Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Jin lay on the ground where she had landed like she had before, laying face down on the stone floor, not moving or saying anything as Kojurou entered the cell. She allowed for him to remove her binds, and even then she didn’t move, allowing him to work on her arm in silence.
He apologized softly before forcing her arn back into place before he finished the splint. "Do you require anything? The only thing I cannot give is your freedom, obviously.."
She was shaking from the pain of having her arm pulled from her socket, then forced back in, but she was silent. She shook her head slowly. “No.” Her response was soft, without harshness as one would expect of a prisoner. “Thank you.” She added just as softly, reaching into her robes with her good arm to retrieve something- prayer beads. They were made of wood and looked rather worn and old, but she seemed to cherish them, holding them gently to her forehead as she began to pray softly, muttering mantras to herself.
He left her in peace, not wanting to disturb her prayer as he shut the door as carefully as he could to keep the room quiet for her. He sighed softly and went off to check on Masamune.
Masamune had wondered to his war room to take a breather, where Megohime was working on her notes, having only just gotten word of the aids infiltrator.
“You’re sure you’re okay? You’re bleeding..” Megohime was fussing over Masamune’s torn knuckles, using her handkerchief to blot carefully at the blood.
He let her fuss, even though he was still so mad that it annoyed him, "I'm fine, Jesus, I'm not gonna die." He huffed, "They're just knuckles..."
Megohime shushed him as she continued to clean the blood from his hands. “I don’t care, I’m allowed to worry about you.” She said firmly.
"I noticed." His tone was gruff and she could hear it shaking with his rushing adrenaline, but despite those she could tell it was meant to be teasing.
Megohime reached up and cupped his cheek, running her thumb gently over his cheek. “Hey, you got the spy, take it easy.” She said gently, then pulled him forward to kiss his forehead.
He grumbled and huffed before looking to Kojurou as he stood quietly outside the room, "Is she talking?"
"No, not yet, but I will attempt to gain her trust to retrieve the needed information." Kojurou answered.
“Gain her trust?” Megohime almost snarled out, looking angrier than Masamune now. “She’s an Oda spy, don’t bother taking the time to gain her trust, just force the information out of her.”
Kojurou made a noise, "If being polite does not work - as witnessing forcefulness to be a failure - I will try forcing it out of her once more."
Megohime frowned, but looked down at her husbands hands again. “Fine, do what you want.” She muttered. “Not really my area of expertise anyway..”
"It'll be alright, Mego, I trust Kojurou. If anything, I'll just kill her."
"That will get us no where." Kojurou stated calmly but Masamune waved him off.
“Fine, fine.” Megohime sighed heavily. “I’m only worried she brought friends to this party.”
((Time to kick this into gear! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))

Both Masamune and Kojurou spent the next few days going through the ranks of the men to find out if the Oda spy came on her own or with another, but nothing came up, good news or bad.
Kojurou did his best to speak with Jin, who only gave him her name as a courtesy for his kindness, when he got the chance to. He gave her a fresh bucket of water to wash with when she asked and provided a simple Buddha statue for her prayers and mantras. Whether she knew he was just buttering her up or not, he didn't know. But he had to at least try.
Although Jin was rather grateful of the amenities Kojurou was providing her with, she still refused to answer any questions regarding Matsunaga, either not responding at all, or declining politely to speak on the matter. Even though her arm had been broken by her captors, that didn’t seem to influence how she spoke with Kojurou, being quite respectful rather, regardless of how she felt.
"The sooner you answer my questions, the easier it will be to bargain for your freedom." He told her patiently, "Were it up to Masamune-sama, he would simply have your head and be done with it.."
Jin sat in the middle of her holding cell, facing Kojurou and still clutching her prayer beads, eyes cast upon the floor. “I cannot answer your questions.” She said softly, still refusing to tell him what he wanted.
Jin frowned softly, not responding at first before slowly, and deliberately, she looked up at Kojurou. “I will not answer you.” She said softly, gold eyes steely and unwavering.
He sighed softly and stood. Guess being polite wasn't working after all. When he left, he was met with Masamune, who had his arms crossed tight.
"Didn't work, did it?"
"No. She's all yours." Kojurou answered and headed off.
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