Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Jin shook her head. “I was only told to gather information, not to act on it.” She said softly. “It’s all I was told, and I only gathered troop movements, I did not figure out anything else before you found me.”
Masamune scowled and turned to leave, "Execution's in the morning."
"Masamune-sama, reconsider! She could be of value!" Kojurou argued. Masamune stopped and glanced back at him.
"Doesn't matter if I kill her or not, once Oda finds out she spilled the beans she's dead anyway." He replied dully. Kojurou bowed deeply.
"Allow me to keep custody of her, spare her and she could give us information on Oda's plans." He bargained.
“I will accept the morning date.” She said softly, eyes cast down on the ground. Even though she was still naked before men she didn’t know well, she felt she had to hold onto the very last shred of dignity she had left. “Though I regret so, I have broken my oath of loyalty; your master’s words ring true; release me and I will end up meeting my end regardless. I can only thank him for his mercy.”
"But Jin-dono!"
"Paradise is already barred shut for her, Kojurou. There's no point in trying to redeem her." Masamune said. Kojurou scowled heavily.
"She deserves the chance to repent!" He argued, "She is a noble and brave woman warrior! She did not dishonor her lord even when the torture was at it's worse! She has earned an extra chance in the eyes of Kannon!"
Jin could not fight the tears that slipped down her bruised cheeks, how could a man whom was her enemy not long ago show her such kindness and compassion? She wept silently in gratitude, lowering her head once more. “I am underserving of such a chance, but would gladly accept your offer to repent for my wrong doing.”
Masamune exhaled loudly but did nothing, only left the cells. "She's your problem now, Kojurou. Anyone comes to kill her, I ain't helpin'." He said, Kojurou bowed as low as he could until he didn't hear Masamune's footsteps anymore and he stood, keeping his eyes focused on the ropes as he cut Jin free before offering his coat as a cover.
Jin extended her hand to take the coat, by when she tried to close her fingers around the garment, it simply fell to the floor. She winced at even the minimal amount of weight the jacket put on her mangled hand; would she even be able to wield her spear again with such extensive damage?
"Oh, my apologies, I didn't mean to be so insensitive." He said softly and covered her with his coat and helped her stand, keeping his eyes up as he buttoned it closed for her.
She said nothing as he closed the coat up for her, keeping her gaze cast down.
“Forgive me.” She said quietly, then lurched forward and fell against Kojurou’s chest, unable to remain on her feet any longer, her vision quickly going black from weakness and her untreated wounds.
He was caught off guard and caught her, blushing darkly to have a barely clad woman pressed so close to him. He picked her up and carried her to the medical wing, laying her on a cot and letting the healers work on her; staying in case they needed help.
She wouldn’t be an issue for the healers, she was running a fever and was out cold. Her back was the source of the issue, the lashes open and festering, only irritated by the dirty branding iron being pressed into the open wounds. They removed Kojurou’s coat and returned it to him, covering Jin’s lower half with a clean sheet after moving her onto her stomach, working on her back.
Kojurou held his coat tightly as he watched silently. He hoped she would be ok, regardless of her alliance she didn't truly deserve what Masamune had put her through. Maybe he was growing soft in his old age.
It would take about an hour to treat all of her wounds, only a few needing to be stitched closed, but all of them had to be disinfected. She was given a few things to pour down her throat for the dehydration and fever, and other than a cool cloth and fresh clothes, she didn’t need anything else.
Kojurou thanked them and left Jin to rest.
"I can't believe you seriously wanna keep her around." Masamune was waiting outside, looking disapproving. Kojurou looked to him with furrowed brows.
"She's useful, Masamune-sama. You know it and I know it."
“Useful for what?” Megohime asked from behind Masamune, thumbing through her notes. “She’s a spy, she told you what you wanted, kill her.”
"She has information on Oda's army, his movements. If we can keep her alive, she could grant us that advantage." He answered. Masamune huffed softly.
"And if she fucks us?" He asked. Kojurou frowned.
"Then I will kill her...but," he paused, "but I do not think she will double cross us."
Megohime tucked her papers under her arm, glancing to Masamune, but holding her tongue; it was her husbands decision after all.
"The moment she fucks up, she's dead." Masamune said and Kojurou bowed.
"Understood." He confirmed and Masamune turned to Megohime.
"C'mon, let's go hang out on the deck with some tea and namagashi." He said.
Megohime made a face, but followed him nonetheless. “You know I hate sweets, why do you always have those awful things made.”
“Yes, I purposefully try to make them awful and you never seem to notice.” She said with a dead-pan look. “Do you even have working tastebuds?”
He blinked, not really able to tell if she was fucking with him or not. "I guess I don't.." He said, "Or maybe all your cooking tastes the same."
Megohime in truth always did her best to make treats Masamune liked, knowing he had a sweet tooth, but since she despised sweets, it was hard to gauge how efficient she was at making them. “Well, I guess since you enjoy them, I can make more, we have some from last time but not much.” She said, turning her head away to hide the flush that forced its way into her face; did he actually like her cooking?
“I want to.” She said softly, looking ahead with a gentle expression on her face. “You always seem happy after eating them.”
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