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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

"No problem. We'll be back shortly. Yeah we figured that it was underground somewhere. That was the first thing that came to mind when we discovered that he wasn't there the few times that we looked and then we were all of a sudden turning up." Alicia spoke before she was dropping down out of the tree, and into her brother's arms. With that Markus was speaking, "Lets get out of here then. We discovered where we need to tear apart." This had Alicia giving a nod before she spoke, "Yes."
once the twins were gone Alexander went down stairs carrying whole pieces of fruit to make their breakfast. this way she could see that he hadn't done anything to the food and would eat with out issues that morning.
Maybe Daenerys would eat without issues that morning anyways. She was still very salty with him for raping her multiple times the night before, and then leaving her tied up in a very uncomfortable manner all night long.
once he was al set up he pushed the cart in to the room and then spoke "good morning I have everything for breakfast" Alexander then started to peel and cut the fruit in front of her so she knew it was safe to eat.
Daenerys didn't say anything just looked away from him, although there was a small look of pain on her features. God she was so having Sebastian subject him to being tied up all night eagle sprawled, and how sore you were come the morning.
once he was done he walked over and using a fork stabbed a piece of fruit and offered it to her "eat up its good for you" and he was right the fruit was good for her and he wanted to make sure she was well fed.
"How about you untie me you sick fuck." Daenerys spoke before she was actually spitting in his face and looking away from him. Nope she wasn't having it at that point in time. Honestly she would be more willing to eat if he untied her and she could feed herself.
"no" Alexander took his free hand and shifted her head so that he could force feed her. Alexander would rather she eat the food how he was giving it to her then risk her getting lose and attacking him.
Daenerys just turned away from him, spitting the piece of food at him. "Do not force me to fucking eat when I'm no where close to hungry, you fucking asshole. I don't eat breakfast, never have. Figured you would know this since you've been fucking stalking me for god knows how long." Nope she didn't eat breakfast at all. She had a big lunch usually and then after that small, but healthy snacks, between lunch and dinner.
"you should it will help you with energy and maintaining your weight" Alexander then stood up and walked doff if she was going to refuse to eat then he would let her starve
"I maintain my weight well enough. I just don't eat breakfast, I've never liked breakfast. Now let me go!" Daenerys hissed at him, feeling tears burning at her eyes once again. "Oliver.... Where are you..." she sobbed softly, more so to herself. No she had to keep strong... her brother would find her, she knew that he wasn't going to let up at all.
A few days had gone by and Daenerys had found herself at that point of just wanting everything to end. The last few days had been nothing but the man trying to force feed her and raping her. Honestly she was going to be surprised as fuck if she didn't get pregnant with how much he fucked her, and how much had actually came inside of her. At least he had taken to untying her, well as of yesterday evening anyways. She had more or less given up all will to fight, there was no point. Most the time she was just sullen and silent, just taking to letting him fuck her. How she felt so disgusting, the man wouldn't let her shower at all, yet again it sounded as if the shower down in that area of the cabin didn't work or something like that. But she was at least allowed to use the bathroom, at least that got rid of some of the damn cum that was inside of her. But she had given up trying to clean off the stuff that had dried to her skin, it was just to much to deal with that point in time. Daenerys just sat on the bed in sullen silence eating the salad that he had brought her a while ago, just waiting for him to come back and for the rape to begin all over again. Just like normal. At least he hadn't tried to take her in the ass, but he had told her day one if she started behaving he wouldn't do something like that.
Alexander walked in to pick up her bowl if she was finished and looked at her "good news I was able to fix the shower so if you want you can shower" Alexander had been missing a part and had had to wait for it to come in so he could repair it rather then leave ti broken and unusable. when he saw she was done with he food he took the bowl and turned but as he was leaving the room the pain in his head increased so much along with the pressure that he ended up passing out and falling face first to the floor
Daenerys didn't say anything at all, just gave a nod of her head and got to her feet so that she could go to the shower and do so. Although it wasn't long after that... where things seemed to go in her favor. The man was just seeming to pass out on the ground, which had her just waiting a few moments. Honestly she felt bad for him but she also didn't want to be there any longer. Nope she was grabbing her dress and pulling it back on along with her undies and her boots. Once she was dressed she was slipping past him, through the door. It did take her a bit before she managed to find the way out of the underground area and into the actual cabin, but she did. Although getting outside she discovered that it was downpouring, not that she cared at all. No she just took off out of the cabin, and started running through the woods. Thank god she knew the forest, and that it wasn't super far outside of town. It only took about half an hour to run through the forest and she could see the town. Alright closest place where she knew she would be safe.... the gun store which was a block down once she entered the city, so she headed there. By the time that she got there she was drenched and shivering when she walked into the store. "Welc.... Oh Dany. How are.... Are you okay?" the owner questioned and was coming around the counter, wrapping is jacket around the shivering woman's shoulders. "N...Need to call Oliver." Daenerys spoke although she ended up about collapsing in the man's arms just sobbing. He had his other employee take over as he lead the woman to his office and was handing her a blanket, before he was picking up his phone and dialing Oliver's number. He called from the store's number, knowing that the man would answer to that since the shop did business with them all the time.
the eldest females shooed him out once she was told she was there and made a fuss up helping the girl get cleaned up in her upstairs apartment "come on dearie lets get you cleaned up and then some veggie soup in to you you look like you could use it." the woman had worked there for as long as the store had been open and she was also one to baby you and make you feel at least some what better rather then let you sit there and remain locked in your head "now dear tell me what happened"

Oliver answered his phone and then snapped at who ever was on the other end of the phone "what the hell do you want I am busy" Oliver was still trying to get past the law so the others could go in and get his sister
"This is Roger from the gun store. Your sister just came into the store. She is bruised, and shocking wet, and looks terrified to death." the man spoke into the phone after hearing the snap from the other male.

"I don't want to talk about it.... no....not until Oliver is here. I want my brother...." Daenerys sobbed and just shook her head, following after the woman slowly.
"ok thanks for the heads up it will be about and hour before I can get there as I am waiting on Sebastian to return to the office but while you are waiting tell her I said she is to talk to Mace to help herself calm down and assure her that I am on my way and will be there as soon as I am able to" Oliver wanted to leave to go to his sister but with Sebastian currently locked in an argument with Thea over money issues he didn't think he would be able to leave for at least forty-five minutes or more. while he knew all he had to do was text him that she was safe and out and that he needed to get her he knew better then to get between the two of them when they were fighting about money.

Mace looked at the girl and smiled "I know the feeling dear I would want my brother too if I was in your shoes" Mace ushered her in to her apartment and then to her bathroom so she could shower. while she stripped out of the clothes Mace gathered a dress from whens he was much younger and her biggest and fluffiest bathrobe for her to change in to after her shower
Roger was listening to the man for a moment before he spoke, "I'll just call Sebastian myself, he doesn't terrify me. And besides.... your place is with your sister right now. I'm not sure what happened to the poor thing, but she is terrified. Came in like a bat out of hell." With that he was hanging up and dialing Sebastian's number soon after, not surprised when the male was snapping in the phone on the other end.

Sebastian had been in a heated argument with Thea when his phone went off which had him snapping at whoever had called him. "Wait... Dany just came in.... Does Ol.... He does know. Yes yes I'll send him there right away, this discussion between my accountant and I can wait until after I am assured my family is safe." he spoke after a moment in time before he was going to the door and telling Oliver to get the hell out of there. After that he was looking towards Thea then spoke, "It is time we both calm and breath, and talk about stuff without yelling. But we can continue this in a few moments, I want to check on Nat briefly." His sister was better now than a few days ago, well on the aspect of she had been stitched up and taken care of, but she had more or less taken to locking herself in her room. About the only time she allowed somebody to come in was if it was the doctor coming to check on her wound and change the bandages, or Sebastian himself, or Kyle on the rare occasion that he was out of bed at that point in time. But he still really wasn't fit to be out of bed himself either.

Daenerys looked towards the woman for a moment before she spoke in a soft almost broken voice, "That man.... he raped me.... repeatedly....." With that she was shaking her head for a moment in time before she was putting a hand to her mouth, and sinking down to the ground with a sob. Hey at least she was able to admit that it had happened right off the bat, instead of trying to deny it, but it was still a shock moment. And it was still one of those things that it was hard to process actually happened, even if you weren't in denial. "P....Please stay with me....." the young singer spoke after a moment in time. It was rare for one to see such a defeated Daenerys but here she was, on the ground sobbing. She had marks on her wrists from the restraints and trying to get away.
"its not him I am worried about its The Accountant I am concerned with they have been working the last few days on the groups accounts and things aren't adding up so they have been fighting and I" Oliver looked at the phone when he noticed that it had gone dead on the other end and rolled his eyes. he knew Dany needed him but at the same time heals knew that things were getting rather out of control in the group at the moment as more men were joining them day by day and they were having to find places to put them. Oliver then nodded his head when he was told to go check on Nat and then head out to get his sister.

Mace wrapped her arms around the girl and instead of running her a shower she started her a warm bath so she could relax a little bit while she knew scrubbing her skin raw "your safe not there is no need to hold it in" Mace wondered who had taken her and where she had come from but asking her at that exact moment wasn't something she wished to do as the girl was obviously terrified and emotionally scarred.
Daenerys just sobbed in the woman's arms, tears falling down her cheeks. God she hated feeling so weak and helpless at that point in time. But she knew that she was safe. Roger and Mace had long been allies of the gang, and she knew wouldn't betray them. They had shown their loyalty time and time again, even if they didn't have to. In exchange for weapons and ammo, the gang gave the pair protection. The cost of protection made up for the cost of weapons and ammo, since there was usually always a few of the gang members watching the building, just in case. Especially when some of the hoodlums came around to torment the older couple.

"Go to Dany. I'll check on Nat." Sebastian spoke as he walked out of the room that he had been in with Thea, and was shooing the man off so that he could get going.
Oliver nodded his head and then grabbed his keys and raced of heading down to his car. Oliver was then pealing out of the garage to get to his sister.

Mace smiled at her "now lets get you cleaned up and changed in to something else ok that way when your brother gets here your ready to leave with him" Mace turned the water off and began pulling the girls clothes off talking to her the whole time to keep her from flashing back to where she had been kept
Daenerys was giving a small nod before she questioned in a soft voice, "I hope it isn't to much to ask but is there anything I could snack on? I tried to avoid eating while I was there..... since he liked to drug the foods I was eating. Or there was meat involved." Everybody in the family knew her dislike for meat, the mere mention of it just had her giving a slight shudder.
"lets just get you clean dear and then we will see about food can you tell me his name or describe him if it is possible" Mace was hoping that that would help her deal a little with what she had been through the last few days
"I..... I don't know if he said his name...." Daenerys shook her head before she was mumbling that he had been stalking her, that somebody who acted as "paparazzi", although was in truth apart of the gang paid to tail Daenerys to make sure she was safe, had managed to get a number of pictures of him. Lounging in the hot water, Daenerys could feel the tension slowly melting away but she was all of a sudden seeming to panic about her fear of getting pregnant. She wasn't on birth control. She had been on the implant but that had worn off so she had gotten that removed a number of weeks ago, and was just letting her body readjust to no birth control for a few months before she went back onto it. It was healthy to get a period, and considering she hadn't had one in the three years since she had gotten her birth control.
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