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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Iris moved to stand next to her sister in law “if we go there it will be after my brother and sister in law have talked things over and if j remember right there are something like twelve or thirteen seals on his prison and from the feel of the blast only one has broken so we have some time yes” Iris was as protective of her sister and she was her people maybe more so since she was so kind and often knew what was going through her head before she did
"We possibly have time. The seals were powerful blood seals. It depends on the blood that was used." Ariel spoke in a low voice before she was looking over at Eteenity, who had a frown on her lips. "
Iris leaned back in on of the chairs that were there and frowned as well “for now we all need to secure our own kingdoms and then we can meet back up and decide how we are going to do this”
Already Ariel was reaching out to Andrew rk let him know what was going on. Although there was a small frown at the mention of the staff thar rest within the temple was gone. Interesting. She would discover it later when she returned with Ian. "My last I suggest you return to Aetherial. The people worry, even with our word you are safe." Amie spoke to her queen in a low voice, which had the young queen giving a nod.
Even Iris agreed as she had nodded at her sister in law for them to head home. After a bit more discussions everyone was ready to head out and go home
Eternity was just watching them for a moment before she murmured "I feel like I could sense Sage's energy on him." Of course she spoke so that only Dusk could hear her, her magic making it so that nobody else, nothing else, could listen in.
Devin was soon enough heading back with Damian although things were a little chaotic when they got back. No shock though. Sage was kneeling next to the altar one hand just touching it although she was still otherwise. He assumed she was trying to figure stuff out, and he assumed that the few downed guards had been Luna's doing, probably trying to grab Sage. "Already seven seals have been broken. The eighth gives it trouble. For now." Sagw mumbled more so to herself though.
Devin just watched for a moment before he spoke "Didnt I tell people to behave." This had guards jumping and looking over. Sage was withdrawing her hand from the altar and turning her head in their general direction but she didnt say anything at all.
Damian walked over to Sage and scooped her up heading back to their room so she could rest. Many would think that they were going to be having sex but since the sun was still up his main concern at the time was her overall health
Sage was a bit startled about being picked up but she didnt fight back. No she as actually found that she was quivering. Full body quivering, and that was just from watching and trying to learn. "Have the scythe, the staff, the sword.... just need to find the bow...." she mumbled, just making a mental list in her head. As she was speaking there was another lash from the altar as another seal was broken.
Hopefully they held out yet again, it wasn't just Damian and Sage that the madman had used blood from. But it was difficult to figure out who else he had gotten it from.
Damian walked in to their room and settled her in the bed “now rest” Damian then went to change in to something that wasn’t covered in dirt
Sage didnt lay down for long, no after a while she was sitting back up. Just out of habit of being around him she was taking off her dress. Although this is when he would see some of the bruises she had. She had ventured outside earlier that day, into the garden, and a guard thought she had been trying to run. Despite how the collar prevented her from leaving the castle grounds, and the gardens were within the boundary.
Sage was cringing away at his angry tone and actually taking to wrapping her arms around herself. This had the swords magic acting in her defense, not that she knew it was there. She heard the sword now and again, but she wasn't the chosen one to wield it. It was just busy trying to cure it's true wielder. "It was my own fault. I went outside." Was all she said.
“You were given permission to go outside just not to leave the castle grounds so again who marked your body” Damian’s voice was harsh and rather cruel but he was determined to punish the one who had hurt what was his and his alone
Sage didnt answer him at all, no the voice just had her moving away from him. The bed between her and him at that point in time as she stood in the corner. "Just drop it. It matters not." She did speak after a moment in time before she was telling him to move, her own voice rather sharo and demanding. If he loved towards the bed and turned around he would see another one of those shadow things, a sword in its hand that would have gone through his heart from behind.
Damian moved and swung his own sword at the same time slicing in to the shadow “I won’t drop it since it does matter I made it clear you are mine and that no one was to mark you”
Sage was just sliding down the wall to sit on the ground. The more seals that were broken, the worst the future looked. "They are bruises. Bruises fade. You leave them all the time." She spoke and magicked a robe over to her which had her pulling in and wrapping around herself. "And I'll tell you only after you stop directing your anger you feel towards that person onto me. Yelling at me isn't going to help at all." Sage spoke after a moment in time before she was getting back to her feet.
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"you should have told me when I asked and for that, you are forbidden from leaving the room or from seeing your friend as well until I say otherwise." once the order was done she would feel her collar get warm and her boundary area shrunk drastically she wouldn't be able to leave the room unless he summoned her to him or said otherwise and as for Luna he would let her master know she wasn't allowed to see her
"Figured you were smart enough to figure it out yourself." Sage spoke in a sharp voice, just folding her arms across her chest. Although she was sitting on the floor again, leaning her head back before she spoke "Eventually karma is going to come and bite you in the ass, and you aren't going to like it. Happens to all wicked doers."
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