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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

“I want you to join us, Katakura Kojurou.” Hanbei said as he held his blade before him, inspecting the shine in the moonlight.
“I’ve heard of your exploits, my dear Katakura. You mimicked the Tiger of Kai’s own strategy, and to outmaneuver the Tiger himself. “You were capable of leading the great force that was composed of all the eastern armies against Oda and brought him down. And now this time at Kawanakajima. I myself had put plenty into planning out that operation, and you had destroyed that instantly with your quick thinking. To have suffered such a crushing defeat at the hands of another; I have never experienced such a thing.” Hanbei had moved across the small garden to look over the Date estate, back to Kojurou, not worried in the slightest that he would be attacked.
“Why don’t you raise your own army?” He asked as he turned to face Kojurou. “You should have been able to acomplish such a thing; a more powerful and strict army... Yes, a splendid army like Toyotomi’s.”
"It would be unthinkable for anyone but Masamune-sama to be Number One of the Date Army of Oshuu. I'm here as his Right Eye. That's all!" He stated firmly.
“Only when you come work for Hideyoshi will your talents be put to truly good use.” Hanbei stopped in front of Kojurou once more.
Jin remained still, listening to Takenaka go on with his honeyed words, watching him the entire time with clenched fists.
"I've heard enough about that." Kojurou said flatly, "It's unbecoming of a man to use flattery. You can list them all you want, but I won't turn traitor."
“I was merely giving you a legitimate assessment. You have too much to offer to be crushed along with the fall of Date.” Hanbei clasped his hands behind his back. “However, depending on your answer..”
Jin made a noise as the blade was pressed into her neck, pushing her chin up.
“Kojurou.” She said quietly and firmly, staring him in the eye with a stern expression, not wanting to be the reason he turned traitor.
"Your methods are no better than common bandits. It shows how shallow you are with all your pompous talk, Takenaka Hanbei!" Kojurou fumed, but moved his hand away from his katana.
To his side, Kojurou heard Jin let out a grunt, his attention pulled to her as she hit the ground, being shoved forward before the Date traitors blade was run through her. It pierced her back and sunk deep into her flesh, pushing out through her stomach and into the dirt beneath her, causing her to cry out in agony. Jin saw stars as the blade was twisted slowly, and rushing footsteps filled her ears as the blade was yanked from her side, making her gasp sharply. It took a moment to gather herself, barely registering the sounds of a struggle close-by, looking up to see Kojurou himself disarmed and wounded, being held up by two Toyotomi soldiers. She clenched her jaw as she shifted and blood poured from her wound into the soil beneath her, trying to get to her feet, but it was in vain.
The soldiers left her dying in the dirt as they carried Kojurou away, the Right Eye limp and bleeding from a wound he must have suffered in the scuffle.
Jin watched with hazy vision as Kojurou was taken away, leaving Jin behind with the bodies of multiple Toyotomi soldiers, as well as the traitor that had been umong Masamune’s men. It took her quite some time, but she finally managed to get to her feet, blood spilling down her side and dripping into the dirt around her foot.

Morning would come and Masamune’s retainers could be heard hollering for him as they came running, the sun just starting to peek over the mountains.
"What's the matter?" Masamune sounded like they had just woken him, grumpy and tired, "Have you found the spying bastard from Toyotomi or something?"
“Th-Th-There’s trouble! We’re under attack!” The two retainers both took a knee outside of Masamune’s bedroom. “Nabu, Tsugaru, and Souma! All three fronts at once!”
Masamune looked confused as well as angry before scowling, "Shit. So they've come already." He fumed before moving to head back into his room, "You've sent someone to notify Kojurou, too?"
“Hitto!!” Masamune was his other two retainers come running, one holding a blade in his hands. “Katakura-sama’s been..!” The two stumbled over to bow before their lord, looking panicked. “Master Katakura never came back from the field on the hill!”
“We found this on the hill...” He held out a sword to Masamune, one Masamune recognized well.
“That’s Katakura-sama’s! The Kokuryu!”
“There we also found the bodies of Toyotomi soldiers and the spy..”
Masamune moved over and took the blade from his retainer, looking over the writing on the blade. 'Bonten will become the One Eyed Dragon soaring the Heavens'. He scowled heavily, Kojurou wouldn't dare leave the Kokuryu behind for anything. Something bad really did happen. "Who was the ringleader of this band?" Masamune asked lowly, oh he was beyond furious.
“Takenaka Hanbei..” Masamune got his answer, but it wasn’t from any of his retainers. Jin stood propped against the pillar on the side of the house, skin pale in a blood-drenched yukata, her wound obvious. She was barely able to keep herself on her feet, looking like she would drop dead right there. “Toyotomi’s tactician.. He took Kojurou..”
"Jin-dono!" The retainers rushed over to her, helping her stand, "You've lost a lot of blood! We should get you to the healer!"
"Get her checked out." Masamune ordered, "I'm gonna send word to Mego in Osaka. Once we reunify Oshuu, we'll immediately go to bring them home."
Jin didn’t argue, allowing the retainers to help her stand, unable to do so on her own now, letting her eyes close and a sigh of relief escape. She didn’t know if it was relief of being safe finally, or the knowledge that they would get Kojurou back, but she finally let herself slip into unconscious.
They took her to see the healer while Masamune retreated to write his letter to Megohime, encrypting it like she taught him to let her know that Kojurou would probably turn up as a prisoner somewhere in Osaka castle and to let him know if she found out anything. He also told her about Oshuu's clans being pitted against him and that he would fix the "drama" before coming to bring her and Kojurou home.
“Aniki!!” The lookout called from the crowsnest, binoculars to his eyes. “We’ve got a large force moving in along the coast!”
Nana poked her head up from below deck where she spent most of her time, face smudged and blackened with soot.
“It’s Toyotomi’s banner, along with Mouri’s!”
"Of course they would ally with each other." Motochika muttered as he strode across the deck, "Alright, you sons of bitches! Load the 11-shaku giant barrel! We'll blow them all out of the water one after the other!!" He hollered and the men cheered as thry readied for battle.
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Nana headed up onto the deck and moved to Motochika, wiping her hands on her clothes as she watched the army. “An attack?” She muttered almost to herself, stopping only when she saw a giant of a man start to wade into the water. “What..?”
"What the fuck is he doing?" Motochika muttered. The cannon fire seemed to completely miss him before he pulled his fist back and punched the sea, sending a shockwave surging toward the Fugaku. When the waves stopped, the sea was evaporated into nothing.
"What the hell?!" Motochika yelled.
Nana’s eyes widened at the sight, staring in shock at the lack of sea they were just on mere seconds ago, and now it was gone. “He parted the sea..!?” Fear gripped her, but she quickly shook it away, pulling out her pistols and moving over to Motochika quickly. “Orders, Captain!”
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