Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Yukimura made a noise. “It’s an odd day for rain..” He muttered softly, almost to himself.
"Something is definitely wrong..." She muttered. As they day progressed the rains only grew harder and heavier. Akihime kept her beads on hand, watching the rain and praying silently, even as one of the village workers came running up shouting that the Dragon's Dyke was about to break and flood the village.
Yukimura felt his heart tighten in his chest and he immediately went to find Shingen, going to inform his lord of the predicament the local village was suffering.
“My lord!” He sat outside the door, head bowed.
"Yes, I heard, Yukimura. Let us make haste to the dyke and see if we can help." Shingen said. Akihime stood some ways away, eyes almost lifeless and her expression dull as her thumb pushed her beads slowly along the string. She was only ever like this once from what Yukimura could recall, and it was only ever after speaking with her father; as if being near him drained her of her very soul.
Yukimura turned and frowned when he saw Akihime’s expression, moving over to her and holding her hands tightly. “Akihime, I need for you to remain here, when Sasuke returns I need for you to gather the information he did; I’m counting on you.”
Her gaze lifted to meet his and some life sparked back to her. "Of course, my husband. If Sasuke brings anything, I will make haste to your side."
The workers were doing all that they could to keep the dyke stable, putting up thicker logs and larger stones to keep anything from giving out. But leaks were popping up everywhere, even with Shingen sealing a majority of it with a boulder, only more water came out.
“Oyakata-sama!!” Yukimura came to a stop on his horse, dismounting quickly. “I’ve the repair supplies needed!” Many men on horse back following had carts full of lumber and motar, all to help repair the dyke.
"Quickly, we need to get to work!" Shingen called. A bloodlust fell slowly over the area and Shingen looked up, seeing Mitsuhide standing on the dyke with a wicked grin.
Yukimura was pinned where he was by the awful aura Mitsuhide exuded. “A-Akechi Mitsuhide..!?” Was this the sent Oda had sent to eliminate his foes? He couldn’t move, spears in hands as he stared wide eyed at Mitsuhide.
Mitsuhide rushed at Shingen, scythes poised for the kill and Shingen did his best to defend himself. Mitsuhide cut the boulder cleanly and that was all the dyke needed to start flooding. Before Shingen could stop the water, Mitsuhide plunged his scythes into Shingen's back and pushed him into the rushing flood.
“Oyakata-sama!!” Yukimura wanted to go after Mitsuhide, but he feared for his lord, so rather, he dove into the rapids after him, searching the water desperately for Shingen.
The water was like ice as he swam after Shingen, who seemed to get farther and farther from him.

Akihime was racing on horse back to reach the dyke in time. Sasuke finally came back and said that there was evidence of Mitsuhide in the area and she was terrified to not only lose Yukimura but Shingen as well.
Yukimura didn’t dare slow down, despite the freezing cold. Pushing himself to swim faster, and soon he caught his lords arm, but the current was too strong.
After what felt like minutes of struggling, he finally was on land, sputtering and coughing up water, having been washed downstream until he was pushed onto the bank with his lord, who was still unconscious.
"Yukimura-sama!" Akihime called in a panic. She was soaked to the bone from the rain, her kimono caked and ruined with mud but she could care less.
"Dana!" Sasuke came rushing up as well with some soldiers to help, but Mitsuhide must have been satisfied with his work for he had left not soon after attacking Shingen.
Yukimura’s ears will filled with water, just as his lungs, hacking and coughing up mouthfuls of water before looking to his lord, who still wasn’t breathing. “Oyakata-sama!! Oyakata-sama!!”
Sasuke moved and started to preform cpr. Akihime moved to Yukimura, checking him over worriedly.
"D-Daijoubu...?" Her voice was shaking as hard as her hands were.
Yukimura slowly looked to Akihime, face pale and soaked like a wet rat. “M-My lord... H-He...” He coughed up more water and looked down at the ground, tears burning in his eyes.
Shingen suddenly sputtered up water and coughed loudly. Akihime looked over and gestured to the soldiers.
"Get Oyakata-sama back to the estate!"
"Hai!" They moved to carry Shingen with Sasuke. Akihime took Yukimura's hands and pulled him up.
"L-Let's get you home before you catch y-your death.." She said, teeth chattering.
His eyes finally fell on Akihime, who was soaked to the bone from the freezing rains. “Th-The village below..” He barely managed out, lips blue.
"W-We will do...aaall that we c-c-can for them when th-the rains sssstop..." She said, "Th-They prepared for something llllike this to happen, my husband..." She was shaking so hard. "P-Please come back with m-me before you get...sick..."
Yukimura felt his heart skip a beat, how long had she been out in the rain? He gave a small nod before taking her hand and leading her back to the horses, helping her onto her horse before mounting his own horse and returning to the estate.
When they reached the estate, Shingen was taken to the armor that needs no shield to rest and heal. Akihime grabbed night clothes, her thin frame looking like she would topple over if she shook any harder.
"L-L-Let's go to the bath and wash, hm...?" She smiled at Yukimura, "Th-That way when we're done, w-we can see Oyakata-sama..."
“Akihime, you’re shaking...” Yukimura frowned deeply, retrieving the blanket to his bed from the closet and wrapping it around her tightly. “Please care for yourself before you catch your death. I can care for myself.” He said softly.
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