Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Jin swung at him as soon as her arms were released, her fist slamming hard into his jaw. She ground her teeth, a bit of blood trickling down from her lip from the first hit Masamune had landed on her.
"Hitto!" Masamune stumbled backward before recovering quickly and slamming his fist into her nose. Kojurou moved to help but Masamune stopped him.
"This is my fight. Don't interfere, Kojurou. You know I hate that."
"Hai." Kojurou nodded and returned to where he stood.
Once again, the woman didn’t go down, but rather staggered back, catching herself before she could fall. She wiped the blood that trickled down her face from her nose before moving back to hit Masamune once more, punching him square in the face.
This went on back and forth before Masamune finally became annoyed and brought down both fists against the back of her neck as hard as he could, sending her to the ground.
Jin slammed into the ground, breathing heavily and bleeding profusely from her nose and mouth, one eye already swelling shut. Her head was swimming, Masamune only making shots at her head; her hearing was muffled, but even then, she tried to get back onto her feet.
She wheezed when he stomped on her, but she didn’t try to get up again, too dazed to even try to glare back, closing her eyes to stop the spinning.
"Kojurou, take her down to the cells until I can deal with her. Have a healer look at her too, I guess. Don't want he dying."
"Hai." Kojurou moved and gingerly picked Jin up, carrying her to the cells.
Jin was almost completely limp in Kojurou’s arms, face bloodied and swollen, sure to bruise deeply. She wasn’t as heavy as expected, and she was much smaller than most foreigners; but it was clear with her blonde hair she was not from the land of the rising sun, at least not entirely.
Kojurou gave her appearance a brief glance before placing her in a cell and locking it, moving to summon a healer and supervise in case Jin woke up in the middle of the healer's work.
Jin wouldn’t wake in the slightest as the healer worked on treating her wounds, she was out cold. The healer cleaned up her face and checked for any other grievous wounds, but other than the concussion she suffered, she was fine.
Kojurou nodded and thanked them before leaving Jin in peace. He returned to Masamune and informed him that she would be out for some time. Masamune waved his hand, wanting some time to calm down anyway.
Jin would remain out for about two hours in all, finally coming to and opening her eyes, but not moving due to her throbbing headache- and the bonds that kept her hands behind her back.
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Jin simply lay where she was put, listening to the partially muffled sounds around her, still trying to gain her bearings.
She could hear him, but it sounded like her head was under water. She said nothing, she wouldn’t, not to such a heinous criminal as the leader of Oshuu Date Masamune.
Jin was pulled up along with her arm, hands tied together. She clenched her jaw as most of her weight was put on one socket, but she still refused to look up at him. She would not tell this man anything about her lord Oda, nor the plans he had I trusted to her. Closing her eyes, she prepared herself for the pain of her arm to be broken.
Jin screamed in agony as her arm both dislocated and broke, seeing black spots in her vision. She felt like she would vomit, but bit back the urge to do so, clenching her teeth and bearing through it.
She only let out a ragged breath, shaking from pain and adrenaline, but she still refused to tell Masamune what he wanted to hear.
Jin turned her head slightly to see where the second voice had come from, still breathing hard, but still kneeled in front of Masamune with her back to him.
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