Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Megohime looked down at the papers in her arms and nodded. “Dango would take a while to make, but I do have left over namagashi.” She said softly. “I can make tea too.”
Megohime shooed him off to wait on the deck while she prepared one of his favorite snacks.

Late into that night, Jin finally woke; still maintaining her fever, but at least waking from unconsciousness. She remained laying where she was, blinking a few times before slowly looking around, unsure of where she was.
She could feel eyes on her and the aura of wanton bloodlust was heavy around her. It was a feeling she was all too familiar with. "How are you liking your stay, Jin-chan~?" Mitsuhide's voice asked coolly.
She immediately felt herself break into a cold sweat, looking to where she heard Mitsuhide’s voice from, a scowl slowly setting on her face. “Mitsuhide... You lied to me..” She forced out. “Oshuu a land of misery..? I’ve been here for months and the only miserable one here is me..”
“Oshuu’s land and it’s people are not suffering under Date’s rule.” She wasn’t able to sit up, but she did keep her eyes on the shadowy figure in the corner. “It’s prospering, Date’s men are kind; they do not abuse their people, you lied.” She hissed.
He was silent for a moment, "Honestly, I had hoped he would kill you, so it wouldn't have to come to this. I did not anticipate Katakura taking a liking to you."
“All of those horrible deeds I delivered justice upon in the name of Kannon, how many of them were false? How many of them had you lied to me about to make gains for Oda’s Army?” She was shaking, this whole time, she had been the evil one, not the ones she had punished. “How many?”
He hummed softly, as if debating if he should actually tell her the truth. "All of them." He answered, "Though, to be fair, I shouldn't have to lie to you since you so willingly pledged yourself to our lord."
Her heart sank when he admitted every single person she had slain had been innocent. Angry tears fell down her bruised cheeks. “You abhorrent fiend..!” She forced herself to sit up. “My alliance with Oda is no more..! Brand me a traitor if you will, I will not take up my blade in the name of Oda to slaughter any more innocents..!” Rage burned in her chest, both at Mitsuhide and toward herself.
She could see the glint of his scythes in the lantern light, "That's a pity. That means I must kill you. Though I'm sure you already knew this to be the plan."
She forced herself onto her feet, glaring death at Mitsuhide. “If that is the repentance Kannon wishes of me, then so be it.” She said firmly, not turning her back to him or trying to run. She didn’t have a weapon, and even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to wield it, but she would not run from her fate; nor would she fully accept it either, not from Mitsuhide.
Mitsuhide moved swiftly, swinging his scythes to cut her straight in half. But nothing happened. In fact, metal clashing against metal echoed the room as quickly as Jin registered a new set of foot steps.
"Are you alright, Jin-dono?" It was Kojurou, how did he know she needed help?
"Greetings, Katakura~ you seem to be faring well~"
"I came to make sure Jin-dono was not wanting for anything. The disgusting bloodlust is hard to miss." Kojurou hissed.
The force of the blades meeting alone nearly knocked Jin off her feet in her weakened state, stumbling back and catching herself with the wall. “Yes... I am fine.” She said softly, breathing a bit labored.
"I suppose I have no choice but to try again some other time." Mitsuhide said before rushing out.
"Matte!" Kojurou yelled and moved to chase him but stopped to make sure Jin was alright.
Jin had taken to her knee once Mitsuhide left, head spinning from getting to her feet with a fever. “I’m alright, he wasn’t here long.” She said, having to close her eyes to stop the room from spinning.
She winced as she laid back onto the bed, letting out a ragged breath. “I’m afraid that’s about all I could move.” She said with a soft laugh, but it was clear she was in pain from moving. “Had you not come, he surely would’ve cut me down. Thank you.”
He gave a small nod, "There was another reason I came to visit.." He said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out her prayer beads, "I convinced Masamune-sama to allow me to return them to your care."
Her eyes fell on the beads and her heart jumped into her throat, reaching out slowly and trying to take her beads, but found herself unable to. He could see the frustration in her eyes, but with her hands how they were, it was understandable. “Thank you very much, Katakura-sama.”
He moved and gently looped the beads around her wrist, "You're welcome. I thought you would like to have them back, so you may ask forgiveness.." He said gently.
She gave a small nod, looking at the old beads wrapped around her bandaged wrist. “Thank you.” Was all she was able to repeat, allowing her tears of joy to fall from her eyes.
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