Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

"I'm almost certain that that is one of the things that has the accounts off." Sebastian spoke as he was sitting down. All of that information was in Natalia's office, but he didn't dare dig through her stuff. Everything was in order, and she would be rather upset if it was out of order. At the mention of the once or twice a month a charge of three or four dollars gotten taken out had him nodding. "Ah yes I knew about that. Nat does have that noted." With that he was rifling through the stuff to show her were it was noted, although it didn't specify what it was for. Just stated that it was a transfer to a private account, otherwise there was no other details. "This all started about a year ago, this was about the time that Nat and Kyle decided that they wanted to have a kid. So I gave her permission to transfer out small amounts to her own account for that purpose. She has it set up for more or less random pay-outs so that people don't catch on. But she does have it documented in a way that she knows what it is. It is always this three to four dollars, but I myself am going to increase that."
Thea nodded her head when she saw the amounts and then sat down and started to work with him more "I am thinking either a care fund for the child or a collage fund" Thea had a few suggestions for that and then went over the remaining accounts with him
"It is kind of a mix of both right now. Nat just didn't want to put down specifically what it was, because she hadn't wanted anybody to know that she was pregnant. But now.... She has cancelled the transfers it looks like. She did that earlier. And this charge right here is her putting all of the money back into the main account. Since you are taking over the accounting she won't see this but.... can you set up a fund for the child. So that when they do try again...." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time before he was just pushing his hair from his face in irritation and looking up towards the ceiling. Man he was irritated that he hadn't been there to protect his sister, and now he was more asking Thea if she could do something instead of just telling her to do it. It was his money and if that is what he wanted to do, then that is what he was going to do. "Set up that account and have it set up to transfer ten dollars twice a month. Also since Nat is the only other person other than Oliver or myself that will be even looking at accounting files, put something on there so that she doesn't know what it is for."
Thea reached over and touched his arm "of course just tell me how much you want me to move and how often" Thea set it up and then put on them reserve matinence fund so that she wouldn't know what it was "unless you are doing an audit which I advise once a year there would be no need for others to look at the accounts" Thea looked when her computer dinged and then showed him the program she was using "I put in all the authorized with drawls that you showed me check and see if any are missing if something comes out that isn't suppose to and I don't get a receipt for it it will be flagged
"Lets just do one-hundred dollars a month." Sebastian spoke especially when he saw that it was for a reserve maintenance fund. Yeah have more transfers more often than not would make sense. And honestly he could do more than that, it wasn't as if it was going to put a dent in their funds, but he didn't want it to be too suspicious. With that he was looking towards the withdrawals list for a moment in time. Nothing was flagged at all, and everything seemed to be in order since he was usually the one doing the spending. There was one transaction in partial that caught his eye which had him pointing to it before he spoke, "I need you to get information about this transaction. I need to call this company and change where they are shipping this stuff to. Since they started planning a kid, Natalia has ordered some baby stuff already. Mostly gender neutral clothes that she liked, that I've moved out of sight out of mind. This is stuff she ordered after she learned she was pregnant a few weeks ago. Crib, highchair and stuff like that. I'll receive it but I don't want Nat seeing the stuff and getting upset about it."
"I can do that if you wish I can have it sent to my home since no one but me has a key there so she will never know that they are there" Thea called the company and they were glad to change the shipping address for her and after confirming her address she thanked them and hung up. once it was done she saved the program and then looked at him lightly
Sebastian spoke, "That would be great." With that he was looking at the rest of the stuff although it all seemed to be in order, nothing seemed to pop out at him at all. He got to his feet and spoke, "Lets take a short break from this. Some of the other files needed are in Nat's office but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to talk to her. Dany is back but she is incredibly shaken up, Nat is in with her now."
Thea nodded her head "that is fine my arm was starting to bug me anyways so I was going to go and take a pain pill" Thea was in more pain then she was letting on since she didn't want him to worry about her or try and make her take things easy
Sebastian gave a small nod, not really saying much more than that. Hey if she wanted to keep secrets that was all up to her, but if she did want to be honest he would be there to listen.
Thea moved and stood up from her desk and shakily headed out of the room so she could head to the rooms she was currently sleeping in. when she got there Thea took her meds and then laid down so that she could rest up and try and recover some more
Sebastian was finishing up a few more things before he was getting up and heading to his room so that he could get some sleep as well. He did drop by Daenerys room so that he could peek in on the two females. It seemed like Natalia was still awake, sitting on the bed and reading a book while Dany was asleep next to her. "How is she doing?" he questioned in a soft voice. Natalia looked over before she spoke, "Very shaken. It took me a bit to get her to believe me when I assured her that it was safe, that it was just me in the room, that if I left the farthest I would go was the bathroom for right now. Bastian.... I don't know if Oliver knows but..... She told me she was raped..... multiple times. She did mention a name that she saw on a pill bottle. Alexander. But nothing more than that." This had Sebastian giving a nod before he was closing the door quietly and heading off.
Oliver was in his office working on some work that had piled up while he had been trying to gain entrance in to the cabin where his sister had been held. while he didn't like not being close to her he also knew she needed to rest or she would end up passing out. so for the time being he was leaving her be so that she could rest
Sebastian stopped by Oliver's office and tapped on the door. "Hey Oliver.... Nat got a little information from Dany. But you may not like the news. Good news though there is a name... Alexander. No last name was mentioned though. But it seems like.... Oliver.... Dany was raped by this man. Which means.... this is going to be a replay of Nat. It is going to take her a bit to trust people again after it finally hits that it actually happened." he spoke after a moment in time. No he didn't want to upset his friend but the man needed to know what was going on, and who knew how forecoming Daenerys would be with Oliver if he asked her about it. Hell when it had happened to Natalia, she had told Oliver about it although was a little more hesitant to tell Sebastian.
"I know I could tell by the way she cringed away from some of the guys even though she trusted them the signs were there when I arrived as for the name its not a lot to go on for me to find this person" Oliver sat back in his chair and sighed and wondered what would drive a person to do that to someone
"I know. Nat will go what she can to get more information from her, without bringing up to many bad memories." Sebastian spoke before he was looking at his phone when he got a message before he spoke, "Oh wait something new. I guess Dany was mumbling about how Mare knew him. Family of sorts."
"then thats where we will start "if you could talk to her that would probably be better just like you with Nat I may hurt her while talking to her and I would rather not to that to Mare since sh has always been loyal"
Sebastian was giving a nod and spoke, "Yes I will talk to her. Tomorrow at some point in time. Anyways try to get some sleep as well." With that he was giving a wave and heading off to his room once again. He was sure that Natalia was on her laptop already trying to find out information into Mare's family, to find anybody named Alexander. And they did already know what he looked like, which made things a hell of a lot easier for her to find information.
Oliver nodded his head and then finished up with his work not long after. after checking on his sister and making sure she was resting well he headed to bed.

Mare sat in the hospital waiting room while they worked on removing the tumors form her nephews head and hoped that when he woke up that things would be as they were and that he would be his normal and kind self and not some kind of a monster who would hurt people
The morning came around rather quickly, and Sebastian was popping his head in to check on Natalia and Daenerys. Although popping his head in showed that they were both fast asleep. Honestly if one didn't know any better they would think the pair were a lesbian couple or something with how they were laying. Dany was snuggled up to Nat, using her stomach chest area as a pillow.
Oliver walked up behind him and smiled seeing that his sister was relaxed. while he knew it would take time for her to be able to sleep alone with out fear he knew this was a good sign since Nat could be close to her
Sebastian looked for a moment before he was moving away then spoke, "I'm just going to let them sleep." Usually he would wake the ladies up in the morning, since they liked to join them for breakfast, but today he wasn't going to do that. Nope he wasn't sure when either of them were finally able to fall asleep. And he could see the needle on the table next to Natalia, which told him that the doctor had come in and given her a shot for her pain. Why a shot? Because she had been so upset that swallowing pills had been difficult, so he had decided that it would be easier to just give her pain killers as a shot.
Oliver nodded his head "lets go get Thea since she should be up by now and then go eat" Oliver figured that it would be good to try and include her in their day to day lives like meal times rather then let her sit in her room all day
Sebastian was giving a nod of his head then looked at the few guys that had taken to lounging around near the room, just in case the ladies needed something. "Be sure to let the cook know when they wake up, he'll want to send them up some food." he spoke, and they were giving thumbs up. They had already eaten at that point in time, and had wanted to make sure that the girls were safe, so that is what they were doing. All voluntary.
Sebastian headed off to the kitchen before he spoke, "Man this situation seems to get more hectic." With that he was shaking his head a bit before looking up towards the ceiling as he walked to Thea's room and was tapping on the door. "Hey come and join us for breakfast." he called out after a moment in time.
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