Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Jin heard their exchange, but didn’t move from her spot, simply closing her eyes and holding her beads to her head as she murmured another series of prayers softly.
The door opened roughly and she heard who she assumed to be Masamune making his way over. And when he saw all the things in her cell, he about lost it. He moved in and threw out the Buddha statue, took away the bedding she had been given and kicked over the water bucket.
The entire time Masamune was destroying the cell she was in, Jin was praying, eyes closed and still muttering softly, paying his rampage no mind, not even flinching.
He looked down at her and snatched her prayer beads up, "No luxuries for you until you talk." He snarled, "That includes these broken ass things."
Jin’s eyes shot open and immediately she was on her feet, reaching out for her beads to take them back. “Unhand those!” She hissed, this being the first reaction that wasn’t calm and collected.
Jin clenched her jaw and glared at Masamune, but was clearly doing her best to calm herself, eyes gluing themselves to the very worn beads. She bit her tongue, wanting to demand her beads be returned again, but she would get nothing from this war criminal.
“I will not answer such a question, especially not to such a monstrous man as you.” She snarled back, shaking slightly from effort to calm herself, but it was working.
Leave? This man was not so kind as to let her leave, and besides, turning traitor was not something she intended to do. She took in a breath and turned away from Masamune, moving to sit in the corner without her beads. “They are mearly a physical object, my dedication to Buddha does not require my beads to remain.” She said softly, then started to pray, even without her beads.
Jin only continued praying, keeping her eyes closed, and actually squeezing them shut when he grabbed her pinkie, even going as far as to recite her prayers louder.
He jammed her pinkie backward until he felt it crunch in his hand before moving to his ring finger, "Buddha won't protect you from me. Talk."
He could visibly see her stiffen, but she only continued her prayer, not stopping the mantra or even breaking off when he crushed her finger.
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He broke her other finger before grabbing another, repeating the process until her hand was a mangled mess. "Your next hand will get the same treatment if you don't talk."
Even through the immense agony, she continued to pray aloud, it being the only thing keeping her from passing out, shaking hard and her head spinning. She wouldn’t give up though, she refused to.
She could feel her hand break against the stone wall, as well as her already broken arm grind uncomfortably out of place, making her stop her prayers and cry out in agony, falling to her knees.
She was slumped against the wall, almost like she was unconscious, but then he saw her lips start to move, and he could hear her whispering. Upon moving closer, he could now discern that those whispers were her praying once again, eyes closed as she whispered her prayers to Buddha.
She would continue to recite her prayers late into the night, and well into the morning, sleep refusing her, so instead she prayed. It was all she could do to keep her mind clear, in crippling agony.
"You haven't let her sleep?" Kojurou asked quietly. Masamune was playing with the wood beads and Kojurou scowled.
"Yeah I figure she'll cave if she's tired enough. Hang on." Masamune grabbed a wood flute and blew hard into it with a loud sharp sound, making Jin startle from her dozing.
Jin only halted her muttering when Masamune blew into the flute- something he had been doing all night -then slowly she began muttering again. She had sat herself up against the wall at some point, both arms mangled at her sides as she stared blankly at the far wall, refusing to break.
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