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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

(don't for get the academy one)

"breath you are starting to panic and thats not good but you had to have seen something there I doubt he was perfect in keeping you in the dark" if she thought back she would remember the pill bottle and the name on it being Alexander Demarkove. while she was cleaning Dany she also made a list of things for the male to bring up to the room for her while they waited
Daenerys just listened to the woman for a moment in time before she was letting out a slow breath. Okay time to calm down. Wait see something that. She frowned for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I remember..... there was a pill bottle. Alexander Demarkove was the name on it." No she didn't really remember what the pills had been for, although at the time it didn't really matter at all. She found herself slowly beginning to using the washcloth that she had to almost rub her skin raw, in particular her thighs. She was gentle around her genital area probably because that was quite tender from the abuse still, and she was using the rag to try and clean off any dried on cum that was still stuck.
Mace nodded her head and then chewed on her lip. Alexander was her nephew but telling Dany that would probably only make things worse but she didn't feel right keeping it from her "Dany, Alexander is my nephew two months ago he was diagnosed with some bad tumors in his brain according to the doctors it would slowly change his personality" Mace then sighed a little "I am truly sorry for what he did for you and I understand if you don't ever want to come here again"
Daenerys just looked towards the woman for a moment in time before she was actually taking to standing up, tears in her eyes. "Change his personality. He turned into a damn monster! Who the fuck just kidnaps and rapes a woman repeatedly?! That is a tumor.... that is just a psychopath. S....Sorry isn't going to cut it.... sorry isn't going to fix anything. How is saying sorry going to help me sleep at night without being afraid I'm going to wake up in that fucking cabin again?!" she spoke although who would have figured that getting this worked up on top of crying would have her getting sick in the toilet. Usually what happened though.
"its not nothing can ever make that right but it had to be said" Mace then stood and turned to walk out of the bathroom "there are clothes for you on the bed and I will send up some things to help you including a morning after pill" Mace figured she was to upset to learn about how he was before the tumor and to learn how much it had truly changed him. Mace was then going to check on him and if he had passed out again she would be insisting that the tumors be removed then and there
Daenerys just found herself sobbing and feeling like despite her being the victim, that she was at fault for something. Who would have figured that she would be getting dressed....and slipping out of the gun shop without anybody noticing. No she didn't want to be there. So she just took to running down the road, not even caring that it was still raining, nor caring that she had no shoes on. She didn't want to remember, she just wanted to forget that it had happened. Why did she need to understand Alexander? Why did she need to understand how a tumor had changed his behavior. That wasn't going to help her get past the fact that he had raped her, multiple times in the duration of the three days that she had been there. "Dany, is that you?" came a familiar voice which had her looking to see one of the guys that worked with Sebastian and Oliver standing there with another one of the guys. Two people that she trusted without a doubt. "Nathan.... Andrew...." she sobbed and one of the guys was coming over to hold his umbrella over her head before taking off his jacket to wrap around her. She didn't speak much to them just followed them to sit under one of the bus stop pick up areas, out of the rain while Andrew messaged Oliver to let him know that they had run into Dany. Nathan had his arm around the female, who was using his shoulder as a pillow.... and had actually ended up passing out unintentionally. She knew she was safe and the exhaustion had caught up with her.
Mace hadn't;t said anything to her about understanding him to her and she hand't asked her to she had just been trying to get her to know that normally he wasn't like that and while she didn't expect her to forgive him for what had happened she had at least hoped that she would understand that his rational mind wasn't the one in control. Mace left the house not long after she had run out and was headed to Alexanders and this time she was making sure he got the treatment he needed.

Oliver soon pulled up to where they guys were when he had received the text and seeing his sister had him giving a sigh of relief. he then went over to her and gently shook her to wake her up so they could go home and she could get tended to
There was definitely that fright or flight kicking in when Daenerys was being shaken awake, which had Andrew gently grabbing her hands so that she didn't accidentally hit Oliver. "Hey. Calm down. It is just Oliver." he spoke in a calm voice, and just rubbed her back gently, calming the female a bit more. She did end up looking at Oliver, before the tears were falling again and she was on her feet, and wrapping her arms around him, trembling.
Oliver wrapped his arms around her tight and just held her close "your safe now baby sister yours safe now" Oliver was ready to get him home and back to where she felt safe and secure
"I want to go home...." was all Daenerys could say at that point in time, and hopefully Oliver would know that she didn't mean her penthouse, which obviously wasn't secure, but the main house. Or even his place.
"we're going home baby so don't worry about a thing now" Oliver picked her up and then carried her to his car and gently go her settled in to the front seat of it and then buckled her in before he closed the door and went to the drivers side to get in
Daenerys was giving a small nod before she was resting her head against the passenger window of the car. When Oliver was in the car she was actually taking to settling her hand that was closest to him on his arm, more of a reassurance that he was there. Once against she did end up falling asleep shortly after they started to drive.
Oliver took care driving home since he didn't want to scare her even if she was asleep but he did move her hand from his arm to his leg. when they arrived at home he got her out of the car with out waking her and then to the room she normally slept in at the main house
A few people were looking up as Oliver came into the house carrying Daenerys, somebody actually heading off to let Sebastian know that the were back. At the time Sebastian had been in with Natalia, who was looking up for a moment before she questioned, "Dany is safe?" "Do you want to leave this dark room and go see her? It is very gloomy in here Nat, which isn't going to help you much. I understand your want to be alone but lets do it in a more bright room." Sebastian did speak after a moment in time, the last part more teasing. A gloomy room usually seemed to only make a person more depressed, and that he didn't want at all. With that he was getting to his feet and going over to assist Natalia up to take her to Daenerys room. He didn't think that Oliver or Dany would have a problem with Nat being there. Sebastian on the other hand was going to keep his distance for the time being and approach slowly, just because he wasn't sure what had happened, he didn't want to frighten her right off the bat.
Oliver got his sister tucked in to the bed bringing the blankets up around her neck so that she would feel safe and secure. Oliver also tucked a ragged old doll in to her arms. it had bee the one he had given her when their parents died to give her some comfort when he couldn't be there. Oliver had held on to it for her so that way should something have happened to her she had an old comfort near her. when Nat and Sebastian walked in he shook his head saying silently not to lay down next to her like Nat normally would since he didn't know how she would react to waking up and feeling someone next to her
Natalia only walked forward when she saw that Daenerys was partially awake, although she moved slowly. She knew exactly how it was to go through something like this. "Hey Dany, it is Nat. I just came to see you and to let you know if you need somebody to talk to, I'm here. Just like you were there for me. I don't care if you want to talk at two in the morning. I'll talk." Natalia spoke in a soft voice although she was sitting on the edge of the bed when Daenerys actually gestured her over. "Nat.... Will you stay... Since Ollie has to work." Daenerys spoke in a soft voice which had Natalia giving a nod before she spoke, "Of course I'll stay." She was chuckling a bit at what Oliver was called... a nickname that he absolutely hated but at that point in time she was sure if he complained it would be out of earshot of his sister.
Oliver chuckled and then walked over and kissed her head "rest up Squirt" just like he hated being called Ollie he knew she hated being called Squirt but at times like this they resorted to their old nicknames to comfort each other. Oliver then walked out of the room and looked at Bastian "go fight with Thea more I know you two weren't done with it when I got the call about Dany"
Sebastian looked towards Oliver for a moment then spoke, "No. I'm done with the fighting. Right now I want to make sure that my family is fine." With that he was watching as Natalia was laying down on the bed next to Daenerys, before he was turning away. "Hopefully Dany has some information about the man." he mused after a moment in time.
"its possible but for now she needs to rest and you have four more years of accounts to go over" Oliver chuckled more then a little happy he wasn't stuck doing it. since his money was now merging with the old Black King's they had to go back ten years to make sure everything was right and that no money was missing and from the sounds of fighting there was money missing
Sebastian was shrugging a bit then spoke, "Yeah I know. Usually Nat takes care of the money stuff. I find it odd that she never spotted the missing money. Unless she did know and didn't say anything to me, deciding to take care of it herself." Which was quite possible as well. He knew that his sister would never steal from them, and if she did move funds it was because it was needed. "I feel like some of the missing money may have been due to some of the renovations that had been made a few years ago."
"Nat would have said something to both of us if money was missing so it is possible she didn't notice I would talk to Thea and let her know about the renovations we can pull the account up form the company and get the exact amount that we paid them" Oliver looked over when some of the men mentioned that Mace was with a male at the hospital and seemed rather annoyed at the moment
Sebastian was giving a small shrug before he spoke, "Nat is usually on top of that stuff. I'm pretty sure it was from the renovations. That was before Nat had taken over the accounting stuff, but there is a record of the amounts." With that he was turning and heading off, just closing the bedroom door where the girls were at a little bit. "Check in on them now and again. Don't enter the room unless given permission." he spoke to a couple of the guys, who were giving nods.
"go Sebastian I have some information to go and gather before a few places close for the night" Oliver then headed out after urging him one more time to go and speak with Thea about the money since she had all of records from Nat as well.
Sebastian gave a nod before he was heading off so that he could find Thea, who was still in the room that they had been in before. "So I have a theory that the supposed missing money might be from a renovation that we had made a few years ago. This was back when we had a different accountant before Nat took over. I'll have to pull the records. They may not have gotten added to all of the new stuff." he spoke after a moment in time.
Thea nodded her head "that could be it once I have them I would be able tell you for sure but I don't think it is just the renovations" Thea had dug through so much more of the papers and she found some charges that didn't add up either they were small and if she hadn't been looking for them she would have missed them "it seems like once or twice month about three to four dollars gets taken out I have called the bank and it is not a service charge its a payment out"
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