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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Thea moved to the door and pulled it open and looked at him, "how are you so happy first thing in the morning". Between the pain her arm was causing her and the lack of coffee which the kitchen had started to learn she practically lived on she was rather grumpy and not all that sociable with everyone else. while Thea was up she was not dressed for the day she was still in her blue silk nightgown that was styled like a dress so it covered very little since it was a night gown
"Not happy at all, merely giving an invite for you to breakfast." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time with a slight shrug. Although his attention did turn towards something else for a brief moment in time, and he saw that it seemed the other two ladies were up as well. "Oh good morning Nat, good morning Dany." he waved after a moment in time just watching the pair of them. Natalia was dressed in her short shorts and sports bra, what she normally wore to bed. Daenerys on the other hand was wearing what appeared to be some of Oliver's clothes, a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Probably something that Nat had helped her change into at some point in time.
Thea grumbled a little bit and then grabbed her biggest and most conservative robe she had and put it on before she shuffled out of the room and headed in the direction of the kitchen. Thea truly wasn't a morning person so being up and about this early wasn't normal for her but she would adjust in time
"You can go back to bed if you want." was all Sebastian could say before he was looking towards Natalia and Daenerys for a moment, the two woman already heading towards the kitchen as well.
"already up may as well stay up and get more work done" Thea still had over twenty accounts to go through and she may as well get started on her work
"If you insist." Sebastian spoke before he was pushing open the door to the dining hall, where a number of the others were at. Natalia and Daenerys walked in and Nat was putting out a hand to stop a few of the guys from getting to close, just them wanting to know how they were doing. "Slowly. Dany is very paranoid right now." Nat spoke after a moment in time, as she wrapped a comforting arm around her friend.
Oliver walked over to his sister and wrapped his arm around her "come on eSquirt lets get some food" with that he guided her back to where they were sitting so that they could get some food in to both of them before he had to get to work
Daenerys did end up jumping a bit when Oliver came up and wrapped an arm around her, but she did calm down quickly enough thankfully. With that she was giving a small nod although she really didn't say much of anything at that point in time.
Oliver smiled at her lightly "don't worry baby sister everything is going to get better" while he couldn't tell her it would be fine he could tell her it would get better and with time it would she would recover form what happened and would be able to eventually relax
Oliver hugged her close to him and then kissed the top of her head "it truly will sister your home now but fist things first you are moving to some where safe and more secure"
Daenerys just looked at him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Just want I want to do. Again. For the fourth time. Because people have to be fucking creepers." With that she was giving a small huff before going over and sitting down next to Natalia, who had taken her usual spot.
"this time we are going to have Thea get you a place if she can stay under the radar from people like us then she can keep you safe and sound" Oliver hugged her again and smiled at her
Daenerys just spoke, "I don't want to move, and I'm not going to move. I know that you are just looking out for me but I'm tired of moving."
Thea looked at her "this would be the last time that you would move once I am done no one will be able to find your home location but there would have to be some changes on your part as well for instance no more walking every where you go you would be taken to and from in a car with tinted windows and every entrance would be covered as well" Thea looked at her and gave her a small smile "if you let me I can make it where you never have to move again no matter who goes looking for you"
Daenerys shook her head then spoke, "No. If I feel like walking I'm going to walk. Because that is less suspicious than riding in a damn car with tinted windows. I'm not moving again. I'm tired of moving." With that she was getting up from her chair and disappearing out of the dining room, only speaking to Natalia softly. Natalia at least knew where she was going, and that was locking herself away in her music room. That was where she went when she wanted to be alone, and when she wanted to just calm down.
Thea shook her head a little as she sat down and started to eat figuring if the female was being stubborn simply because she was sick of moving then let her be stubborn
Natalia just gave a small sigh before she was getting up as well so that she could go and talk with Daenerys. Honestly Natalia didn't blame Daenerys for being sick of moving just because other people couldn't seem to control themselves. Others make the decisions to stalk people on their own terms, or when it comes to the guy that had broken into one of her old apartments just to have a friendly chat, that had been his own decision. A harmless thing really, he had just wanted to talk....but breaking in hadn't quite been the way to do it.

"Dany it is Nat." Natalia called out as she knocked on the music room door before she was entering the room, her friend just sitting at the piano that was in the room. This had Daenerys looking over before she spoke, "Why am I always expected to change how I do stuff, just because others want to be stupid. They should be the ones that need to change, not I. Apparently this guy was Mari's nephew and his actions were due to a tumor in his brain, or something like that. But that being the case, even if I were to decide to go to the cops over the rape.... that would rule in his favor. He wasn't mentally stable, and it would have actually fallen on my shoulders more than likely. That is how the law seems to work." With that she was shaking her head, tears falling down her cheeks which had Natalia walking over and hugging her gently.

"I'll play piano, you sing." Natalia spoke after a moment in time before she was sitting down next to Daenerys and started to play. Nothing in particular just playing whatever came to mind. It was a melody, and despite there not being any true words for it, Daenerys came up with her own lyrics that went perfectly with what Natalia was playing. Yet again that was a singer-songwriter for you.
once she finished eating Thea returned to the room she had been keeping herself locked away in to work she figured if someone wanted to talk to her they would come looking for her otherwise she would rather be left alone.

Oliver shook his head and then sighed a little when his phone rang. getting up and leaving his food untouched Oliver headed off to work since Sebastian had other things to tend to that day he was acting as the head of the group so that he wouldn't be bothered while trying to get them done
Not that Sebastian would have been overly concerned with having to do some work as well, at the time he was just signing a few papers since he had eaten and headed off to his office. While he was doing this, it seemed like Natalia and Daenerys had decided that they needed to get out for a bit, and were leaving the main house so that they could go shopping.
Oliver did remind him that he was going to speak with Mace about what had happened since they needed answers for his sisters sake and hopefully they would be able to get things take care of then
Sebastian just looked towards him for a moment before he spoke, "For some reason I don't feel as though we are going to get real answers. From what Nat just told me.... his actions were due to a brain tumor. But still...despite that.... the action is inexcusable. Yet at the same time, if word gets out, it will be on Dany. That man would be seen as the victim due to this brain tumor, and how due to it he has problems telling right from wrong. An unfair situation." With that he was shaking his head a bit then looking over at one of the other guys when they came up and stated that Natalia and Daenerys had left the house. "That is fine. I have a few people tailing them. This will give them the chance to breath and just talk to each other. Dany just went through something traumatic as did Natalia, and I'm sure this happening to Dany, brings back memories of her own rape."
"that maybe but my question is why wasn't it removed before now and those are the answers we seek right now" Oliver wanted to know why to doctors had refused to remove the males tumors when they were first discovered they could dish out their own punishment for the male after they had found out what they needed to know
"That is a good question. Even if he didn't have money.... he could have set up some kind of payment plan with them. Or hell he could have mentioned something to his aunt, and she could have come to us asking for help. Not like we wouldn't have assisted with something like that." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time before he was giving a shake of his head before taking out his phone to call Mare and telling her that he wanted to talk to her about the situation. That he had some questions and wanted some answers before they ultimately decided what they were going to do. "The most important question I have right now is.... why the hell didn't the doctors remove the tumors when they were first discovered?" the male spoke into the phone before hanging up. Let her think on that, or even gather her own information, or leave her to ponder that question in confusion as well if that was the case.
Mace looked at the phone sitting in her hand and then at Alexander who was now out of surgery and in to a private room recovering. Mace didn't want to tell them what is going on but she also knew that they would need to know what was happening she just hoped that they would take pity on him and let him once he was better make things up to Dany after what had happened. Mace then texted Sebastian and told him that she would answers his questions but she sadly couldn't leave the hospital where she was
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