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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Ian wrapped an arm around her and then watched as Ariel's guard wandered off. Ian then looked back and the guards "head back and let the other know we have incoming survivors that will be staying in the castle as my sister's guests and they are to be treated with respect." Ian knew Iris cared about her people and this showed them how much she did care
Ariel just looked toward Ian for a brief moment in time, before she was looking down at the ground, just flushing ever so slightly. For a demon he was cute, and she was grateful for the arm around her at that point in time. She could feel the exhaustion from helping those people creeping in, although she was pushing it aside for the time being. Something caught her eye though and she was speaking something under her breath, which put up a barrier just as some arrows flew at them.
Seeing the first arrow Ian swung around and pushed Ariel behind him while he drew his own sword. Iris had seen the attack there and wrapped her wings around the children in the area just as Arrows came flying at them as well. the arrows hit her wings and embedded themselves in them as well as in her back.
"It is an ambush!" one of the villagers yelled. Ariel was just a bit startled and was just looking around for a brief moment in time, holding her hands in front of her chest. She spoke under her breath softly and was placing a barrier around the group of villagers that was nearby. It was safest for them there at the time, and then she was wrapping one around that of Iris and the children. That was about the best she could do to help at that point in time. Sure enough it was an ambush, and there was a few of those dreaded experimental soldiers of Apocalypse.
Iris grunted in pain and then watched as her brother spoke to Ariel about joining her before he headed off to face the experiments so that he could keep everyone safe and sound from them
Ariel just quivered a bit before she was glancing over towards Iris, and noted that a few of the older kids were removing the arrows. Once they were all removed, she was using some magic to heal all of the female's injuries. Ariel did head towards Iris and the children, keeping to the wall and out of the way. Although she didn't get overly far when an experiment seemed to come up out of nowhere and.... hand around the throat as she was pinned to the wall. All she could do intially was give a startled shriek, now she was just trying to push its hand away. Although that wasn't working much, this is also what resulted in her barrier beginning to crumble around the villagers, although thankfully she didn't have to worry about them as much. No a familiar red haired female came in out of nowhere and was cutting experiments down as if they were nothing.
Ian wiped around and sliced the experiments hand off and freed Ariel "hurry Iris will keep you safe" Ian wanted her safe and out of harm's way.
Ariel just sank to the ground coughing for a brief moment in time before she found herself quivering a bit before she was hurrying off towards Iris, picking up her skirts so that they didn't get in the way. Raphael seemed to be forming next to her and was killing a few experiments that tried to get close.
Ian went back into battle and knew it was going to be one hell of a fight on their hands before they would be able to take the things down
The experiments definitely weren't easy to take down at all, and in the end.... the guards would find themselves surrendering considering the experiments had managed to capture Ian, Iris, and Ariel. Ian was being held firmly by a few of the stronger experiments, as was Iris, although Ariel only had one experiment holding onto her arm. No she had learned well enough not to try and run away. And go figure that Apocalypse himself would be showing up, and man was he absolutely furious but grinning with joy all at the same time. With him was Damian, although Ariel sensed something a lot different about him at that point in time. Something dark. "My lord. We have captured the two run away females. And this is the demon prince." an experiment spoke and the three were lead forward. Apocalypse was walking up to Ian and before the demon male even knew what was happening, the other man was grabbing at his crotch, more than likely getting a feel for it. "He will do nicely with getting some of the other pregnant. He is royalty after all." Apocalypse spoke after a moment in time before he was stepping back before looking at Iris, just examining her for a moment before he spoke, "I am going to enjoy taming and impregnating you. I already know that you are going to fight back against me."
"you may think you can control me but you will not use my brother or friend" Iris then chanted a spell that contained bot Ian's and Ariels names as well as two others. there was a flash of light and then the two were gone pulled in to another dimension where no one could get to them without a charm to aid them and the only set of charms that were in the living world was on Iris's wrist and it couldn't be removed. when the two arrived in the Charm realm they were greeted by Sin and Siren a male and female charm. the two bowed to them and then smiled "welcome your highness, your majesty My Name is Sin and this is my sister Siren we are here to guide you to the other side and to the safety of the castle" Siren then walked forward and attached a silver charm bracelet on Ariel's wrist and spoke "this is for you the charms will help with healing and keep you safe in time they will all grant you their names and with them different skills that can be used to help those around you" with that the two charms started to guide them to the castle in their world keeping the two of them safe
Ariel was startled by the sudden flash of light and was looking around this strange realm that they were in, which actually had her retreating closer to Ian, and drawing Raphael's cloak more tightly around her. How she hated being pulled into different dimensions at that point in time, even if it was for safety reasons. Who knew how safe they actually were. With that she was just flinching away a bit from the female that was all of a sudden coming up to her and putting a bracelet on her wrist. This had her withdrawing her wrist quickly and it was being hidden away beneath the cloak.
Ian wrapped his arm around her "it's ok I have been here before the charms can't harm us they follow the orders of their master, in this case, my sister but I have to say I like the charm bracelet not many, people are gifted with these" Ian looked at her with a smile and then rubbed her back a little.

Damian walked over and grabbed Iris's face "bring them back you little bitch" Damian had fallen to the dark side he had been offered the chance to become an experiment to truly be a top general and not wanting to let him on that he had actually betrayed him Damian had taken the deal and had picked the gifts he wanted. Damian chose the ability to heal almost instantly and to move in and through the shadows to have access to anywhere in the world through them. Damian then looked at his lord "my lord would you like for me to use the shadows and go and get not only the other traitor but Ariel as well if I can get to her?"
"Iris. I would be smart and bring them back, right now. Or I shall kill not only you but every last villager and child here. " Apocalypse spoke, already his men on the move towards the poor people, who were huddled together. Although they weren't able to get to much closer when Rose seemed to be coming out of nowhere and was cutting them down, twirling her scythe in hand, before holding it out to stop the experiments from getting closer. "Yeah sorry. No can do. These villagers are officially under my protection." Rose spoke before giving an almost deadly smirk, especially as Lance was coming up beside her as well. Pair the duo together....and they mind as well be unstoppable. The villagers would most definitely be alright with the siblings there.

Ariel was giving a slow nod before she spoke in a soft voice, "Something wasn't right about Damian..... he felt.... dark. Very dark." With that she was shaking her head a bit and just drawing Raphael's cloak close, before they just continued on. Soon enough they were able to leave the strange charm realm, and were entering the palace. Man everybody was going to be on high alert all over again.
Ian looked at her "who knows what happened between you leaving there and their arrival" Ian looked around as people started to arrive at the castle as after the two had shown up the villagers started running and headed to the castle.

Damian looked at Apocalypse and then spoke "we should take her out of here and head back to the castle" Damian wanted to get his master as far from there as possible
Apocalypse was looking towards his men and waving a hand, a sign to take Iris away before he was looking towards Damian then spoke, "Go and fetch the angel as well." With that he was turning on his heel after his men had vanished with Iris, before he was vanishing away.

Ariel was giving a small nod of her head before she spoke, "I suppose you are right. But it hasn't been that long."
Damian nodded his head and then called the shadows to himself and vanished into them heading for the castle. Damian would get both Ariel and his old counterpart as an extra gift to his king.
Iris struggled the whole time she was being dragged back to the castle
Ariel just stayed close to Ian at least for a brief moment although it wasn't long before she was drifting away from him so that she could go and tend to some of the injured villagers. As she was doing this, it seemed like Alaric was on his feet as well and was coming down to see what was going on, a maid helping keep him on his feet at that point in time.
the shadow rippled nearby and the weakened make was grabbed and pulled in to the before being sent back to the castle for whatever punishment his lord decided to dish out to him. while that was happening Damian was watching and waiting for the right time to grab Ariel
The maid that had been supporting Alaric was giving a startled shriek when he was all of a sudden vanishing, which had a few others hurrying over to see what was going on. Ariel gave a small shudder and was holding the cloak more tightly around her. Oh she had felt the dark magic, although there wasn't a whole lot that one could really do about it.
Damian knew he would have to be careful since if he was caught and pulled out it would do more harm then good as it would cause him a lot of pain and agony
Ariel just looked towards a few of the villagers and was telling them to follow after the maids, that they would show them to some rooms that they could stay in. After that she made her way back towards where Ian was at.
it was during this trip that Damian grabbed Ariel and dragged her into the shadows the cloak she was wearing was being ripped off and tossed out so that it wasn't there to protect her.
There was actually a startled scream from Ariel when this happened, and she did actually try to get away from him, not that it went overly well. "Let me go." she cried, and tried to get away from him.
Damian just chuckled and moved them through the shadows to his room in the castle where he tied her down before going to see his master. since he had proven his loyalty he had been given her back as his pet and while his lord would be able to do as he liked with her, Damian still had the final say in what happened to her.
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