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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Ariel just watched Raphael leave for a moment and was clutching her hands in front of her chest. Man she wasn't even sure what to say at that point in time. No she knew that Raphael didn't think of Iris as a bastard child, that she was simply stating what was probably running through the minds of the council. Or perhaps the fake council if that were the truth of the matter. "If you are wanting to get technical my lord, Iris is a bastard child. A bastard child is typically what they refer to children when they are born to nobles out of wedlock." a voice spoke out of nowhere, and a demon was walking past, heading towards the castle. It wasn't a lie at all, although Ariel was going to keep quiet at that point in time.

"Hey Ian! Are you going to come and train with us or not?" another demon shouted, a guard that was running towards them, his sword clanging against his thigh as he ran up. Although he was looking at the female that was with the prince before raising an eyebrow as he examined her for a moment in time, which most definitely had Ariel shying away slightly. "The woman can come and watch if she likes." the demon chirped in a rather cheerful voice after a moment in time. This had Ariel giving a small shake of her head before she went to say that she was fine not watching, especially when he was talking about Ian fighting in some arena that night, but didn't get much of a chance. Nope not when he was grabbing their hands and drawing them with him. This had Ariel grabbing the hem of her dress to avoid stepping on it as they were dragged along by the rather excited male.
Ian was even surprised to be dragged around "you know it is rude to drag people around including the visiting queen." Ian wasn't trying to be rude but at the same time he was trying to make a point
The guard didn't really say anything, probably because he hadn't heard him at all, especially as they got closer to the arena, and one could hear the yelling and cheering from people. They had arrived at the arena, and Ariel was managing to draw her hand out of the guard's grasp, just stopping before getting to far into the arena. This was normal in the demon realm, for there to be fighting rings. And it was common for even the nobility to fight in the arena as well. "Oh the champion is here at last!" a few people called out and a few of the woman that worked there were sidling up next to Ian to hold onto his arms now that he had been released. Ariel just moved back against the wall so that she was out of the way of everybody. Oh yeah she was most definitely uncomfortable being there.
Ian pulled his arms free and then spoke loud and clear to all "until the visiting queen has returned to her home kingdom all fights will be suspended use this time to hone your skills at home and for those of you who are part of the royal guard use this time to prepare for the coronation of our new queen and a possible upcoming battle" Ian looked around him and while he knew not everyone would be happy they would listen to him
There were definitely a number of people that weren't even close to being happy that their fighting had been suspended. This actually had a few of them that were casting glares towards Ian. "Seriously. Why does our fun need to be suspended because some foreign queen came to visit. Nobody has ever cared about a visiting noble before." somebody shouted from the back after a moment in time. Ariel just found herself wishing that she hadn't been dragged along there, although was grateful towards one of the royal guards who was nearby and seemed to sense her discomfort, and was leading her away from people, and back over towards Ian. "I believe that it is time for the prince and this young lady to leave." the guard spoke after a moment in time.
Ian shifted slightly his form changing "no one is to have a fight this queen is special and if you wish to remain a sanctioned fighter you will do as told" Ian then shifted back and wrapped his arm around Ariel and then guided her out of the arena
People just mumbled amongst themselves, a few of them just eyeing the pair. There were definitely some lustful looks that were cast at Ariel, probably what had her so uncomfortable as well. She was just looking towards Ian a bit startled when he was wrapping an arm around her, and soon enough they were leaving that place.
"don't worry no one will harm you here not so long as Iris and I are alive" Ian smiled at her and then took her in a different direction altogether. Ian guided her to a wall with a singular door in it and after opening it he guided her into a large and well cared for garden
Ariel was giving a small nod and just looked around, although it wasn't long before they were arriving at the garden, which definitely had that fear melting away. She was giving a faint smile before moving away from him to go over and examine a couple of the flowers that were there. Who would have figured that there was something else living in the garden. More like a few other things living in the garden. There were a few garden fairies, that usually kept themselves hidden but now they had actually decided to show themselves. "Oh my. Aren't you guys just so adorable." Ariel breathed before giving a soft laugh as few of them took to braiding her hair.
"this garden belonged to my mother and Iris's mother they tended to it to keep it healthy and beautiful for the fairies" Ian moved over to a bench after the door was shut and then watched her interact with them
Ariel just watched the tiny fairies for a moment in time before she spoke in a soft voice, "Lord Ian, the fairies state that you should come and visit them more often like you use to." It wasn't long before the tiny creatures were flying off and it wasn't long before they were returning to two flower crowns, which they were dropping onto the heads of both Ian and Ariel. This had the angel queen giving a faint laugh before she spoke, "Thank you. They are beautiful!"
Ian smiled and thanked them before looking at her "I should but i often find coming here brings back memories I would rather forget" Ian's mother had passed and then been buried in this garden so coming there was often hard on him
"Everybody has memories that they wish to forget but sometimes.... no matter how painful they are, you have to continue to move on. For me... being queen.... that has its own painful memories. I watched my father get killed the day that I was crowned, protecting me." Ariel spoke in a soft voice after a moment in time before she was getting to her feet although it wasn't long before she found herself falling backwards onto the ground roughly when the ground just seemed to shake. An earthquake it seemed like.... at least that is what she hoped it was anyways.
Ian stood a little and then looked around "as much as I would like to stay and relax we need to get back to the castle. this place is spelled so no damage will come to it from a quake" Ian then offered her his hand so they could get going.
Ariel was taking his offered hand and getting to her feet, brushing herself off before watching the fairies for a moment. The poor things were obviously frightened and didn't know what was going on either at that point in time.
Ian held his hand up to them "come on little ones you can stay with us till we know what is going on" Ian didn't know what was going on but he knew they needed to get back and soon
Nope the fairies decided that they were going to stay with their flowers in the end, which allowed Ariel and Ian to head back to the castle. The moment they got there, guards were already seeming to surround them and one of the "council" members was heading towards them. They were stating that some rogue demons had taken to attacking them, and the quake that they felt was from an explosion nearby. Ariel was just listening for a moment before a worried look crossed her features, especially as the man went into more detail about how many people had been injured since it had occurred on the outskirts, and one of the small villages had been affected.
Iris walked in just as he was finishing speaking and then before anyone could stop her she turned and let her wings form. she then headed in the direction of the village that had been attacked. Iris didn't like getting reports of what happened and going by what others told her she would rather see for herself what was going on and how bad things truly were. while she was doing that the 'council' was meeting without her or her brother being there to hear what they were planning. but while they were supposedly planning aid to the village they were actually trying to find the best way to control Iris or even give her back to the bastard who had kept her chained up
"And people are seriously wanting her as our queen.... what ruler in their right mind just takes off on their own. Of all the stupid things to do. I swear the more I see her.... the stupider and stupider she seems." the council member mumbled before he was just seeming to vanish. It wasn't long before a figure in all black was seeming to appear near Ariel and Ian. "Report." was all Ariel could say which had the figure giving a bow. Of course, Ian wouldn't know that the black clad figure was actually Raphael. Her chest was bound, and her hair was hidden away, all that could be seen were her eyes under the cloak, but that wasn't enough to tell who it was. "Many were injured in the village. Already a number of the royal guard are assembling to head there and offer aid." the figure spoke, which was having Ariel give a nod before she was giving a thoughtful look. "Let us go as well." was all she said after a moment in time which had the figure giving a nod, falling in beside Ariel as the white haired female turned to walk off. Sure she wasn't fond of battle or seeing people hurt, but somebody needed to be there to heal the people, and tend to injuries.
Iris arrived at the village and then once she had a good idea of the situation she got the guards who were there in motion getting the minorly injured separated from the severely injured. any child who couldn't find their parents were grouped together nearby so that they could be watched. any of those who had died were being moved to near the local cemetery so that they could be buried with their families. Iris knew that not everyone would be as calm as she was but she knew she needed to remain calm so that everyone got the treatment they needed.
Ariel was arriving soon enough with Raphael, both of them just gazing around although Ariel had a look of pure grief on her features. The children were all standing in a group crying, although the elder kids were definitely trying to comfort the younger ones. At least they were trying to take charge, and keep all of the younger ones calm, even if they didn't know them. "Lady Ariel. It seems that the severely injured are being moved over there." Raphael spoke after a moment in time, her voice low, only heard by that of Ariel. It wasn't long before the white haired female was hurrying off towards where they severely injured were at, since the minorly injured were people who could just have stuff bandaged up essentially and they would be good to go. The severely injured on the other hand.... the first man that Ariel came across was missing an entire leg. It had been blown off in an explosion.
"Miss. You really shouldn't be here." a guard spoke and went to try and steer Ariel away from the group, but his hand was stopped by that of another guard who knew exactly who the female was. Ariel was just thanking the guard that had warned the other male off softly before she was picking up the hem of her skirt and going to the center of the area where all of the severely injured were gathered. After that she was clasping her hands in front of her chest before she spoke in a soft voice, "No more pain, no more sorrow. Let your wounds heal, and your bodies be repaired." With that she was casting her magic out across the injured, just taking to kneeling on the ground not really caring if she got covered in blood.

Raphael leaned against a nearby building just watching the magic radiate from her queen and cover the injured. She wasn't surprised that missing limbs were growing back at all. A few of the royal guard were amazed, they had never seen healing magic so powerful. "This magic is different from all others. This is known as Crystal Magic, and it is the most pure of all magics. This allows my queen to heal any injury, no matter the severity. But this is a magic that can only be used by those truly pure of heart. They must have not ever taken the life or another, or harmed another being even if it was done in self-defense. Should my queen ever do that, she would lose that magic." she spoke after a moment in time before she was pushing off of the wall and drifting over to Ariel, her cloak billowing around her.
Iris walked over and looked at some of the damage that had been done and frowned. after checking everything over she walked over to check on all those who had been hurt. once she was certain they were ok she went over and thanked Ariel for helping them out. Iris scooped up a child who had come over crying that she couldn't find her mother or father. given the description, she was given Iris knew that the girls' parents were dead. carrying the small child to a bench away from everyone else she gently told the little girl what had happened and then told her she would never be alone as she could stay with her.
Nope everybody that had been hurt was just fine, at least now they were. Raphael was shifting so that she was standing behind Ariel, who had gotten to her feet slowly although there was that obvious swaying. Raphael just allowed the white haired angel to lean against her and was listening to the female mumble something under her breath. How she disliked fighting, but everybody was going to be okay.... at least physically they would be. Not so much mentally.
Iris was speaking with the head of the village and agreed that it would be for the best if they all came and stayed at the castle for the time being since it would be safe for everyone and they would be able to relax a bit before returning to rebuild their homes
Raphael was just looking around for a brief moment in time although it wasn't long before she was leading Ariel over to where Ian was at with some of the other royal guards, telling her to stay there for a moment in time. "Here. Keep this. At least then I know you are safe." Raphael spoke before she was sweeping her cloak off and wrapping it around Ariel's shoulders. Sure it revealed who she was, at least if anybody had actually seen her wandering around and wearing female clothing, but that didn't matter to her.
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