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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

"its all healthy and you won't gain weight the biggest meal I ever make is dinner breakfast is egg whites and fruit lunch is a hearty and healthy salad" Alexander ate a decent meal once a day and the others he used to help maintain his weight.
"It has chicken. Which is disgusting." Daenerys mumbled, completely picking around the meat itself. Yeah who would have figured that she was a vegetarian. But her family was supportive of it, especially her brother.
"what do you not eat this way I can cook around that" Alexander didn't want to waist food so fi she didn't eat something then he wanted to make sure that she would eat and not pick at her food
"How about you just let me go home and I can make my own damn food, or order if myself." Daenerys spoke in a snappy voice before she was taking a bite out of the salad that was there.
"no if you have a dietary restriction tell me or you will eat what I make the choice is yours" Alexander had no intention of letting her go but he would have to make sure the room was secure before he had to go and get supplies. Alexander looked at her before he grabbed on to his head as pain shot through his skull.
"Try taking your damn pills that you left in the medicine cabinet. And no I don't eat meat, at all because it is fucking disgusting." Daenerys spoke before she was literally throwing the pill bottle at her before she took another bite of food. She did make a comment though that it was only a matter of time before they were found.
Alexander picked the bottle up and then went out of the room to make a list of food that he would need to pick up for the two of them. while he now knew she didn't eat meat and would be able to make more food for her to eat then small salads that wouldn't fill her up
Daenerys was just grumbling under her head before she hissed, "I will make sure that you regret this. I will ensure that my family shows you what happens when you kidnap somebody!"
Alexander chuckled and then walked in to the kitchen as started to make the list he would need to go shopping.

while everyone was distracted Thea managed with some work to get her hands free even with one being broken and then she worked on getting the rest of the restraints off of her. once she was certain it was all clear she slipped out of the medical wing and moved quickly but quietly out of the building. Thea had no intention of staying and she also knew she needed to get as far from there as humanly possible
Although as Thea was leaving she would hear the sudden startled cry from Natalia. The female had been actually on her way up to bring Thea some food when Isaac, who had taken to hiding within the house, managed to corner her. The tray ended up clattering to the ground and the male had her pinned to the wall. "Not so tough without your big brothers and your boyfriend here are you." Isaac spoke and before Natalia knew it he was slicing through her shirt, which fell open to reveal bra and skin. Who exactly was the other brother that he mentioned? Oliver. Natalia saw Oliver as an elder brother as well, and she didn't think that he really cared much either. "So I have a question Nat.... And please answer honestly.... I would seriously hate to hurt you at all." Isaac spoke as his knife just grazed its way down her chest to her stomach, which had her tensing up. "My boss is looking for somebody. A certain woman that Sebastian brought here. He wants her, he wants to see her dead... and knows that your precious brother would do anything to protect her. So. Tell me where she is." Isaac spoke in a rather dark tone, but Natalia refused to speak. No she knew what this man would do to Thea if he got ahold of her. "I hope for your sake she is smart and takes my brother up on his offer, and decides to stay here, at least then she would be safe from the likes of you!" Natalia eventually spoke after a moment in time although there was the choked sob of pain when he was shoving his knife into her stomach, and wrapping his free hand around her neck, which had tears falling down her cheeks.
Thea couldn't stand by and let her get hurt. Thea then moved and clocked him in the face her her hand that had the fully hardened cast on it. Thea then proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of the male as she was more then a little pissed off since she knew the female was pregnant and him stabbing her as he had could cause her problems later. Thea wasn't weak while she was in yes in a lot of pain from the cracked ribs and the broken arm she was more then ready to beat the hell out of someone. if she couldn't do it to Nat's brother then she would do it to the male who had hurt her
Natalia was a bit startled when the grip on her neck was suddenly gone which lead to her just sinking down to the ground, coughing a bit as she fought to regain her breath. The knife she was removing and tossing it away before taking off her torn top and pressing it against the wound. She could see that it was actually Thea that was beating the shit out of the male. Natalia did manage to get to her feet and moved over to the female, just grabbing her wrist before she could hit the man again. "Stop.... Stop it now." she spoke after a moment in time, her breath slightly labored but not majorly.
Thea turned and then looked at her and grabbed her arm and pulled her in to the room and after locking the door she moved and dug around so that she could get her patched up until the doctor was able to tend to her
Natalia just looked towards Thea before she spoke, "I know that you are upset at us but.... You ultimately brought this on yourself. Actually your sister brought this on you for leaving that stuff out for you to see. But in all honesty... We could use somebody to work on the accounting stuff. I usually do it but it is too much to handle, especially when I'm also the technology goddess of this place." With that she was pulling her phone out of her pocket when she heard it ring to see that it was Sebastian although she didn't really get to answering it.... nope blurry vision and that familiar falling feeling. Good thing she was already sitting down but that didn't seem to help, even with the slow breaths.
"lay down" Thea gently pushed her back so she could lay down and then she took the phone and snapped at him to get his ass there now before she killed the fucker who stabbed his sister and then hung up on him so she could slow the bleeding down as she now had better leverage to apply pressure. Thea had hit the emergency call button hoping the doctor would see it and arrive there soon
Natalia was laying down as she had been told and was just watching as the female was answering the phone and snapping into it. Man was her brother going to be completely confused at that point in time.

Sebastian had just been calling Natalia to find out if she had any news on Dany or not. Although she hadn't answered instead... what sounded like Thea had answered. "Markus.... Keep helping Oliver look for Dany. I need to get back to the house, something happened to Nat." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time.
Thea shifted and grabbed more gauze to try and stop the bleeding "damn it did he nic something your bleeding way to much" if he had missed everything vital she shouldn't be bleeding that bad and it would explain why she was still bleeding. Thea didn't care if he got mad at her for snapping she didn't have time to explain the whole issue to him over the phone
It wasn't long before the doctor was rushing into the room, and there seemed to be Giovanni as well. Good thing Natalia was partially conscious and the comment that he made had her chuckling a bit. Man he always knew how the light the mood, always knew how to get a person to smile despite something tragic happening. So currently her attention was more on him than it was the doctor who was doing some checks. "Lets get her onto the stretcher and to the medical wing. Miss if you would just keep applying pressure to the wound that would be great." the doctor spoke.
Thea gave him a bland look. but she kept her mouth shut and kept applying pressure. Thea was lucky that the cast was in place since it gave her more leverage to apply pressure with.
Soon enough the doctor and Giovanni had managed to get Natalia moved onto the stretcher and they were headed off to the medical wing quickly. Giovanni was trying to keep Natalia distracted although it was clear that she was on the verge of passing out, and she was clearly concerned for her baby as well. And one couldn't really blame her at all. Honestly the doctor was already thinking that i was too late for the child to be saved, especially if the placenta was pierced. And she was only a month along if that... there was no saving an infant born that early whatsoever.
Thea moved one hand and tapped the girls face hard but not hard enough to hurt her "stay awake you dolt I know your tried but don't fall asleep" Thea figured that calling her a name would cause her to get angry and that would help her stay wake for a little while
Natalia was giving a nod before she mumbled, "I'm awake. I'm awake." She did turn her attention towards Giovanni as he mentioned something with a goofy grin on his lips. This had her giving a faint laugh.

At some point in time Daenerys had ended up falling asleep, although there were tears on her cheeks. She just wanted to go home, she didn't want to be locked up anymore.
"good" Thea did look over when she heard someone shouting as they were not allowed in to the room. Thea shook her head and once the doctor told her she could remove her hands so he could take over and get her stitched up and stop the bleeding Thea did as instructed and climbed off the bed. they had her hooked up to an iv and were giving her blood and fluids to help her stay awake. after cleaning her hands off Thea stepped out of the room so they could work but not have to work around her
Sebastian eventually arrived at the house although he didn't enter the room right away, no he just stood to catch his breath. He listened to what a few of the others had to say before he questioned, "And where is Isaac now?" "We had him taken to a different room as well for medical attention. That female beat him up pretty good." one of the guys spoke which had Sebastian giving a nod of his head. No he didn't want the man dead, not quite yet anyways, he still had some questions for him. He did look over at Thea for a moment before he spoke, "Thank you for helping her. But since it was you that obviously beat the shit out of him, can you tell me what happened in the first place?" No he wasn't going to question why she was free, honestly he assumed that Natalia had freed her. "It also seems that you have agreed to be our accountant, Nat wouldn't have freed you otherwise. Thanks, that will be a little less stress on Nat, especially now." Sebastian spoke, although there was a tinge of pain and worry in his voice.
Thea looked at him "I didn't agree to anything I happened to be on my way out of the building when he arrived he was looking for me and figured she would know where I was. in an attempt to get her to tell him where I was he stabbed her in to the stomach, knowing what I know about her I didn't take to Kindly to him doing that and I preceded to beat the living the shot out of him. as for your sister she is being patched up by the doctor as well speak" Thea hadn't agreed to be their accountant and didn't know if she would or not
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