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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Megohime moved aside to let Masamune’s men out of the room, slowly moving over to Masamune, a look of shock and fear still on her face.
When the door snapped shut as thr last of his army left, he pulled her close and held her tightly.
"Tell me this isn't a horrible prank you've decided to pull."
Megohime shook her head- no, prank or not, Megohime would never make an appearance before people other than Masamune in such a disheveled state. “I haven’t bled for two months, I-I just thought it was stress..”
Megohime started to cry, tears pouring down her cheeks. “I was starting to think I couldn’t carry children, I was so worried..!” It wasn’t often Masamune was Megohime’s soft side, but when he did, it was pleasant.
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The happiness of Megohime’s pregnancy news was short lived, for the very next week she would be heading to Osaka, acting as Masamune’s diplomat in Hideyoshi’s court.
Megohime shook her head, putting the last of her writing materials into the carriage. “I’ll be fine, I’ll be in a court room with other fat diplomats, not on the battle field.” She said, turning to look at Masamune, smiling softly. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” She said softly.
"Hideyoshi isn't the kinda guy to take council from just anyone.." He said, "I don't want anything to happen to you because he doesn't like what you have to say.."
“I promise you I’ll be careful.” She cupped his cheeks and kissed him gently. “I’ll write you as often as I can.” She pulled a tanto dagger from her sleeve before hiding it back inside. “I’ll be alright.”
Megohime gave a nod, then climbed into the carriage, the ride being too far and too hard for a pregnant woman to be camping out without shelter and on horseback for hours.
It was a long ride from Oshuu to Osaka obviously but when she arrived she was greeted by Yoshitsugu; what was Akihime's father doing with Toyotomi?
Megohime bowed to the elderly man, tired and stiff from her journey, but figured it would be best to start out on a good foot. “Thank you for receiving me here in Osaka, Otani-dono.”
"It was my pleasure, Megohime-dono. It is an honor to have someone of such esteem grace our political gatherings." Yoshitsugu bowed his head before guiding her inside, "We have prepared a room for you, and if you like, I have requested Akihime's previous handmaidens to service you."
Megohime shook her head and held up her hand. “That won’t be necessary, but I do appreciate the offer.” She said softly- even hundred of miles away, Akihime continued to haunt her.
He nodded and brought her through the halls. A young man with silver hair watched them pass with disinterested eyes, though he did seem to grip his odachi a little tighter.
Megohime followed after Yoshitsugu, only giving Mitsunari a glance before returning her attention forward. Not five minutes in and she was setting hair on end, it made her skin crawl.
Megohime bowed to him. “Thank you, I appreciate it. If there is anything needed of me, either from you or Hideyoshi-dono, please do not hesitate to ask; both outside of meetings and durning.” She said.
Megohime entered the room, which had already had a desk set up for her to use, as well as a space for her personal items and a bed. Closing the door behind her she let out a soft breath, the air in the city was so different.
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