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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

He tied her with her arms spread wide with her palms up and her ankles tied together; almost like she was some kind of celestial. "Beautiful." He remarked.
She squeezed her eyes shut, remaining unmoving as to keep the ropes from digging into her skin, wrapped up tight with her yukata plastered to her as if she had just been pulled from water.
She shook her head no aggressively, making a muffled noise as she glared at him, clearly against the idea.
She struggled and cried, the first time in a while she had fought him so hard; was it perhaps word of Kojurou’s arrival that sparked the fight in her again?
Her entire body stiffened and she pulled hard on the ropes around her arms, trying desperately to press her legs together to stop him from touching her, face flushing.
”No! You’re wrong!” Jin sobbed softly against the cloth in her mouth; of course she minded, being touched in such a way by a man she had never met before, being tied up in embarrassing positions that revealed every inch of herself? None of that she enjoyed, even if her body did.
Even with Jin struggling as hard as she was, Matsunaga managed to bring her to climax once again. Jin stiffened and let out a muffled sob as her body trembled and her juices covered Matsunaga’s fingers, tears staining her flushed face. She was absolutely disgusting, once again, her hot core throbbing in desire to be touched more. Her body craved more, more touches; between her legs, her breasts, she wanted to be touched more, yet at the same time, she wished she would never be touched again by another.
There were heavy footfalls before the door was thrown open. Kojurou entered just as Matsunaga pulled his fingers from Jin's yukata and his eyes widened as he registered what was going on.
"I wondered when you would finally arrive." Matsunaga said as he cleaned his fingers.
Jin turned her head away in shame, not wanting to be seen by Kojurou, she was so ashamed of herself. Tears still flowed down her face freely, being soaked up by the cloth gag in her mouth.
Kojurou ubsheathed his katana quickly and Matsunaga smirked as he snapped his fingers. All the ropes cut except the one around Jin's neck snapped and left her hanging from the ceiling.
"Choose, Katakura: stop me or save her." Matsunaga stated and moved to leave the room.
The sounds of Jin struggling to breath were muffled by the gag, eyes wide and feet kicking beneath her as she clawed at her neck, trying to lessen the pressure of the rope. She saw black spots in her vision, body jerking wildly.
Kojurou didn't need to second guess what option he would take; he rushed to Jin and cut the rope that she hung from, catching her before she hit the ground.
Jin lay collapsed against Kojurou’s chest, gasping for air as she pulled the cut rope from her neck and then the gag from her mouth, heart beating in her ears. “Kojurou..” She croaked out, fresh tears coming to her eyes. “Gomenasai...”
The journey home lasted a day and a half, leaving Jin even more exhausted then before.
While Jin had been away in imprisonment, a new foe rearing his head, causing things to become busy once again at the Date estate. Masamune held his daily war meetings to discuss plans of battle and troop movements.
That morning however, Megohime was under the weather, getting sick the moment she woke, so she sat out of the meeting. Jin was in the care of the healers, and Kojurou tasked with his job during the meeting as well as making notes for Megohime to encrypt later on.
Masamune had been keeping a real close eye on Hideyoshi's movements; he himself wasn't really doing anything, keeping holded up in Osaka while Hanbei commanded his armies and forged alliances for the Toyotomi. It was annoying, seeing sightings of the Toyotomi flag in Oshuu, Kojurou told him to recon rather than dive headlong into a fight he would lose again.
The meeting was going as per usual, nothing out of the ordinary except for Megohime’s absence, that was until quick footsteps could be heard approaching the door to the war room before the door itself was flung open. There stood Megohime, out of breath and in no way presentable for men other than her husband. She still wore her night yukata, hair down and a bit of a mess, and barefoot. She had brought all attention to herself when she slammed the door open, eyes wide as she stared at Masamune, breathing heavily.
Masamune knew she had been sick that morning, but if Megohime was going to interrupt his meeting like that- and rather late mind you- she shouldn’t have come at all.
“I’m pregnant.” Megohime blurted out, still looking wide eyed at Masamune.
She had gone to the healer because had been getting sick the last couple of mornings and it wasn’t getting any better, only to find out she was more than likely pregnant and about two months along.
The whole room was dead silent, Masamune's eye widening slowly. Before everyone could bow and congratulate him, he spoke up.
"Everyone out," he said numbly, "except Mego."
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