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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Jin sat and simply stared blankly at the food, clear she hadn’t slept at all or had a moments peace all night. Just like before everything was set out, what if he had drugged the food again? There was no way to be certain; she glanced up at Matsunaga’s food, then at him, not moving to eat.
“Then you’ll let me go?” It wasn’t naive optimism, more of a sarcastic rhetoric. She knew he wasn’t about to let her go, but the way he had violated her and humiliated her the day before made her angry.
Jin only scoffed softly, looking down at the food before her, then slowly starting to eat, keeping her eyes down as she did so.
It was so odd to be eating a meal normally, like she wasn’t sharing breakfast with her kidnapper. She didn’t taste anything, the food simply lacking a taste to her, and when she had eaten an acceptable amount, she set her chopsticks down.
“Bathing is the last thing I want to do in the presence of your home.” Jin said quietly. “I wish to return to my room.” It sounded forced, but she was trying to be polite.
Jin of course wanted to run away, but could feel unseen eyes on her. She didn’t answer as she stood, simply leaving Matsunaga and going down the hall. She did think about trying the window in the hallway, but still felt the eyes on her, so she continued to her room, entering and closing the door behind her.
Jin made a soft noise, moving to sit in the far corner once more, keeping herself facing the door as she waited.
She was brought in water and as Matsunaga expected she didn't drink it. He didn't come to force her this time, almost like he was trying to get her to trust him.
Jin would remain just as untrusting as ever, defusing to eat or drink anything she was brought, staying in her corner and praying from sunrise to sunset.
He could certainly start to see why Kojurou liked this woman.
Sometimes he would force her to eat and drink, other times he didn't seem to care. This went on for over a week, and Matsunaga wanted to share dinner with her as he usually did.
Jin sat at the table full of food before her, in the clothes Matsunaga had also provided for her, eyes focused on her food as she picked at the vegetables in her bowl. He hadn’t touched her since that first day other than to force her to eat, and as more days passed, the more withdrawn she became.
“It’s not pleasant.” She said, picking up a seared leek and eating it slowly. “I want to leave.” Her voice sounded tired; most nights unable to sleep in fear he would come for her in the night.
"Of course. Please have a peasant rest of your evening." He bowed his head politely, it was odd seeing someone who radiated evil be so polite.
Jin still refused to believe this was all Matsunaga had in store for her; how would this at all hurt Kojurou? Isn’t that the very reason for her being there? She didn’t know what his plan was, but she remained vigilant, returning to her room to pray.
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