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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Ivo smiled at them both as they walked in and then closed the door behind them all "sorry about how I picked you up but his men were everywhere I didn't want to risk them spotting us" Ivo then walked over to the fridge and grabbing soda
"Word of advice. Say the safe word first as you are gesturing to get into the car, not just telling us to get into the car then saying the safe word." Natalia spoke before she was looking towards Daenerys was who was curled up next to her on the couch, the female's head on Nat's lap, and her hair hiding her face. This had Natalia running her fingers through the other female's hair before she spoke, "Don't worry Dany. We'll make them pay. Somehow, someway, sometime." This had Daenerys look up before she gestured in a soft voice, "How do you seem so calm despite the fact that that was the man that had raped you....." Natalia was giving a sad look before she spoke, "It is a struggle but I keep telling myself that it was the past. That I cannot allow myself to crumble because of that. And I tell myself that.... he will get his just reward."
Ivo nodded his head and then took a sip of his pop "feel free to call your bothers all the phones here are safe to use and no one will be able to tap them I know your brothers are probably worried" Ivo then looked at his phone when the girls picture came through with orders to capture them "wow you two really pissed the boss off"
Natalia looked towards him for a moment especially when he mentioned that they really pissed the boss off before she spoke, "I do that on a daily basis with many gang leaders. After all... I'm a goddess with technology, and I can fuck a person over without even laying a hand on them." "Same here. One little word and i could have the whole world turned against you." Daenerys spoke after a moment in time before she was handing a phone to Natalia, who was dialing a number, although it wasn't Sebastian she was calling. No she didn't trust the phones at all, so she was calling somebody else, the person that they always called when they were worried phones might not be safe. "Hey Theo it is Nat, call Bastian and Ollie, let them know we are safe." she spoke before she was letting him know the address.
Ivo shook his head a little and then went and sat down "your brothers financed this house there is no reason for it not to be safe but feel free to humor your selves" Ivo then clicked in to the kindle app on his phone and started to read the vampires mail-order bride by Kristin Painter
"Don't blame us for being wary. Dany just dealt with being held hostage for a few days, and violated day in and day out. And I had to deal with running into somebody that I had hoped I would never run into again." Natalia spoke after a moment in time as she was brushing her hair from her face.
Ivo looked at them both and then did something he normally wouldn't do and opened his shirt revealing a chest that was covered in scars "I work for the man who did this to me as a way to get back at him too I will have enough to put him behind bars or even in the ground so while are both healing form your wounds they will fade with time but the mental scars will remain while I live with a physical reminder of my pain everyday so learn to trust those who offer you help in times of need" Ivo then closed his shirt and stood up "I am heading out stay in the house you'll be safe so long as no one see's you"
Natalia just looked towards him before she spoke, "You aren't the only one that is physically scarred. Some mental scars are just as bad as physical scars." With that she was standing up as well before she was actually going over to the window seat that was in the living room and sitting there, just peering outside. Daenerys just listened for a moment in time before she was sitting up then spoke, "Give me a name and I can get you even more information about this person. Some very juice secrets that would definitely get them put behind bars." Her attention got turned towards Natalia for a moment in time before she spoke, "Nat. We should venture to the bathroom so I can help you do a wound clean."
"it is fine I will have my revenge the legal way when the time is right" Ivo then gave them a few rules to follow while they waited for Oliver and Sebastian to come and find them. with that Ivo left so that he could get on to the streets
"Oh it would be legal. I don't do anything illegal. It would mess with my career too much." Daenerys spoke before she was heading off to the bathroom with Natalia so that she could help her. Hard to believe that it had still only been a few days since she had lost her baby and had needed a csection done to remove the dead fetus. A depressing thing but.... it couldn't have been helped. Now Daenerys was helping gently clean the stitches from the csection and rewrapping some clean bandages around it.
After a while Daenerys and Natalia had taken to going back downstairs. Natalia had decided that she was going to nap, while Daenerys took to wandering the house. But they had been given permission to wander, as long as they didn't leave. Finding a piano definitely had Daenerys thrilled, and venturing over to sit on the bench.
Ivo moved around the area acting as if he was looking for the girls all the while he was making sure no one found them.

Oliver looked at his phone when it rang and answered it listening to the male on the other end before hanging up and looking at Sebastian "they found them"
Sebastian looked over for a moment in time before he was giving a nod and spoke, "That is good to hear. Where are they at?" He wasn't sure if the other male had gotten an address or just was notified that they had been found. How would he know since he wasn't listening to the conversation. And it was possible that the girls weren't exactly sure where they were, but they had just been able to call to let somebody know that they were safe. Knowing that they were safe was a relief off of the shoulders of Sebastian that was for sure.

While they spoke, Daenerys took to sitting in the room with piano, playing it. Not that it really bugged Natalia or anything, the music helped keep her calm and relaxed. They were both safe, that is all either of them knew at that point in time. As she played Daenerys just hummed along with the music that she was playing.
"yea I have the address let go and get our sisters" Oliver looked at him he was more then ready to get their family back form these assholes.
Sebastian was giving a nod before he spoke, "Yeah lets going." With that he was heading off towards the car so that they could get going.
Soon enough the two guys were headed towards the house, Sebastian grateful that they knew where exactly the girls were. He just strongly hope that they were okay, and nothing was seriously wrong.
Oliver looked at him. "lets hope they are ok and if the girls had the chance they learned what the hell is going on." while the two groups hadn't been friends they had left each other alone until recently "I wonder if this is because of the old Black King retiring and the new one not being announced yet"
"From what I heard from some of the guys I had at the hospital. The man that came in with Nat was the same one that had raped her so long ago." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time. That enough told him that he had been looking for her and used this as opportunity. And the gang that he ran with, was more than likely just wanting to start a war.
"thats not good but it makes me wonder what he was doing at the hospital there is no reason for him to be there" Oliver looked at him and then at his phone when it pinged "we need to make a left here and then it is the fifth house down on the left"
"Because the group that he works with, is the same group that Mare's nephew pissed off, well pissed the leader off anyways." Sebastian spoke before he was making a left hand turn and continue to the house that they needed to go to, pulling into the driveway.
Once they had stopped Oliver got out and headed to the door and knocked in a way that the girls would know it was him. the knock changed every two months and everyone had to learn the new one even the girls. Oliver hoped that they were all doing ok and that nothing bad ha happened to them
Natalia had been relaxing on the couch listening to Daenerys plan the piano when she heard the faint knock on the door. This had her getting up for a moment in time and just listened to the knock now that she was closer. Now that was a familiar knock which had her going over to peer out the peephole as well to confirm that it was in fact people that could be trusted. This had her opening the door so that Oliver and Sebastian could come in.
Oliver waited till they were both in before hugging Nat and then heading in the direction of his sisters playing. when he found the room she was in he looked at her "you know your playing can be heard form the street and it is very distinct" Oliver was giving his sister a hard time for the sheer fun of it
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