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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Megohime has spent the remainder of the day setting up her desk space and moving into her room, but that didn’t take long seeing as she only brought clothing and her work materials, so after dinner when the sun was setting, she decided she’d go for an after dinner walk.
Megohime was taken by surprise, letting out a startled gasp as she was slammed into the wall. It was the same man from before who had been watching her with his hand on his sword. She hadn’t even realized she had done it, but she had pulled her blade from her sleeve when he had grabbed her, and now had it pressed to the chink in his armor where his chest plate ended.
It was a stare down at this point, Megohime saying nothing as she held her blade where it was, not yet pushing it into his flesh, but holding it against his body in a warning.
“Wouldn’t that question be better suited for your lord to answer?” Megohime asked lowly, trying to keep her tone calm.
Megohime didn’t lower her blade, didn’t put it away just yet. “Do not think so low of a guest who your lord welcomed into his home.” She lowered her blade before returning it to her sheath. “It brings about bad karma.” She put her blade back into her sleeve, frowning heavily.
Megohime only let out a sigh of relief once she couldn’t see him and she was sure he had left her, clutching her chest and letting out a shaky breath. What was his deal? Sure her husband hadn’t yet sworn alliance with Toyotomi, but he hadn’t said outright they were enemies.
It was a cool summer night when Kojurou went out to check on his vegetables, as he usually did during the week. It was his only real moment of solace with this brand new threat over the land rearing its monkey like head. Jin would be there to help him soon; she usually came out with him to keep him company.
Kojurou heard the sound of soft foot falls coming up the path to his garden, then saw Jin. She smiled softly at him as she came closer, moving to crouch beside him with a basket to help collect what was ready to be harvested.
Jin turned her attention away from the vegetables in front of her, looking up at Kojurou. “Yes, why do you ask?” It hadn’t been long, but Jin had been back for a few weeks now, and though she appeared to be coming back into the normal swing of things, Kojurou could easily see she was still bothered by something.
Jin made a face and looked to the eggplants before her, touching the leaves gently. “I am... But I will be alright.” She said softly.
She shook her head, taking his hand in hers. “I’ll be alright, the day is almost over regardless.”
He smiled softly and nodded, moving to kiss her knuckles affectionately only to stop when he heard movement. And armor. Toyotomi soldiers filled the area, blocking any escape and brandishing their swords and spears. Kojurou stood quickly to protect Jin, scowling heavily.
Jin was on her feet in seconds as well, discarding the basket on the ground.
“What an awfully gentle expression. Date’s tactician who broke through our perfect encirclement, and brilliantly orchestrated tens of thousands of troops into creating an escape route when they were cornered like rats.” A man who Kojurou recognized as Takenaka Hanbei stepped from the shadows with his sword drawn approached the two.
“And sharing such a tender moment with a woman- I wonder, is this the true face of the Right Eye of the Dragon?”
"Takenaka Hanbei.." He muttered, "what gives you the right to enter Oshuu under such cowardly and suspicious tactics?" He glanced back at Jin, stern and serious.
"Stay behind me." He told her gently. He knew damn well she could care for herself, but without a weapon with so many opponents the odds were not in her favor.
Jin scowled softly but gave a nod, the only thing she had brought with her was a basket to collect vegetables, and dressed in only sandals and a yukata, she certainly wasn’t in any condition to fight. “Hai.”
“When you’re at home, you always come here at night before taking to your bed. Isn’t that right?” His eyes flicked over Jin, and a soft smirk appeared on his face, but he didn’t mention her.
“I have a general idea of Masamune and your routine, thanks to him.” Hanbei returned his eyes to Jin- no, behind her.
Jin hadn’t even heard the traitor Date soldier sneak up behind her, grabbing her by the back of the neck and twisting her arm behind her back as he yanked her away from Kojurou. Jin scowled and cursed herself mentally, but didn’t move as a blade was brought up to her throat.
Kojurou was livid, what kind of cowardly excuse for a man would take an unarmed woman hostage. He reached for his katana, glaring heatedly.
"Takenaka, you bastard!" He sneered, but didn't move; he couldn't risk any harm befalling her.
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