Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Keiji had had enough. This fighting was pointless. He jumped between Motochika and Motonari with his massive blade, blocking both their weapons with his.
"I can't believe the both of you would rather jump at each other's throats than come to some kind of arrangement to stop a bigger threat! You idiots disgust me!" He snarled.
Mouri narrowed his eyes, not moving, and not looking away from Motochika either. “This does not involve you Vagabond.” He said lowly, but then did the unexpected; he took a step back and lowered his weapon. “But perhaps you are right... And an agreement can be settled upon, if only temporarily.”
"When Oda is dealt with, Mouri, we'll settle this fight once and for all." Motochika stated firmly, glaring heatedly, "You'll pay for the lives you needlessly took."
Mouri only gave Motochika a glance before turning on his heel, turning his gaze away from the pirate. “Do not test the patience of my temporary truce, pirate.” He said calmly. “I need not pay for the lives of those who are easily replaceable.”
Motochika was furious, shaking so hard the chain of his anchor rattled. His men returned to the Fugaku, even those who were slain, and they parted from Mouri and his fleet. Motochika stood with Nana, his anchor stuck into the wood of the bow, his jaw clenched tightly. "Was it worth it, Nana? Will their deaths mean anything in the end?" He asked lowly, voice shaking.
Nana was helping a few men who had been struck by arrows in the skirmish, frowning softly as she stared at her work. “Aye. Not a single one of their deaths will be meaningless; they were the ones that made this alliance possible.”
He stood silently for a moment, looking out at his precious sea, "Aye..." He finally spoke, but he didn't sound like he believed it himself.
Nana finished tying up the tourniquet on the man’s arm, just above the arrow in his bicep. “That’ll have to do until you get to the medical bay.” She said, standing and turning to her husband.
“Thank you, Nana-san.” The man said as he stood and moved off to the infirmary.
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“Motochika.” His wife’s voice brought his attention away from the sea. “We will see that their deaths are paid back in full, they did not die in vein.” Nana said, a rage burning in her own storm gray eyes.
He looked down at her and his sorrow seemed to replace with her fury, her fire sparking his own. "Aye. Mouri will regret ever attempting us wrong." He stated.
She nodded. “He will face the wrath of the Ogre of the Western Seas and he will pay dearly.”
"Masamune!!" The One Eyed Dragon grimaced at the voice, looking back as he heard footsteps approach him quickly.
"Surprised to see you out and about, Iisaka.." He greeted dryly. Iisaka no Tsubone was a beautiful woman, almost like a living porcelain doll. She looked annoyed however, glaring down at Masamune as he sat on the deck.
"None of my kimono were cleaned."
"Sorry, all of Mego's stuff takes priority, she's my wife you know." He replied. Iisaka looked angry.
"I have no scented oils."
"I'll get some made..."
"I'm out of make-up."
"I'll get that, too..."
"I want to go out."
"You know where the horses are..."
For the longest time, Masamune had done his very damnedest to keep Megohime and Iisaka apart at his estate, but he knew that inevitable day would come sooner or later, and unfortunately that day was today.
“Did you decide to get a parrot? What is that awful screeching?” Megohime had come to find Masamune, having prepared him an assortment of sweets, scarlet eyes glued to Iisaka and a soft scowl on her face.
Iisaka glared before returning her gaze to Masamune, "Take me into town." She demanded. Masamune looked up in confusion, reaching for one of the namagashi Megohime had made.
"I want to go into town. Take me."
"I...Iisaka, I'm kinda spending time with Mego..." He said.
Megohime sat beside her husband, holding the tray for him to pick out whichever snack he desired. “I’m sure you know your way around well enough to not need your hand held by this point, Iisaka, go by yourself.”
"I want to be with Masamune." She stated firmly, "He needs a break from his bratty wife."
"A bratty concubine is no better." Masamune mumbled under his breath.
Megohime only scowled more at the woman, that coming from Masamune was one thing, but his concubine has no right to say so. “You’re a concubine, you’re here to bear my husband children and to entertain him, not to play lovers, don’t overstep your bounds.”
"Jesus Christ..." Masamune muttered in English, "Mego, don't bother...we'll go out later, Iisaka, can I please just be with my wife?"
"Fine." Iisaka huffed and walked away.
Megohime made a face, looking out over the garden. “I don’t know why you indulge her so much.” She muttered.
"Keeps a knife out of my back..." He said. Obviously Iisaka would have to be incredibly stupid to make an attempt on Masamune's life like that for something so petty, though he wouldn't put it passed her.
Megohime shot him a look that said “not funny”, letting out a heavy sigh. “I don’t like her.”
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