Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Megohime’s face dropped a bit, which he could see in the mirror. “She made a fool of me- no... She merely pointed it out.” She muttered.
“What does it matter now?” Megohime asked quietly, tone harsh. “I messed up, I didn’t figure it out first and I had to be saved by someone else.” She clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white. “I’m just dead weight.”
He put his hand gently over hers and gave a gentle squeeze, "You aren't dead weight. This run didn't go as planned, it happens. No one is to blame for my wound but me; I didn't even realize it was there til my nerves settled.."
“Not only that..!” Megohime squeezes her eyes shut to fight her tears. “I didn’t figure out that Matsunaga bastard before it was too late!”
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He looked confused but didn't want to press her about it since it upset her so. "Hey..." He pulled her against his chest and held her, "You're ok,'s ok...all that matters is that you're here and you're safe. That's all I care about.."
The Date army rested at the Takeda estate for another week, and as soon as they were fit for travel, they all mounted up and headed back for Oshuu- after Megohime apologized of course.
Akihime accepted her apology brightly, even making her and Masamune and Kojurou snacks for the journey, "May Buddha guard you on your journey home." She said politely
Megohime only held her tongue, giving a small nod then glancing at Masamune, more than ready to return home.
Yukimura stood beside Akihime and bowed his head deeply to Masamune. “May your travels be safe, Masamune-dono!”
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Sanada. See ya around, we'll duke it out again sometime." He said before heading off with his wife and retainer.
Akihime smiled sadly and lowered her gaze.
"She doesn't like me.." She muttered.
“What?” Yukimura blinked and looked to Akihime, brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean? Her apology was genuine.”
" was very sincere and I am glad she didn't force herself to apologize to me. But her posture spoke otherwise. She grows tense in my presence, irate. I wonder what I did wrong?" She looked up at him and gave a bitter smile, "Only time will tell if she comes to accept me or not. Her decision is her own and I will support whichever she chooses. But let's not dwell, ne? Why don't we enjoy some dango and tea together while I still have the strength?" She gave him her usual sweet smile to assure him she would be alright.
“You still shouldn’t be preparing hot foods and drink with your injuries, Akihime..!” Yukimura said with a worried look, but didn’t decline the snack.

((How to start the plan~?))
She gave a dismissive wave of her hand, "I'll be sure to use a cloth as a heat barrier so my wounds aren't agitated. I'm tougher than I look, Yukimura-sama." She smiled, "Come, I saw your eyes light up when I offered dango." She teased as she headed off.

((We can jump to it, I don't mind~ just fuckin chuck in some foreboding weather and I'll take it from there!))
It had been nearly fifteen days since Jin had infiltrated the Date army, able to blend in well enough in the sea of men, she simply kept her distance and kept quiet. It was a bit difficult at times, but she was managing. Already she had gathered the information she was after; troop movements, battle plans and more, but her ruse wouldn’t last forever.
The weather had been rather gloomy as of late, but that didn’t stop the men from training in the yard, and in fact, she did so as well, simply remaining on the outer edges of the group.
Masamune was overlooking the training for once, probably still really sore about Nagashino. He didn't want the men getting beaten that bad again. His eye landed on one soldier he didn't recognize, especially considering they were in full gear while everyone else trained in their robes. He stepped off the deck and everyone stopped to watch as he made his way over.
Jin stopped immediately when she saw the others too had stopped, scowling deeply and gripping the naginata in her hand tightly. She knew this would come eventually, but wished it hadn’t been at that moment; she wouldn’t run, no, she wasn’t a coward, so instead she stood there, watching Masamune walk closer.
"Oi," Masamune stopped in front of her and tried to peek under her helm to get a better look at her, "I don't think I seen you before. You new?"
Masamune couldn’t see much, only a small bit of her face and golden eyelashes- wait golden? She moved before anything else could register and she aimed her spear at his still healing wound.
"Wrong move." He muttered and smacked the naginata away with his forearm before punching her as hard as he could in the jaw.
"Hitto!" Everyone yelled in alarm, not really registering the threat.
The woman grunted and Masamune expected her to go down, but she simply stumbled back, catching herself before she could fall and attacking Masamune once more. Her attacks were deadly fast, nearly as fast as Yukimura’s, and her attacks were precise, all aimed for his right side.
What she didn't account for was the unwavering loyalty Masamune's men held, because his entire army barreled down on her and dog piled on top of her.
"We aren't going to let you hurt hitto!"
"No Oda spy is going to take him down if we have a say!"
"Masamune-sama!" Kojurou came running out and Masamune looked over.
"We got ourselves a party crasher, Kojurou." Masamune said.
The woman struggled beneath the weight of the men, which was undoubtedly crushing her. Regardless, they wrestled the naginata away from her and pinned her arms and legs down, keeping her from getting away, but still her face was hidden by the helm.
Masamune unlatched the helm and pulled it away, his eye widening as he immediately recognized her, "You." It was the woman who ordered Nagamasa be gunned down, the one who tried taking him and his men out with the arquebus corp. "You slimey bitch." He hissed and everyone climbed off her quickly as soon as Masamune grabbed her roughly by her hair.
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