Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Akihime sat on the deck of the courtyard, staring up at the storm clouds that slowly rolled over Kai's beautiful landscape. Her thumb absently played with her tiger's eye prayer beads, counting them over and over as she contemplated the odd weather. Something wasn't right, she could feel it.
“Akihime-dono..?” Yukimura was in a simple red yukata, hair still slightly damp from his bath not too long ago. “Is everything alright? You look worried.”
"This storm..." She muttered, brows furrowed, "It brings a foreboding with it. I do not like it." She answered.
"Akihime." Sasuke appeared across from her, bowing his head politely, "You have a guest."
"A guest?" She looked confused, "Who?"
"Uh..." Sasuke glanced up nervously, "Your...father." Akihime's thumb halted over her beads and her eyes widened slowly.
"M...My father...?"
Yukimura’s own discomfort was easy to read, looking to Sasuke with a quizzical shock. “Otani-dono..? What did he say he wished to speak about?” Yukimura asked the Shinobi.
"He didn't say. He's waiting in the guest area." Sasuke answered. Akihime stood and took a shaky breath.
"I shan't keep him waiting then. I cannot be rude to my own father." She said and headed off.
Yukimura only glanced to Sasuke before following after Akihime, surely he wasn’t rude enough to keep his father-in-law waiting while his wife entertained him. Catching up with Akihime easily, he walked beside her in silence, his brows furrowing slightly in determination.
Yukimura’s hand brushed hers and he took her pinkie in his, looking down at her. “I’ll be right here, the whole time.” He said gently, his chocolate brown eyes always so calming to look into.
She seemed to relax a little and her pinkie squeezed his, "Arigatou..." She said quietly before moving into the guest area with him. Yoshitsugu turned his head and smiled under his bandages. He had come alone.
"It's so good to see you after so long, my sweet daughter." He greeted. She smiled through her uneasiness and sat across from him, bowing politely.
"I am happy to have you here, Otou-sama. It is a pleasure after being apart from you." She greeted. Yoshitsugu bowed his head to Yukimura.
"Greetings, young Cub. I trust she has been a good wife to you."
Yukimura bowed his head to Yoshitsugu, taking a seat beside Akihime. “Yes, Akihime has been wonderful.” He said, looking to his father-in-law, clearly a bit uncomfortable. “Shall I have tea prepared?” He asked.
"No, no, there's no need, I won't be staying long." Yoshitsugu replied. Akihime frowned softly.
"You traveled on your own all the way from Osaka, are you sure you don't wish to stay?" She asked. He waved his hand.
"Mitsunari will worry if I'm gone too long. No, I'm merely here to deliver a warning." He said, his tone dipping a bit at the last statement. Akihime clenched her fists tightly in her lap.
Yukimura’s expression became serious and he steadied his racing heart. “Is this warning regarding Oda..?” He inquired.
He nodded and Akihime instinctively grabbed Yukimura's hand in fear.
"Because of Tokugawa's defecting from his alliance, Oda is sending warriors to slay those who wronged him. I have heard word that he has sent someone to Kai." Yoshitsugu answered. Akihime's heart almost hammered out of her chest, eyes wide in terror.
Yukimura didn’t seem phased by this, he had been through this many times before. “Do you have any word on who they’ll be sending?”
"Unfortunately no, the only word I received was that someone was coming here to do harm; I know not who and I know not the target. But it would pain me for either of you to be put in any grief." Yoshitsugu replied. Akihime looked worried, it was still hard for her to use her tessen, even with her burns fully healed.
Yukimura bowed his head to Yoshitsugu, giving Akihime’s hand a small squeeze. “Thank you Otani-dono, I shall report this to my lord at once.” He said firmly, but Akihime knew this put him on edge too.
"Here, Otou-sama, allow me to help you back to your carriage." Akihime offered and stood, walking with Yoshitsugu as he floated along on his palanquin. She gave Yukimura a worried glance as she left with her father and the soft sound of leaves alerted Yukimura to Sasuke's presence.
"What would you wish for me to do, dana?" He asked.
Yukimura frowned softly. “Look into this matter, keep an eye out in the surrounding lands.” He said softly, keeping his tone hush so Akihime couldn’t hear. “Confrontation isn’t necessary.”
"Hai." Sasuke bowed his head and vanished without another word. When Akihime returned from helping Yoshitsugu, there was a soft rumble of thunder as the clouds only seemed to darken. She absently counted her beads again, praying for guidance.
“I’ve sent out Sasuke to investigate this matter.” Yukimura said, standing and moving over to his wife. “Please don’t fret over it.”
"I'm trying...Buddha teaches displacement of worry, seems very difficult for me today.." She admitted, "I'll be alright.." She smiled.
Yukimura linked pinkies with Akihime, then took her hand in his. “I will not let anything foul call upon you.” He said gently.
She smiled and squeezed his hands gently, "Arigatou..." She muttered. She looked when she heard rain pelt against the roof and made a noise, "Oh dear..."
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