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Summoning (GuardianAngel and LunarWolf)

"We are going to go and speak to the matchmaker." Aeon spoke after a moment in time before she was turning and running off with a giggle.
Abel shook his head a little and then called for someone to come and take the other generals so they could be put to rest "Asya one of the generals betrayed up he destroyed the spell by scratching through the carving on his tomb and killing the others"
Asya looked over for a moment in time before she spoke, "I will go and look into it. I don't feel like a general would just betray us, there has to be more to the story." And this is where her ability to see into the past would come in handy. Time to go and seek out the generals body. With that she was speaking, "Since it is calm now, I am going to switch with Karia for a short time. Show her around, and I will hang out in the catacombs and guard it." After that she was vanishing away.
Abel shook his head a little and then sighed a bit hoping that Karia wouldn't get pissed for Aeon and Asya speaking with the matchmaker about finding her a mate
Asya looked over for a moment before she spoke, "Don't worry so much love, she isn't going to get mad." Before she was even leaving she was giving him a peck on the lips and vanishing away. Soon enough a portal was opening although it was Karia that was walking around through it instead of Asya, the female just hiding behind her veil as she usually did when she was around people she wasn't use to. "Hello Miss Karia!" Aeon spoke with a bright smile.
Able walked over and rubbed her back "relax no one here will hurt you" Able then motioned to Aeon and explained to her who Aeon was and how he knew her so that she would be more comfortable around her
Karia looked over towards Aeon for a moment in time before she was bowing her head and spoke, "You look very much like your mother. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, I knew your mother when she was alive. We were very close friends."
Abel chuckled a little and then watched as his sister walked by muttering and cursing one of the soldiers. "well looks like introducing you to kate isn't an option right now"
Karia just looked at him for a brief moment in time before she was gazing around for a brief moment in time, before she was drifting off towards the window. She gazed out the window for a bit before she was looking over her shoulder and spoke, "Abel. You don't need to worry about me being mad about what the ladies want to do. I'm not upset about it. I wouldn't have been upset about it even had you decided to do that."
Abel chuckled and then looked at her "that may be true but I would rather not risk it and get in to trouble" Able smiled again and then looked over when Dre walked in and went right over to Aeon without saying a word and then watched as he just picked her up and walked off with her
Karia was looking over as the male came into the room and ended up carrying the other female off, which just had her blinking a bit. Well that she hadn't been expecting at all, and it seemed like the other girl hadn't seen it coming either.
Karia was giving a small nod of her head before she spoke, "They mind as well be especially if they are sleeping together." With that she was gazing out the window just watching a few people before she was looking off into the distance. Oh yeah she could sense the black demon from where she was at which had her just putting a light hand on the window as if reaching out to touch something else.
Abel chuckled "yea but their generations is quite different from ours so you never know what is going on" Abel watched her and wondered if she was doing ok
Karia was giving a small nod then she spoke, "That is a very valid point." With that she was turning away from the window before she was looking at Abel. She was drifting over to him before she questioned, "Can we walk and talk? I want to see this place."
"of course we can, mind you the king and queen aren't here right now but that is a rather complicated story" Abel then motioned for her to head out of the room so that they could walk around
Karia looked at him for a moment before she spoke, "I do know what goes on, my wisps are always watching." With that she was leaving the room, just gazing around as she did so. There were a number of guards wandering around at that point in time, a few of the younger ones talking rather loudly nonetheless.
As they walked around Abel corrected those who needed it. thankfully his status as a general still held and the men instantly listened to him and did as they were instructed.
Karia just followed after him just looking around as she did so, and listening to others that were talking around them at that point in time. She was drifting into the throne room, and much to the shock of even Abel, Kellin was there speaking with Death about something.
Abel blinked a little to see the queen was there and then quickly walked over.

Death felt the two arrive and then spoke "you have some company your majesty"
Kellin looked over for a brief moment in time before she was giving a soft smile then spoke, "Aeon's hound informed us of the situation at hand. I merely came to see for myself since it is calm here." She was looking over at Karia for a moment before she was giving a soft smile and spoke, 'Greetings keeper of the catacombs."
"and Death would be here why?" Abel knew that the deal was done and that while he would check in periodically during her pregnancy and then as the children grew he couldn't' figure out why he was there now
Kellin looked over before she spoke, "Oh I had asked him for a small favor of my own. Nothing major. Just to help me keep an eye on Rozen since he has eyes every where. I'll always know my daughter is safe." Karia just drifted closer to the queen and was actually putting a hand on her stomach before a small smile crossed her features. "Healthy twins."
Karia was looking over a Death for a brief moment in time before she was retreating back over towards Abel. Kellin just watched for a moment in time before she was giving a faint chuckle then she spoke, "But I should get back before Dante worries, and before our enemy detects I am here." "No need to worry about that. He is quite preoccupied with skeletons attacking him."
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