Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Megohime made a noise. “No promises,” She said, but gave him a gentle look. “Just come back, ok?”

Yukimura nodded to Akihime. “I leave the Takeda to you.”
He moved and kissed her gently, cupping her cheek gently as he moved closer.

She nodded and smiled gently, fighting her shaking hands. She hated to be apart from him, especially at such an important moment.
Megohime’s face flushed when he kissed her, suddenly aware of all the eyes that could see them, but she didn’t push away.

Akihime felt a firm hand on hers and upon looking up saw it was Amaya, her heart sunk slightly that it wasn’t her husband, but she knew once battle was on his mind, it was hard to pull him away.
“It’s time, Akihime-sama, steel yourself.” She said gently.
Akihime gave a firm nod, smiling and giving Amaya's hand a gentle squeeze, "I put my life and trust in your most capable hands, Ama." She said.

Masamune pulled away slowly and smirked.
"I want yakiniku when we get home and hot sake. Deal?"
Megohime nodded dumbly, almost looking like a love-struck teen, but she quickly collected herself when Yukimura spoke up.
"Let's go, kid. Can't keep Oda waiting." Masamune said and spurred his horse to race to the temple. Akihime looked to Megohime and smiled softly.
"If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to ask. As the wives of rivals, let us take our husband's examples and work together as a team. Just for today." She said humbly.
Megohime watched as Masamune and Yukimura rode off, going straight through the gates and disappearing inside. She looked to Akihime for a brief moment before looking away, still in a foul mood from Iisaka.
“Do as you wish.”
She said, kicking her horse into a gallop after Kojurou and Jin to intercept the Akechi troops trying to close in on Masamune and Yukimura.
Akihime followed with all three armies, clashing with Mitsuhide's forces but saw no sign of Mitsuhide himself was in the temple fighting Yukimura and Masamune. It was then that Akechi's men dropped their flags and rose up Oda's flags in their place.
"A trap?" Akihime muttered then gasped in horror when the temple was being set ablaze with fire arrows, "Yukimura-sama!"
The temple only further went into flames, and no one seemed to be inside, but only did the doors burst open, Yukimura in hot pursuit of Mitsuhide, did it reveal that they were not only still inside, but completely unharmed.
Akihime’s attention was torn from Yukimura back to the battlefield she was on, an Oda soldier looming over her with his blade raised, but he never brought it down on her, rather he fell to the ground at her feet.
“You mustn’t let your mind wander, remember where you are!” Amaya scolded, moving to the soldier to retrieve the kunai lodged deep into his neck.
"A-Ah, yes, of course...forgive me, Amaya!" Akihime forced down her desire to protect Yukimura and only focused on the battle. She went from panicked to stone cold, crushing and breaking Oda soldiers that dared to approach her. But it got her thinking, if Nobunaga was not in fact in the temple that was now burning to the ground then where was he? Where was Mitsuhide going?
"We need to know where Oda is, he's tried to trap us here. Sasuke-!"
"Already on it, leave it to me!" The shinobi called and rushed off after Yukimura, Masamune and Mitsuhide.
Yukimura’s spears clashed with Mitsuhide’s scythes, the power behind both warriors attacks so great, it felt like Yukimura’s arms would snap.
"How is your lord doing, young cub~? How I wish my scythes could have tasted the blood of your beautiful wife as well~" Mitsuhide slurred
Yukimura scowled deeply, disgusted by his words. “How dare you speak of another in such a way, especially my wife- Akechi Mitsuhide you truly are a despicable person..!”
"I wonder if I have time~ I do so wish to see her blood before I am killed~" He said before pushing Yukimura back and rushing off, Masamune trying to catch him before he could get too far.
“Matte!” Yukimura snapped and chased after Mitsuhide, jaw clenched.
Mitsuhide wouldn’t make it far however, Jin blocking his path out of the temple grounds just at the gate.
“Fleeing from the enemy? How far you have fallen, Mitsuhide.” She scolded, taking up her spear.
Jin scowled softly. “Yes, I suppose I am well now.” She said, grip tightening on her spear. “Well enough to see just the horrid man you truly are.”
“It doesn’t surprise me that one who would turn on their own allies would flee from a fight, then whimper about taking others lives.” She said, charging forward like a striking snake. “Fine then, allow me to indulge you .”
"Come on, Red, we have a castle to raid." Masamune said and headed off passed Jin and Mitsuhide to get to Azuchi castle, "I'm leaving him in your very capable hands, Jin!"
Jin gave a firm nod, locking her blade with Mitsuhide’s, not looking away as both Masamune and Yukimura rushed off on horseback.
When the fighting moved from the temple to the castle fortress Nobunaga was hiding in, the soldiers could do nothing to breach the walls. That is until cannon balls from across the lake and then some whistled over head and smashed into the wall, creating an impact large enough for everyone to break through.
The fight with Oda took everyone everything they had in them, and even then, the combined armies barely took out the Devil King, Sanada and Date landing the fatal blow that sent him to hell. With that, as if a storm had simply passed overhead, the skies above Azuchi castle, followed by the cheering of men.
Akihime was overjoyed, so much so that she actually hugged Megohime regardless of how much the other woman hated it.
"They did it, they really did it! Bishamonten be praised!"
Megohime was too worn down from fighting to actually try to push Akihime off of her, simply standing and staring up at where the clouds parted. “Yeah..” She muttered softly, worried as to where her husband was.
“Akihime!” Megohime turned her head to look, Yukimura limping toward the two, rather banged up, but alive.
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