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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

"no you can eat or I can force feed you the choice is yours to make, if I have to force-feed you I will" Alexander looked at his watch "you have five minutes to make your mind up if you haven't started to eat by the time I return I will knock you out and force-feed you" with that he turned and walked out to go eat his own food but first he secured the door to the room.
"Not eating shit until you test if first then. You want me to eat that is the first thing you had better get use to doing. I don't trust you. Nor do I like you." Daenerys spoke in a snippy voice before she was tossing her head a little bit. Sassy and bitch popstar present.
Alexander rolled his eyes and tasted the food since he knew what wasn't drugged and what was. he then waited the five minutes and then gave her a pointed look "now eat you food"
Daenerys just watched him for a moment in time before she was deciding that she would eat, completely picking around the stupid nuts that were in there. Whoever ate nuts on a damn salad was out of their mind. "What the fuck would compel you to put nuts on a salad. It is croutons that go on a salad, not nuts." she mumbled.
"they replace the protein and there are croutons in it and if your going to go vegetarian you need to make sure you intake more protein" Alexander piped on of his own in to his mouth and smiled at her
"Nuts are disgusting. Especially peanuts." Daenerys mumbled as she was actually taking to flicking some at him before taking an actual bite of the salad, making sure that she was eating a crouton as well. Now croutons she absolutely loved with a passion.
"they are walnuts and give it it try it is candied and you never know you may like it" Alexander finished his own salad and watched her thankfully that wasn't the only item drugged but it had been a risk
Daenerys looked towards him before she spoke, 'The fact that you are so pushy about me eating the stupid walnuts makes me believe they are drugged or some shit." So no she wasn't eating the damn things, she could just pick around them.
"no they are not I am just trying you to expand your horizon on food but if you want I will try one for you" Alexander looked over at her and then set his empty bowl on the dresser
Daenerys just rolled her eyes before she spoke, "You know if you hadn't kidnapped me I would probably be a little more trusting."
"I doubt it" Alexander seriously doubted that she would be more trusting since he would be a stranger to her and why would she trust a stranger
Daenerys just looked at him before she spoke "Obviously your mother never taught you that kidnapping a woman most definitely was the way to win her over." There was a small falter in her holding onto the bowl for a brief moment in time. She had eaten something with a drug in it and could feel it slowly kicking in. Although she wasn't quite sure what was going on, all she knew is that she felt slightly woozy.
Alexander moved over and took the bowl from her and then carried it to the dresser. he knew in a few moment she would be out and then it would be his chance to get her tied down after he stripped her down till she was bare. Alexander looked at her and connoted to wait and once he was sure he would start his work
Daenerys ended up mumbling something under her breath before she was slumping over in the chair that she was sitting in, passing out completely at that point in time.
Alexander smiled once she was out and then picked her up after he walked over to her and then moved her to the bed. once he laid her down he began to pull her clothes off of her careful not to tear them and ruin them. once she was bare Alexander positioned her int he middle of the king sized bed and then lifted her arms over her head and using mental hospital straps he tied her hands up so that she couldn't hit him or push him away. he then using the same things tied her legs up as well but only they were spread so that he entrance was open and exposed. to make sure that she wouldn't be able to get away her duck taped all the restraints as well. before he finished Alexander opened her mouth and put a circle ball gag in to it. the hole in the center would allow him to fuck her mouth if he desired to. with that he stripped out of his own clothes and began to prepare her body for him, but he was going to wait till she was awake before he would enter her
It took a good fifteen minutes or so before Daenerys finally started to rouse, although she was very groggy when she woke up. Although not like that lasted long, nope not when she realized that she couldn't move at all, and there was something something in her mouth that she couldn't remove even if she wanted to. Struggling didn't do her any good especially when she saw that the man was naked, and knew exactly what he planned on doing. Oh man when her family found out that this had happened, they were going to make his life even more difficult.
Alexander smiled when he saw she was up "good your awake now we can truly start" Alexander moved his fingers as he stroked her inner walls and smiled when he felt her start to get wet. once she was Alexander pushed in to her and began to move in her his strokes deep and hard.
Daenerys was glaring at him and was continuing to try and struggle to get away. Especially when he started to finger her and then he was deciding that he was going to shove his cock inside of her. God if she had her hands free she was would be hitting at him at the time, so all she could do was glare at him and curse at him in her head. No she so wasn't happy right now. This was nothing more than rape!
if she could see inside his head she would see the sane part of Alexander was yelling and screaming for the insane part caused the the tumor to stop that he shouldn't be doing this but since she couldn't all she could see was the desire and thrill on his face as he pounded in to her
There was nothing that she could do to fight back against him, actually all that happened was tears fell down her cheeks as he raped her. God she hated the helplessness at that point in time, and prayed that it would come to an end sooner rather than later. Although after a little bit her expression just changed to a more neutral expression, as she pushed her emotions away. No she didn't want to feel anything at that point in time. Maybe that would help in this situation.... hopefully.
Alexander took her over and over through out the evening sleeping occasionally before he started again. when he finally left her for the night he left her tied up but covered her with a blanket so that she stayed warm
At least he had taken the stupid gag out when leaving her to sleep for the night but she felt beyond disgusting. All she could feel was the fresh cum dripping from between her legs, and she could feel the dried on stuff as well. She was sore but sleep wasn't really something she could avoid, not she ended up fading into a restless sleep...considering she was afraid and not super comfortable.
the next morning Alexander got up and went up to the cabin and made a show of coming out of his room and going to the kitchen and making food to eat. when he noticed the twins were still there he called the cops as they were trespassing on his property and he wanted them gone
Not that the cops were going to catch the twins anyways, and they had already searched the cabin fully that night. There hadn't been anybody in there, which confirmed that there was another hidden area. Besides... not like the cops would arrest them anyways. Sebastian or even Oliver would get them out of it. "Oliver. We think we found where Dany is. Cabin the woods. Man is there. Comes and goes. He didn't leave at all last night but when we checked he wasn't inside. Indication that there is a hidden area. Seems cops were called on us. If you could be a dear and get them off our trail. I have a strong gut feeling Dany is here somewhere." the female of pair spoke as she sat up in a tree next to her twin brother, a distance away from the cabin.
Oliver looked at the location of the cabin and then spoke "it will take a lot of time guys that part of the forest is federal property and only six cabins were sold if he owns it and I am assuming that he does, if he is smart it will be below ground somewhere so for now come home while I work on getting the cops off your trail and we can make a game plan" Oliver wanted to do nothing more then tell them to go and in and get his sister back but at the same time he knew that if they did that there could be problems
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