Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Soon the battle at Honno-Ji had come, and with Shingen still recovering it meant that Yukimura would not have his lord to guide him through such a huge defining battle. Akihime did her best to prepare him but she could see the turmoil in his heart.
"Yukimura-sama, this is what will forge the future of the land for years to come. If you do not steel yourself, Oda will overrun you." She said gently before taking his spears and humbly offering them, "The Spirit of the Takeda burns within you, and Oyakata-sama is with you even in his sickbed. So promise me you'll end this horrible path of misery Oda has created and return home to your selfish wife so we can forge our own future together.."

Masamune finished setting up his Six Claws, armored up and ready for war.
"Mego," he glanced at her from over his shoulder, "I want you to stay here. It's safer for you in Oshuu than it will be at Honnoji."
Yukimura finished tying his red hairtie into his hair, pulling it tight before turning to look at Akihime, then taking the few steps over to her. He placed his hand over the spears in her hands, letting his hand linger for a moment before taking the spears from his wife, letting his eyes linger a moment longer.
“Thank you, Akihime.” He clenched his fist around his spears. “I will let this soul of mine burn brightly, so that you may see me even on the furthest battlefield; I will defeat Oda Nobunaga.”

Megohime was already dressed in her full battle attire, holding her bow and quiver at her side. “I won’t.” She said firmly. “Im going with you.”
She smiled and moved to kiss his cheek gently, "If you have need of me, I will race to your side. But until then, I will lead the Takeda army in your place."

"Mego..." He turned toward her with a frown, "It isn't safe."
Yukimura gave a nod. “Thank you, Akihime, thank you so much.”
“Akihime-sama, Yukimura-sama, the Takeda army stands ready for your arrival.”
Amaya called softly from the other side of the door.

“I would expect nothing less of a battlefield.” Megohime said, her face set in a soft scowl. “I’m going with you.” She repeated.
The only thing racing through Masamune’s head was the last battle she had accompanied him on, the both of them being struck with an arquebus; was her wound even fully healed up yet?
"Arigatou, Ama." Akihime called gently before looking to Yukimura.
"Whenever you're ready, my husband."

Masamune's own wound still hadn't healed all the way, he wasn't sure if Megohime was well enough for battle.
"Can you even use your bow without wanting to cry?"
Yukimura nodded, moving to Akihime and pressing his forehead to hers, staying like that for another moment before heading out the door, heading to the courtyard where the men and his horses waited.

Megohime looked slightly offended. “I wouldn’t go if I couldn’t shoot, I’d be no use to you on the battlefield if I only drag you down; I can fight and I’m going to stand beside my husband as he conquers this land, I’m not going to sit and wait for you at home!”
Akihime moved to her horse and mounted the saddle, making sure her tessen was secure before looking to not only the Takeda army, but the Tokugawa and Uesugi armies that had joined up with them.
"All troops, follow me as we take the Devil King at Honnoji! May Buddha light our path and Bishmonten guide our blades to victory!" She yelled and the soldiers cheered before following her lead to Oda's temple.

Masamune gave an irritated sigh, "If your wound acts up, I want you sitting out."
"Just tie her to a chair, the battlefield isn't the place for little girls." Iisaka said blandly, leaning against the doorframe.
"What is it, Iisaka?" Masamune asked. The concubine moved over and placed a green omamori gently in hos shroud under his sash.
"Be safe, Masamune-sama..." She said quietly.
Yukimura secured his own weapons on his back, mounting his horse and riding beside his wife. The plan was to merge with the Date army along the way, and while the main force laid in wait, Masamune and Yukimura would go after Nobunaga’s head.

Masamune would’ve expected Megohime to blow up, to yell at Iisaka or hurl insults, but she said nothing. She turned on her heel and headed for the door. “I’ll be waiting with the horses.” Was all she said before leaving.
((*ditches them for now*))

"Mego...!" Masamune called and headed after her. Iisaka merely puffed on her pipe and headed back to her room.
Megohime slowed her pace, but didn’t stop, glancing over her shoulder to look at her husband. “What? We need to be heading out soon if we’re to make the rendezvous.” She said stiffly.
"Don't get huffy with Iisaka.." He said, "She's allowed to wish me luck." Kojurou was out with the army making sure the last of the preparations were made.
“I’m not huffy, all I said was I was going to wait for you.” She said, grip on her bow tightening.
Jin made a noise, looking down at her hand as it began to ache dully. “It’s going to rain soon.” She said softly; she was adorned in full armor, her broken arm and damaged hands healed back to a point where she could wield her weapon again.
Masamune made a noise, not believing a word she said, "Whatever you say.." He muttered. Kojurou looked to Jin and frowned softly.
"Will you be alright?" He asked.
“Listen, I’m not going to argue with you over what your concubine does, now isn’t the time anyway.” Megohime said, stopping at the door that would take them outside. “But next time she insults me in front of you, I’m not going to let it slide.”
Jin looked up and gave a nod. “Just some aches, they’ll pass.” She confirmed, moving to tighten the saddle on her horse.
Masamune rose his hands to say he wouldn't argue any longer beflre heading out to the horses.
"Ready, Kojurou?"
"Hai, everyone is waiting so me rendezvous with Sanada and the rest of the armies." Kojurou answered. Masamune mounted up and crossed his arms.
"Let's party." He said in English before spurring his horse into a full gallop. Kojurou mounted up and followed, the war horn sounding the charge as the Date army sped to keep up.
Megohime followed silently on her horse, a soft scowl set on her face as she rode behind Masamune and Kojurou, gripping her reigns tightly, only letting go to look at the black Omamori she had in her hand, glaring down at it before shoving it into her sleeve.
They rode for a while before Masamune spotted the red flags of the Takeda. He pushed faster and rode up beside Yukimura.
"Masamune-sama!" Akihime looked over and Masamune nodded to her.
Yukimura had already had Sasuke scout the surrounding area, but Honnoji temple was sealed up and silent, leaving Yukimura and everyone else in the dark about the Devil Kings movements.
“Masamune-dono!” Yukimura kicked his horse into a trot to meet the warlord.
"How we feelin'? Ready for a rockin' party?" Masamune asked. Akihime nodded.
"Sasuke and Amaya are making sure there are no traps. I will lead the men while you and Yukimura-sama take Oda's head."
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“Are you ready, Masamune-dono?” Yukimura asked, removing his spears from his back and holding them at his sides, brows furrowed.
"Let's rock." Masamune said and turned to Megohime, "Play nice with Akihime, will ya, Mego? I'll be back soon."
"Be safe, Yukimura-sama..." Akihime said gently.
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