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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Sebastian just read the message before he was texting back, "Fine. But I want to know. Why the hell that problem wasn't taken care of when they discovered that he had tumors. Maybe the person I should be going after for Dany being raped repeatedly is the damn doctor that didn't do their fucking job. Now because of this.... my own sister is suffering through flashbacks of her own rape, while trying to comfort her traumatized friend."
Mace put it simply " while he is loyal to me and keeps his mouth shut about this group he worked for another until he caught the boss trying and I do say trying to rape a seventeen year old girl. he put a stop to it and a few weeks later he went in due to sever headaches and that was when they found them, his old boss did something to convince the doctor to not remove them then and we have been waiting to try and get it taken care of but every doctor we go to refuses"
"If that is the case. Then you, as apart of my family, should have come to me asking for help." was the only response that Mare got in return from Sebastian, who was also talking to Oliver at the same time, letting him know what he was finding out since he knew that the man would want to know.
"he asked me not to Sebastian something about keeping Nat safe from harm I don't know what he meant by that but he knows more then he is willing to tell me I just lucked out that he passed out and the surgery got done since it was an emergency" Mace looked at him and then gently took his hand
Sebastian was frowning at the message from Mace before he was looking at Oliver before he spoke, "I'm very confused right now. According to Mace, the reason that Mace never came to us asking for help, like she wanted to, was because he was trying to keep Natalia safe from harm. Which makes me wonder.... if Nat actually knows him." Which wouldn't shock him much, the females seemed to have connections all over the damn city...more like all over the world. It did come in handy, especially when you were apart of a mafia.
"its possible but it could be more likely that this former boss of his knew who raped her and threatened to have it done again if he came to us for help" Oliver chewed on his lip a little "see if Mace will let you speak with his doctor I think it is about the we find out how long ago he was diagnosed and how long proper treatment has been refused"
Sebastian was giving a small sigh before he spoke, "Yeah.... that is possible. And that man is still out there..." They had never actually caught the man that had touched his sister, which still annoyed him to that day. Although as he thought about it, he had gone from pacing to going deadly still for a moment in time. "Wait.... He was being refused time and time again but now all of a sudden..... a doctor decided that they were going to go against a mafia boss. There is something we are missing....." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time before he was dialing his sister's number and putting his phone up to his ear, praying that she actually answered.
Olive looked at him "if it was an emergency the boss may not have had time to find out what doctor and pay him off" Oliver did agree though it was odd that suddenly one of the doctors would go ahead and go against a mafia boss unless he had done something drastic
"But the problem is. Mare told me what hospital they were at. That hospital is under the control of East Side boss." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time as he looked over towards Oliver. East Side was one of the most brutal mafia, definitely not strong on any means but they were feared because of their brutality. They were the ones that would cause mass bloodbaths and would execute those that were disloyal publicly. And the fact that his sister wasn't answering his phone was concerning him, so he was dialing the number of one of the guys he knew was tailing them.
Oliver nodded his head and then grabbed their coats but not before he called Thea the woman was brutal and if someone had gone ofter the two girls then she would be the last person they would want to see
"Not sure why you are calling Thea, considering she is here at the house." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time, having seen the number that his companion had been dialing. He did get an answer from one of the men although he was narrowly dropping his phone when he heard that Natalia and Daenerys had been taken by East Side. That wasn't good! Although they had put up one hell of a fight before they had gone, managed to knock one of the guys out, which his own men were holding hostage at the time.
"because she doesn't answer the intercom system or being paged" Oliver looked up when Thea walked in to the room and took his phone speaking quickly to the male telling him exactly how to restrain the male that would cause him to most pain when he woke and would only make it worse the longer he didn't give them the answers they wanted
Sebastian was fuming internally but at the same time he was calm. No everything would be fine because Nat and Dany together were a dangerous duo most the time. "I feel sorry for whoever took the girls. They are almost dangerous together...." he spoke after a moment in time.
Oliver nodded his head "try but given Dany's current situation I don't know how much use she will be now lets go and get our sisters" Oliver then looked at Thea "I don't even want to know how you know that sort of information just don't ever use it on any of us"

Thea simply shrugged her shoulders lightly "there is a lot I know that you wouldn't want to know"
Sebastian gave a nod before he spoke, "I can only pray that despite that.... she will stay strong as well. For their sake I pray that they both stay strong. At least until we can get them." With that he was grabbing his keys so that he could get going.

Who would have figured that the same exact man who had raped Natalia so many years ago would be leading her into the hospital and heading straight towards Alexander's room. Daenerys was with as well, although she was currently in the backseat of a car in the parking lot, sitting with one of the other guys. She had been given the warning to behave or it was Natalia that was going to pay that price. For the time being anyways. "Hello Mare, Alexander, Doctor Richards. The boss is a little disappointed that you went against what he said." the man spoke as he walked into the room, although at the time Natalia was standing outside of the room out of site, at least she had been until he was pulling her into the room.
Mace looked at him and then moved to stand in front of her nephew to protect him since he was still out cold "you should know better then to piss of Sebastian and by taking his sister you have done just that" Mace was aware that he was the new Black King but she knew that it wasn't widely known as of yet. Mace didn't trust that anything was going to get better "you know that it is wrong to stop a sick person from getting the medical care they need Alexander wouldn't have something horrid if your bastard of a boss hadn't stopped him from getting the tumors removed when they were first discovered"
The man gave a faint chuckle before he spoke, "He shouldn't have stepped in and interfered with what he had no right to interfere with. Anyways.... you are going to pass on a message to Sebastian and Oliver for us. They are to meet us at the warehouse near the pier by midnight or.... well they'll be finding the dead bodies of their sisters." With that he was turning to leave the room, Natalia going with him compliantly. Usually she would put up a fight, but at that point in time it was her friend's life that was in danger. All it would take was a simple message sent and Daenerys would end up dead.
Mace growled and once the male was gone she called Sebastian to let him know what had happened. Mace had been near Nat and had slipped her tracer in to the females pocket since it would make things easier on them
Sebastian was answering his phone the moment that it went off and listened to what Mace had to say. Although he definitely knew that things were going to get rather ugly. If being around the man that had touched her was setting off anxiety and PTSD then going back to that warehouse definitely would. So for the next few hours, Daenerys and Natalia were sitting in a room alone in the warehouse, just sitting close to each other. Natalia had her knees held close to her chest and Dany had an arm around her shoulders. Both young woman were attempting to stay strong....although that wasn't going to last long at all.
"I would head there myself but I can't leave Alexander if I do I run the risk of them killing him" Mace looked at Alexander and then hung up and sat back down she was sick of people thinking they could get their way and do as they pleased she just hoped that the new Black King would put the fear of god in to them and soon
Sebastian was looking towards one of the other guys, who was decent with computers but nowhere close to Natalia's level. "Nat has a tracker on her. Find it. Now." was all he said after a moment in time. Sure they were suppose to meet at the warehouse but that didn't meant that the two woman would be there. Which was true at that point in time. Actually they had been getting moved somewhere else, although Daenerys was headbutting the man holding her which had him letting her go, and was aiming a heel to the man's groin that was holding onto Natalia. Once Natalia was released Daenerys was grabbing her hand and spoke, "Lets go!" Where the heck they were going to run to in enemy territory at that point in time was a good question, but getting away was the goal. Hopefully they would run into somebody that would help them.
Mace had called in several of Alexanders favors but when they girls got about a block away from where they had been they would run in to someone who was pushing them in to a car and telling them a code word to let them know he was a friend and not someone to fear. the male would take them to a safe house where they would wait for Sebastian and Oliver since he couldn't risk going to their territory
Running into this strange person had Daenerys drawing Natalia behind her in a protective manner. You would think that one would state the safe word first before shoving already frightened people into a car, and expecting them to still not be afraid. Nope the girls were definitely afraid and that was still very obvious, but without phones or anything.... they had no way to make any phone calls, nor did they have any way to defend themselves. And despite this man knowing the safe word, didn't mean that they necessarily trusted him.
Ivo looked at them in his rearview mirror "don't worry girls when we get to the warehouse you can make the calls you need to" Ivo pulled in to the garage of a house and closed the garage door behind them and then got out and opened their door "there is food and drinks none of it has been tampered with" Ivo then motioned for them to go in to the house to eat and call their brothers
Daenerys and Natalia were just looking at one another especially after Natalia was questioning the other female in a soft voice if he could be trusted. After all it was Daenerys that knew everybody somehow. This had her giving a nod before she spoke, "Yes. We can." Soon enough they were arriving at the house and the pair were climbing out of the car, just looking around for a little bit. Natalia seemed to be a lot better than what she had been intially, loosening up some and heading into the house like she owned the place. Daenerys just followed after at a slower pace, more rubbing her wrists from where they had been least until the men had been dumb enough to untie them.
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