Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

She smiled anyway, keeping spirits up, "We nnneed to change and warm u-up or we'll fall ill...I-I can't allow you do that..." She moved and nudged him before giving him fresh clothes.
"G-Go soak...I-I will do the same, I p...promise...!" She blushed and looked away, "I-I don't want to u-u-undress in front of you...b-but I need to remove my kimono..."
He still looked worried but gave a small nod, going into one of the private changing rooms on the men’s side and removing his soaked clothes before heading to the warm baths.
Akihime did the same, soaking in the only women's bath since it was only her and Amaya there. She was shaking less and less the more she sat in the warm water. She almost fell asleep.
Yukimura found himself dozing, but made sure to stay awake, he still needed to check on his lord. After he was completely warmed up, he got out of the bath, dried off and got dressed once more.
"Ah, Sanada-sama," The healer approached Yukimura with a soft smile as he made his way to see Shingen, "Shingen-sama will pull through, he's resting now so you may be with him if you wish. He lost a bit of blood but he's otherwise fine. We will make a remedy to keep him comfortable."
Yukimura nodded. “Thank you..When Akihime returns, could you check her for fever? She was in the rain for quite some time.” He said, worry clear on his face.
"Of course, Sanada-sama." She bowed politely, "I will make an herbal drink to combat any illness she may have contracted from the cold."

Akihime had her head resting on her arms on the edge of the bath as she slept in the hot water, cheeks pink from the soothing heat.
He nodded, then entered the room where his lord was resting, moving to take a seat beside him, bowing his head.
Shingen looked to be resting comfortably, his head bandaged from a head injury he must have received when he was floating in the water current. He didn't realize how long he had been sitting there, ignoring the painful tingling in his legs as he stayed by Shingen's side.
"Sanada-sama," the healer from before called gently from outside the room, "we found Akihime-dono asleep in the bath and have brought her to the bedroom to rest appropriately. There is a small flush but we aren't sure if it's from illness or from sitting so long in the water. I gave her the herbal drink anyway just in case. If it isn't a trouble, please update me if her condition worsens."
He hadn’t even realized so much time had passed until the healer spoke up, stirring him from his daze. “Hai, thank you.” He said, rubbing his face and slowly getting to his feet. He needed to check on Akihime and make sure she was ok as well.
When he entered the bedroom, Akihime was dead asleep in their shared futon. As the healer said, there was a small flush to her cheeks but she looked to be ok all things considered.
Yukimura closed the door behind him as he moved further into the room, moving to sit beside his wife as she slept. He watched her for a moment, making sure her breathing was normal before slowly reaching out to place his hand on her forehead, checking to see if her temperature had spiked at all above normal.
She felt warm against his fingers and she stirred gently at the contact, "Husband...?" She asked softly, slowly peeking her eyes open, "How is Oyakata-sama...?"
He pulled his hand away, feeling a pang Of guilt for touching her so freely without her permission. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, Akihime.” He spoke softly as to not wake her fully. “The healers say his condition is stable, and that he shouldn’t have any issues recovering.”
She gave a tired smile and closed her eyes again, "I'm so glad..." She whispered, "I knew he would be ok...the Tiger of Kai could not be bested so easily..."
“Rest.. I will wake you if his condition changes.” Yukimura said gently; guilt rising in his chest. Akihime was like this because of him, she had come out into th freezing rain because of him.
"You look so sad, Yukimura-sama..." She noted softly, "I can stay awake a while your wife, I must-" She was cut off by a yawn and she hid it with her sleeve, "I must care for you..."
He shook his head and reached out to pet her hair gently. “Please rest, it would do my heart good.” He said tenderly; it was almost strange, such an eccentric warrior being so tender.
She took his hand gently and nuzzled it against her cheek, "Just promise you will come to bed's much more comfortable with you beside me..."
“Hai..” He nodded, gently cupping her flushed cheek and watching her slowly doze off. After a while, he moved to lay beside her, but sleep wouldn’t come to him, so instead he pet Akihime’s hair gently as she slept.
In the morning, Akihime's fever didn't change but she refused to stay in bed regardless of how much Yukimura protested. "I'm fine, my husband, please stop fretting...!" She said, amused with his antics.
“You’re still running a fever, please Akihime, you don’t have to push yourself this hard..!” Yukimura had tried everything he could think of to get her back in bed, worried Akihime would work herself until her fever worsened.
She gave a dismissive wave of her hand, "I need to go to the village and help those who have suffered from the dyke bursting. I won't push myself, I promise..." She smiled softly to hopefully reassure him, "If I feel any worse, I will come home."
Yukimura finally relented, allowing her to head off to the village with Amaya in tow. Yukimura had his own job to do, keeping the Takeda army functioning while Shingen was out of commission, as well as diverting resources for the village that had been destroyed and rebuilding the dyke; he had his work cut out for him.
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