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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Jin squirmed against the ropes that kept her suspended in the air, arms tied above her head and legs tied spread apart for Mastsunaga, a blindfold covering her eyes. Soft gasps and whimpers escaped her, mind foggy with pleasure.
Jin’s mouth hung open, saliva trailing down her chin as her breath came out in hot puffs. Her toes curled as she shifted and the ropes dug into her skin, making her gasp, body so sensitive she could hardly stand it.
He moved over with a small wooden bowl full of liquid that smelled incredibly aromic and relaxing. "I'm afraid you are in no position to tell me no."
She only struggled slightly, not wanting the ropes to bite into her skin too much again, breathing heavily. She wasn’t able to see what he was doing, the silk blindfold keeping her guessing when and where he would touch next, her drenched heat almost dripping in excitement.
Most of the liquid spilled down her chest, but she got a few mouthfuls, coughing and gasping, trying to turn her head away. “Stop..! No more..!” She tried to sound firm, but was only just barely able to gasp it out.
“Your touch is vile..! I’d rather die than lay with you..!” She spat out, pulling hard at her restraints, but her limbs felt numb from the position she was hanging in.
Her whole body went tense, toes curling as she strangled down a moan, finally climaxing from his touch. Tears flowed down her cheeks, feeling her clit throbbing still, the aphrodisiacs starting to take affect in her body.
More tears poured down her cheeks, Jin biting her lip so hard it started to bleed. She felt so disgusting that he was able to bring her to climax, but she couldn’t help it, the pleasure her body felt was far too overwhelming; hips bucking slightly to press his fingers more firmly against her swollen clit. Her mind screamed to stop, but her body demanded more, for him to touch her more, her core aching to be touched and filled.
Jin wanted to break down and cry as she nodded, feeling just as vile as Matsunaga was. She wanted so badly to feel good that it was starting to hurt, but at the same time, she wanted to tell Matsunaga off, to cut him down for touching her in such a way, and for humiliating her.
Her body had grown so sensitive it was frustrating, even when he was only tying the rope to her she found herself become wet; she wanted to just dissapear.
”And who’s fault was that?” She wanted to scream, pulling hard on the ropes around her wrists until her hands turned red, soft whimpers coming from her the more he touched her.
Soon didn’t come soon enough; Jin counted another twenty one days and Kojurou still hadn’t come. At this point she refused to speak or eat at all, and as for her compliance, that too was completely gone. Her eyes had a dull look to them, only coming to life when she was pleasured, and coming for Matsunaga had become easier and easier.
She was forced to wear a gag and have her hands bound behind her back when left alone, nearly succeeding in taking her life when she bit into her tongue.
There were times when Matsunaga would go so far as to grind himself against her to torment her into a climax. He was deprived and disgusting and it would only be another thing Kojurou would be repulsed by her for. When was he going to save her?
Jin lay on the hardwood floor of her bedroom, staring blankly at the wall; of course Kojurou wasn’t going to come for her- she didn’t doubt he was a man of honor, but herself? She was a turncoat and part foreigner at that, why would he come and save her, especially after all the things he learned Matsunaga was doing to her via his letters.
The gag was uncomfortable, the fabric tied tightly around her head to keep her from behind able to spit it out, and the knot of fabric was so large it filled up her entire mouth, making her gag sometimes. She blinked away tears, wishing for her death.
The door opened and Matsunaga approached her with his familiar length of rope and extra, untying her hands and starting to bind her and suspend her from the ceiling like she was some kind of artwork.
"You'll be happy to know Kotaro spotted Katakura making his way here. He'll be here any time now." He told her.
Jin made a muffled noise, tears swelling in her eyes and dripping down her cheeks, relief making her shoulders sag a bit. So he still thought of her? He still cared for her and wanted her back?
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