Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Jin went tense, and she immediately turned to to face the man who had forced her into his home, taking a step back. “What do you mean?” He could see she was already on edge, but he also knew she carried no weapons with her to pray.
“That is why you were trying to bribe me?” She sounded disgusted. “You entered a place of the Gods for such a petty thing? You disgust me.” She spat.
"I had hoped you would be easy to convince to join me, a part of me is glad you are not so weak minded. A woman with a skill and beauty like yours is very hard to come by." He told her.
Her stomach was doing flips, churning with her disgust, and it showed clearly on her face. “So what do you plan now?” She wished so desperately that she had a weapon of any kind. “To kill me? Do you think my relations with Katakura truly run so deep that he would be bothered by the death of a turncoat?”
"Kill you? How barbaric. You are quite important to Katakura, I can see it in the way he looks at you, and how you hold his hand." He replied, "I merely plan to keep you and make him regret wronging me."
Jin clenched her fist; this man was much bigger than her, and was clearly much stronger- she stood no chance in a fight against him, especially so without her spear. “And my fate here?”
Jin wouldn’t take his word for anything, but had little choice in the matter, simply turning her head away.
Jin followed begrudgingly, making sure she was a few steps behind Matsunaga, repulsed by the thought of being near the man.
“I feel I don’t have a choice in the matter.” She muttered almost to herself, following him down the hall and away from her new bedroom.
"It would be rather rude to decline an invitation." He said as he walked with her to his tea room, "I know Katakura has instilled that virtue in you at least."
Every word out of his mouth was like garbage, rotten awful garbage. A virtue Kojurou had instilled in her? Yes Kojurou was polite and had impeccable manners, but she was not a wild animal- she was raised in a home with two parents. She didn’t respond to his remark, simply sitting on the cushion provided for her.
He sat across from her, the tea already prepared and served; by who, she didn't know. Matsunaga took his cup and drank almost gingerly, not waiting for her to drink with him.
Jin glanced down at the tea before looking to Matsunaga, picking up her tea cup and taking a sip. She thought nothing of the tea, sitting in uncomfortable silence as she took a few more sips, keeping her eyes on her tea rather than look at Matsunaga.
She stopped however when her vision began to warp and blur, he tongue feeling numb. She looked to Matsunaga quickly, hands shaking as she dropped her cup, spilling the tea on the ground. “Wha....” She staggered to her feet, taking a step back and nearly falling as she struggled to stay upright. “What did... You do..?”
Jin collapsed to one knee, fighting her body hard to stay up, but it quickly felt like every muscle was becoming more and more relaxed, unable to control them properly. “Bash... Bashtard..” Her speech became slurred as she toppled forward, unable to keep herself upright any longer.
By the time he laid her on the bed, the only thing Jin could manage to move was her eyes, only able to follow Matsunaga with her eyes. Her breathing was slightly panicked, but her body was completely relaxed.
If he wasn't vile enough, he certainly was now. His hands moved slowly over her body, doing nothing more than simply petting her. He watched her body try to react to the attention and smirked wickedly; ot was all just some sick game to him.
Her face grew red as he touched her through her yukata, caressing her full breasts and letting his hand trail down her stomach to her hip. Each time he brought his hand to her breast, he could see her body twitch slightly, feeling her nipples start to harden through her clothes.
He chuckled almost darkly as he paid special attention to them, doing no more than just touching. "Katakura had not touched you so intimately, has he?"
She couldn’t answer, but he could tell by how her breathing was becoming ragged that Kojurou and her hadn’t gotten that far just yet. Her thighs trembled the more he touched her, shamefully feeling herself grow aroused.
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