Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Yukimura flushed a bit and scratched his cheek. “A wife who can’t crack an egg?” He tried; God he was painfully truthful.

Megohime made a noise and placed her hands on his hips, moving up to kiss the scar under his peck, the the one just above his hip. “Besides the healer.” She joked softly as she kissed another scar on his stomach.

Jin smiled softly and nodded. “I was surprised at how many raddish was brought up from the field, I think they’ll have enough for months.”
She stared at him for a moment before covering her mouth and doubling over in laughter. How was he allowed to get away with being this cute? She straightened out and coughed to clear the last of her giggles.
"I would be a terrible wife if I couldn't crack an egg, Yukimura-sama.."

Masamune chuckled softly, "Ah, ya got me there. He's seen it, too." He replied, "But between you and Iisaka, you're the first.."

"I made sure to give them the healthiest ones...I hope they enjoy the leeks and eggplants as well.." Kojurou said almost bashfully; he was so proud of his garden.
“Not at all! You would still be a wonderful wife, even if you couldn’t cook at all!” Yukimura protested. “You’re kind and patient, a-and... You’re beautiful... You’re a wonderful wife..!”

Megohime moved to straddle his hips, hands on both sides of his head as she looked down at him. “Of course I am, I’m your wife.” She said, Masamune unable to tell if she was upset about him mentioning Iisaka.
She carressed his cheek and ran her hand up his face slowly, brushing his hair away from his exposed right eye, having not yet put on his eyepatch.

Jin hid a laugh behind her hand. “All of the vegetables looked delectable, I’m sure they wouldn’t waste a single bite.”
She blushed heavily and glanced away shyly, "I would only be as remarkable as my beauty permits if I couldn't cook.." She said, "And I have to be kind and patient otherwise I would be unpleasant to be around.."

He kept it shut out of instinct, watching her silently for a moment.
"I understand if you find it ugly," he said, "I do too sometimes."

Kojurou rubbed the back of his head, smiling softly, "You really think so?"
“But you are those things, that’s why you’re wonderful..” He smiles softly. “I’m grateful to have met you, Akihime..”

Megohime didn’t say anything, only leaning down to kiss his eyelid gently. She pulled away slowly and cupped his cheek. “I don’t think I’ve ever found a single ugly thing about you, Masamune..” She whispered softly.

“Of course, we have your vegetables everyday and they’re always wonderful, no matter how they’re prepared.” She gently moved her hand to lace her fingers with his, squeezing his hand gently.
She didn't realize she was crying until she felt her throat start to hurt from surpressing an audible sob. "Arigatou..." She whimpered, "I'm glad to have met you, as well...and I'm even more glad to have the honor of being your wife...I have never experienced a greater joy in my life than I do when I'm with you, Yukimura-sama...! Being married to you is my own piece of Nirvana!"

He smiled softly, "My temper is pretty ugly..." He replied, "Way uglier than my eye will ever be.."

Kojurou smiled softly and gave her hand a squeeze as well, "I can roast some for lunch with some pheasant if you like? We received fresh tea leaves this morning as well."
Yukimura immediately looked panicked. “Wh-Why are you crying..!? G-Gomenasai! I didn’t mean to say anything that would upset you!” He bowed his head quickly, not understanding she was crying tears of joy.

“And now that I think about it, your ass is a terror~” She said playfully, kissing the tip of his nose.

Jin nodded. “That sounds wonderful.” She said.
She moved and hugged him tightly, shaking her head, "You didn't upset is not the time or place to explain my emotions...but please know that I am so unbelievably happy..." She said softly, "I love you so much, Yukimura..."

"My ass is amazing, how dare you." He gave a fake huff, "Though yours does look way better." He said and gave her rear a good swat before squeezing it, "Nice." He said in English.

He smiled and moved into the estate with her to prepare lunch for them both.
Yukimura gently wrapped his arms around Akihime, minding her still sore ribs. “I love you too, Akihime.” He said softly.

Megohime let out a small gasp of surprise, cheeks flushing as he grabbed her bare rear. “Are you trying to start something again~?” She purred in his ear.
She pulled away and dried her eyes before smiling, "Now why don't we finish the dango and mochi, hm? Then we can sit on the deck and relax."

He grinned, "Merely making a point~" He purred, "Though, if you wanna be on top again, I won't tell ya no~"
Yukimura gave a firm nod. “What needs to be done next?” He asked, ready to take on his next task.

Megohime kissed him deeply, pushing her hips back slightly to rub against him. “I don’t know, why don’t you convince me~?” She whispered against his lips.
She clapped happily, "We mix the ingredients and knead the dough! I'll trust you to knead the dango. Can I count on you, Yukimura-sama?" She asked.

Masamune smirked almost darkly against her lips, "Seems to me you don't need convincing~"
Yukimura gave a firm nod. “Hai!” It was almost like he was preparing for battle- battle against sweet dough.
Once she had mixed the ingredients for one batch of dough, Yukimura went to kneading it, a serious look on his face as he did so.

Megohime slowly rubbed herself against Masamune’s cock, sitting up so she could look down at him. “So I shouldn’t stop~?” She asked, placing her hands on his stomach to brace herself, slowing to an agonizing pace as she felt his member start to swell against her.
She would glance over every now and again while kneading her sakura mochi, smiling softly at how genuine he was with everything he did. When the kneading was done, she helped him shape the dango so they could start to fry.

"I'm having fun if you are, baby~" He said, rubbing her thighs slowly, "I could go all day if you wanted~"
Yukimura helped Akihime roll each dough ball into a perfect sphere before sticking it onto a wooden stick, setting the aside to be fried up.

“I don’t think you’d be up to the task~” Megohime found the simple touches to further her arousal, picking up the speed once more as she rubbed and grinded against him, only stopping once he was hard against her, reaching out to carress his cheek. “Ask nicely now~”
They had a lot of fun baking and cooking together, laughing and smiling and eating left over dough like they were young children during a hot day. Akihime couldn't be happier.

"The big boss of Oshuu doesn't ask nicely, Mego, you know that." He smirked, "If I weren't such a gentleman, I'd just take you instead~"
After they had finished baking the dango, both of them had eaten so much left over dough they hardly had room for any of the actual treat that they simply took to sitting out on the deck.

“Oh? A gentleman~? Well you’re either the big boss of Oshuu who takes whatever he wants or a gentleman who asks nicely~” She leaned down to bite his ear lightly. “Pick one~”
She served him tea as they sat together, enjoying real peace with her husband for the first time since Oda was defeated.
"Maybe now that there's a moment of peace among the waring states...we can think about having children..." She said shyly, "D-Demo...we haven't even...c-consummated our marriage so...i-if children is an idea you aren't fond of, I will grow to understand!" She sputtered.

Masamune made a noise as his hands moved from her thighs to her hips, "Ya got me again, Mego. Sharp as a whip." He said as he slid his throbbing cock into her aching core, giving a soft hiss at how tight she was again. "But now since you've called me out, I get the chance to boss you around a little~ so you get to do all the work for now~"
Yukimura nearly dropped his cup of tea, face going as red as his jacket. “W-We can have children!” He nearly word vommited, then quickly back peddled. “I-If children is also an idea you agree too! I would never force you to have children if you did not want to!” Yukimura had never thought about kids before, he had always been so consumed by battle it had never occurred to him.

Megohime shuddered at the feeling of him inside her, filling her up completely. She hunched forward slightly, bracing her hands on either side of his head again. She gave a silent nod, face flushed as she rolled her hips forward, moving at a steady pace. “H-Hai..~”
"Oh my Gooooooood..." Sasuke's voice groaned and Akihime covered her mouth quickly in embarrassment. How long was Sasuke hiding? And where even was he?

Masamune felt his ego inflate a little as he watched her. This was probably the best vacation he had in a long time.
Yukimura stiffened, looking around in all the usual places where his friend would hide. “S-Sasuke..!?” He was so embarrassed- such an intimate conversation intruded upon.

Megohime kept herself at a steady pace, rolling and thrusting her hips, dropping her head to rest against his shoulder as her breathing became soft puffs against his skin, soft moans coming out in whimpers in his ear.
As she was told, she did all the work, letting him lay back and relax as she rode him.
"The land is at peace for once, you two should just be shooting out babies, not talking about them."
"Sasuke, that's so vulgar!" Akihime screeched.

Masamune gave a low noise before moving to push her on her back, kissing and biting her neck as he moved his hips rhythmically.
“I don’t think this is a conversation to be had between the three of us..” Yukimura muttered in embarrassment.

Megohime gasped in surprise and in pleasure, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Changed your mind..?”
"Please leave before I call Amaya!" Akihime huffed. Sasuke hung upside down from the roof and grinned.
"Ah ha, I sent her out on patrol, she's currently busy~"

"Didn't want you getting bored~" He replied, "You're fickle sometimes~"
Yukimura looked to the shinobi. “S-Sasuke don’t you think this is a matter best left between a man and his wife..?”

Megohime bit his earlobe once more, smirking softly. “You’re one to talk~”
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