" Motochika barked and the giant barrel unloaded on Toyotomi's men. Motochika glanced to Nana, "Kill anything that boards bearing Toyotomi's crest." He told her firmly.
Nana nodded firmly. “Hai.” She said, turning and heading back down the deck to the other end of the ship, barking orders as she went. She knew of Motochika’s fighting style, and though he was good at keeping his own men out of his range of fire, Nana also wielded a chained weapon, leaving a high chance of the two tangling weapons.
The barrel fired a direct shot at Hideyoshi and the explosion completely consumed him. Motochika grinned, there was no way he could have survived that. But when the smoke cleared Hideyoshi was in one piece, having completely stopped the cannon ball with just his hand.
"Holy shit." Motochika muttered.
From behind the cloud of smoke and dust came rushing Toyotomi’s men, charging forward to attack the beached Fugaku and its men. “Load all starboard side canons and fire immediately!” Nana’s voice rang out, the enemy now too close to the Fugaku to fire its larger canon.
Motochika suddenly began to laugh as the Fugaku started shaking, "Don't think that this Fugaku's just any old ship!" He shouted as he readied his anchor, the Fugaku advancing on the Toyotomi soldiers via massive treads in the bottom of the fortress, "This guy can travel on land, too!" He turned to shout to his men, "Speed it up!!"
The Fugaku rolled forward at a steady pace, advancing upon the Toyotomi-Mouri army rather quickly. Canon fire went off in succession, but it didn’t stop them from boarding the ship.
"What will you do, wild monkey chief?!" Motochika taunted. Hideyoshi scowled.
"So you wish to become bones upon the battlefield to further my glory." He said before swinging a hard right hook, the pressure upheaving the very earth and sending it speeding toward the Fugaku, raising it from its treads and leaving it stationary. The next thing Motochika knew, Hideyoshi was decending at rapid speed from the sky to land hard on the deck of the Fugaku.
His landing shook the deck around him, the ship now out of commission from his devastating blow, the treads damaged and now on uneven ground, they were unable to move at all. As Toyotomi’s army flooded onto the ship, everyone was locked in their own battle, even Nana.
Hideyoshi and Motochika were locked in a heated battle, and though it looked like the Ogre would win, the table was quickly turned; Hideyoshi slammed blow after powerful blow into Motochika before punching him skyward and chasing him to slam him back down into the deck, leaving a crater where he landed.
"Aniki!!" The crew yelled in despair, shocked beyond belief to see their captain defeated.
Nana froze on the deck when her husband fell, watching and waiting for him to get back up on his feet. More and more time passed, and he wasn’t standing back up, and Hideyoshi was quickly approaching Motochika- Nana had no choice.
Bullets hit the deck just before Hideyoshi’s feet, moving quickly across the deck to get between her unconscious husband and Hideyoshi.
"Onee-sama!!" The crew moved to protect Nana and Motochika, keeping their weapons raised to defend them from Hideyoshi. The giant of a man scowled at Nana.
"Your husband woukd not have been dealt such a crushing defeat if he had only joined the Toyotomi army."
“As his wife it is my duty to stand by his side, right or wrong.” Nana said firmly, taking up arms and aiming a pistol at Hideyoshi. “However, he made the correct choice in refusing to join you.”
Nana scowled herself and pushed her pistol into her belt, quickly pulling out a small dark colored object and threw it down at Hideyoshi’s feet. Smoke erupted immediately and swallowed up both him and Nana.
“All men, full retreat!”
He could hear her, but not see her through the smoke.
Motochika would drift in and out, seeing glimpses of scenery that simply flashed by- the beach, a forest, mountains, none of them stayed long enough for him to get his bearings. The voices, the voices he heard as well, he couldn’t quite make them out, sounding far away and muffled, far too muffled to even tell if it was men or women who were speaking.
Motochika felt like he was sinking into the icy depths of the ocean, unable to move his arms or legs, chest paralyzed with fear and unable to take in a breath, even if he wanted to.
Nana’s voice rang out clear, pulling him from the inky depths of the ocean and back to consciousness. He was warm and dry, body sore and staring up at a starry night sky; he was alive.
His eye was unfocused as he stared up at the stars, trying to figure out what happened. That's right, he got his shit pushed in by Hideyoshi.
"What happened...?" He groaned.
Nana came into his vision and she looked relatively unharmed from what he could tell with his blurry vision. “We had to retreat.” She said softly, removing the wet cloth from his forehead to rinse it.
Nana frowned softly as she wrung out the rag and placed it over his forehead again. “We don’t know, from the numbers we have here, we have about one-fourth of our crew missing or dead.” She gently cupped his cheek. “Let me worry about it... Rest..”
Nana stopped him and pushed him back down on the makeshift stretcher he was laying on. “Not right now they aren’t. You’re in no condition to move, rest.”
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