Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Losing end or not, this woman was irritatingly firm in her stance of tight-lipped attitude. The only thing she did for hours on end was pray, refusing to even acknowledge Masamune at a certain point.
He didn't let her sleep and sometimes refused her meals. He had her tied to the bars and whipped until her back was left in shreds. He slipped opium into her water and withheld it for days, wanting her to break.
Her state deteriorated quickly, but her mind held fast, even with the opium and in a daze, she still mumbled out half coherent prayers, staring up at the ceiling of her cell with hazy eyes. He had taken the clothes she had come in with and replaced them with a thread-bare yukata. Her fingers had been damaged so many times they were bruised black, and her back was in no better condition, her clothes drying against the open wounds on her back. She was sweating heavily and vomiting regularly from the opium withdrawals, shaking from the pain in her joints.
He dunked her in tubs of ice water for periods at a time, depriving her of air in the hopes of getting her to talk. He used hot irons to burn and brand her and still she would say nothing.
"I'm starting to lose my patience." Masamune growled, "This is getting me fucking no where."
Jin was in poor shape, and at this point was refusing to drink any water provided for her. She was twenty eight days into her interrogation and still the only thing that would leave her lips were prayers. She hardly slept, the pain keeping her awake, so day and night, she prayed.
Masamune moved into her cell on the 30th day of her interrogation with a massive length of rope. He disrobed her roughly, not caring if he reopened the wounds on her back as he started binding her in a shrimp tie.
Her prayers became louder when he undressed her, face immediately turning red, but she simply squeezed her eyes shut and continued to recite her mantras, her voice now raspy from unending use.
Face as red as cherry blossoms, Jin sat in the revealing position, eyes closed and rasping out her mantras. This was humiliating, degrading, and just cruel. The mental and physical torture was one thing, but exposing her in such a way, then simply standing back to admire his work; Mitsuhide’s words did not lie; Date Masamune was a cruel man.
"Masamune-sama!" That was Kojurou's voice, he stood a few feet away blushing up a storm, "What are you doing?!"
"Seeing if embarrassing someone so 'humble' will get her talking. I didn't want to but she forced my hand." Masamune answered.
Jin felt like she would faint from embarrassment- but it was more than likely just the lack of food and water. She only turned her head away more, as to hide her face from Kojurou, wishing she could hide herself from both men.
She heard footsteps move toward her and felt the rope tug before it loosened with a soft snap.
"Kojurou!" Masamune growled and shoved him away before he could cut the rope anymore than he already had.
Jin flinched when she felt the ropes loosen a bit, but didn’t try to struggle free, remaining where she was. Now that he was closer, Kojurou could see the extent of pain Masamune had put her through; her back was shredded, then branded over with hot irons, brands and burns covered her arms and legs, fingers black and twisted, bruising around her throat and she was still soaking wet from being forced under water.
"Your interrogations have gone too far, Masamune-sama! You have done more damage than demanded!" Kojurou scolded. Masamune scowled heavily.
"She's a goddamn spy and you're defending her?" He growled.
"She is still a woman and a proud warrior. She deserves the proper respect, not to be shamed with kinbaku like she's some kind of harlot!" Kojurou snapped.
Jin was silent throughout the conversation, no longer praying to herself, wishing to pull as little attention to herself as possible, but she was trembling; shaking from both humiliation, and the overwhelming pain.
Kojurou moved to remove the ropes again only to have Masamune punch him in the face and send him flying back.
"She'll be cut loose when she talks." Masamune hissed.
Soft muttering sounded behind Masamune, where Jin was seated, eyes closed tightly as she resumed her praying, and though she was weak and shaking, she continued to push forward, even through her humiliation.
"This is your last chance," Masamune growled down at her, "Why did Oda send you to infiltrate my army?" Kojurou watched silently, rubbing his sore cheek, hoping she would finally give up the information Masamune wanted.
She opened her eyes, but didn’t stop praying, only looking up at Masamune the best she could, and continuing to pray aloud.
He had enough. "Fine. You'll be executed in the morning."
"Matte!" Kojurou moved and bowed deeply to Masamune, "I humbly request you reconsider, Masamune-sama!"
"The fuck, Kojurou?" Masamune looked unamused, "Begging for the spy? Did I knock a screw loose?"
This took Jin completely off guard, swollen eyes widening as she looked to Kojurou. Why? Why was he begging for her life? She didn’t know him, and he didn’t know her. Tears stung at her eyes. He had fought for her honor, for her fair treatment, and even her pitiful life; the visage of the equally cruel Katakura Kojurou did not match as was told. Perhaps this was all a ruse?
She hung her head, squeezing her eyes shut before speaking. “To collect troop movements..” She rasped out softly.
Both of them looked to her in shock.
"What was that?" Masamune asked, "Speak up, I don't have any more time to waste on you." He growled.
“Troop movements.” She repeated, this time a bit louder. “I was to collect troop movements... To collect any valuable information on your army; the lands you control, your retainers-“ She hesitated for a moment. “Your family and daily routines.”
"What for? To find a weakness?" He demanded, "I'll have you know, I don't have any. Kojurou and Mego can care for themselves just fine."
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