Devin looked towards him for a moment before he spoke, "The queen of the angels. She is the only being that I can think of that can use crystal magic, the purest of all magics." With that he was looking over towards Luna for a moment in time before he spoke, "She fights back to much, but she became very cooperative when I proposed the game. And when the other female is involved."
Sage was just laying next to Luna on the bed, although she was only half listening to everything that was going on. No at the time she was kind of lost in her own thoughts, more like her memories. Searching through the past, to see what could be used to help. Then the sword seemed to speak to her gently, mentioning what it was exactly, why it existed. The four legendary weapons, and it appeared two of them were in the demon palace.
Ariel was smiling as she talked with Iris before she questioned, "So I hear you basically told the council you were officially announcing yourself as queen, when will you be doing that?" Her attention was soon turning towards that of Siren when she appeared and was mentioning something about not being able to get ahold of Luna. This had a frown forming for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "That is quite troublesome. Can none of you track her down at all? If any one of you is able to track her down, do so. Just to determine a location."