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Summoning (GuardianAngel and LunarWolf)

Hours went by and Aeon was waking up when she had the familiar summoning call from the king and queen. This is something that all the generals would feel, even Dre.
Aeon just mumbled something before she was stretching a bit. Man his cum had ended up drying to her skin, and it felt really strange at that point in time. "I don't know that we'll really have time." she mumbled after a moment in time as she stood up.
"its best if we do some of the generals have really good senses of smell and will be able to tell that we have been intimate and then follow you thinking your a loose woman" Dre didn't want her to get hurt because of their relationship
Aeon just looked towards him before she spoke, "Most of them wouldn't dare try anything. Kate wouldn't care. Daddy is more or less just going to make sure that you actually care, then leave it be. Nyklus is far to busy with the princess. Then there are two other generals that are in intimate relationships, and finally the gay couple. Ultimately of the ten generals, myself included, there are only two I have to worry about. I'm shocked you turned down the promotion." But she was heading off to the bathroom so that she could clean up a little bit regardless.
"didn't want it I like my work and I have no problem doing what needs to be done." Dre helped her clean up really quickly and then did the same for himself and then the two-headed out
Aeon just looked towards him for a moment in time before she gave a faint giggle before she was getting dressed after they had gotten cleaned up. She was running a brush through her hair and soon enough they had arrived at the throne room where the others were gathered. Nyklus was standing next to the throne that Rozen was sitting in, and the king and queen were standing up. "It has come to our attention that somebody we banished long ago.... is back." the queen spoke after a moment in time. "The black demon that attempted to kill us so long ago."
Kate hissed and her wings flew out and spread open wide "that bastard can't be back he was buried in the deepest crevis in this realm"
"He was there in the forest." Aeon spoke after a moment in time which had a few other generals looking over towards her. Oh yes she could feel his magic, even at that point in time he could feel like. But that was only because she was keeping tabs on it at that point in time. Sure his magic was powerful but.... she knew she had him trumped, or at least she would. Once she broke the seal on herself, and awakened her full powers.
Kate took several deep breaths to calm herself down as she was more than a little upset at that point in time. Kate soon sat down and looked at the others "taking him on killed all of the older generals the last time we had to deal with him but now I don't know if we are all strong enough to take him on again" Kate then looked at Aeon "no offense but until your powers are fully unlocked even your not strong enough to take him on"
Aeon looked over for a moment before she spoke, "Those powers can only be unlocked.... when my life is endangered. A life or death situation." With that she was looking towards the king and queen, the queen almost having an annoyed look on her features. It wasn't long before she was sending Nyklus away with Rozen, the child really didn't need to be there for the conversation at hand.
"and endangering yourself to unlock them is beyond stupid Aeon and that is so not you" Kate looked at her from where she was sitting and hoped that her friend wasn't wanting to do what she thought she wanted to so
Aeon looked towards her before she spoke, "That is the only way I can unlock them. That is what my mother wrote into the runes that seal them away." With that she was turning on her heel and walking away, deciding that she was going to retreat back to her library. Her usual place.
Not that Aeon was going to actually going to do anything to intentionally hurt herself, or be reckless, but anything could happen. Especially with this black demon on his way towards the palace.
Kate then sat with the other generals as they argued not only about how to deal with the male but also Aeon's and Kate standing as generals as they didn't feel the girls had the strength to be qualified. because of their power levels, Aeon and Kate were the next most powerful demons in the realm under the king and queen.
Not that people really knew what Kate and Aeon's power levels were, they kept they hidden. Most of the generals were against it although Aeon's father, one of the senior generals, was standing up after a moment in time, which had everybody falling silent. "It doesn't matter what any of you think. The king and queen named them as generals. The king and queen saw something more than you.... whom are not very open minded. You say that they are weak but, you don't know that for sure. They keep their abilities hidden. I cannot speak for Kate but I can tell you that my daughter, Aeon, is a high tier mage, just as her mother was." the man spoke after a moment in time, irritation in his voice.
Kate nodded her head in agreement as she was powerful but keeping her power levels hidden was a safety precaution as she didn't want anyone coming after her to try and get her position or to prove that they were more powerful
"Now that that is taken care of. We have bigger things to figure out other than who should be a general, and who shouldn't be." the king spoke after a moment in time before he was looking over towards his wife for a moment in time, and gently drawing her to him. With that he was telling her to go to their chambers and rest for a while, that she didn't need to remain at that point in time.
The king was looking towards everybody before he spoke, "Alright now we need to figure out how we are going to deal with our enemy. It is correct when it is mentioned that.... we don't have the manpower to deal with him."
Kate looked at them "we could always awaken my elder brother" besides Dre she had one more brother he had fought this male the last time but he was too unpredictable when he wasn't in battle
"Lets only do that if we absolutely need to." the king spoke after a moment in time. This wasn't because he didn't like her idea but he didn't want to do that since he was a bit unpredictable, and at least then if they didn't wake him up yet, they had a Plan B in place. If it came to that. Honestly the king was hoping not since... trying to get the male to calm down had been a pain in the ass last time. He did look towards Kalik, Aeon's father, when the male was looking off in the general direction that his daughter had gone off into. This had the king looking to see what Kalik saw, spotting the strange magic that Aeon was preforming. "What the hell is that girl doing?" the king questioned Kalik. This had his elder general looking over before he spoke, "I stopped trying to figure out what my daughter does. From what I can tell blood magic, probably reading a book. I'm not concerned as of right now."
Kate nodded her head and then looked at the King before speaking "do we know if he has returned to full power or not cause if not we may be able to take him on but it will be one hell of a battle" Kate knew if he was weakened then the combined attack of two powerful generals may be able to take him down and knock him out so he can be sealed away once more
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