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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Sebastian just looked at Giovanni as he came out of the room and found himself being pulled off to the side by the younger male. "Bastian.... the doc says that.... the baby's placenta was ruptured. There is no saving the baby at all. He is taking care of all of that now with getting the fetus and the placenta removed. She doesn't know yet, he ended up putting her under." Giovanni spoke in a soft tone of voice, not even phased when Sebastian was punching the wall at all. "Damn it!" Sebastian hissed. First Kyle nearly being killed, and now this. And all by the same gang he was pretty certain.
Thea heard it and felt bad for Nat she had been through so much at the time and now she had lost her baby to Thea it wasn't far she had only tired to help her out by giving her some time to get out of there.
Sebastian just let out a small breath then spoke, "Just stay with her for now, and comfort her. I'm going to go deal with the gang that is the cause behind all of this." Hopefully Oliver would get closer to finding his sister before all hell broke lose.
Thea looked at him "I have a question for you and this will determine if I stay and work for you" if he answered her truthfully and she liked his answer she would possibly stay but if she didn't she would leave and not return.
Sebastian looked towards her and questioned, "And what is this question? Hold that thought for a moment." With that he was answering his phone when it went off, one of the twins calling to stated that they found a strange cabin on out in the forest but there didn't seem to be anybody there. But they had a feeling they were close so they were going to check it more. "Good. Be sure to let Oliver now." Sebastian spoke.

Daenerys found herself really irritated that she was still in this place and was banging on the door screaming at the male to let her leave. Damn this fucking fanatic for kidnapping her.
Alexander was up in the main cabin and the sound proofing was keeping her screams from being heard. the access to the lower level cabin was well hidden and if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't be able to find it. Alexander finished making his shopping list and then he grabbed his keys.

Thea waited for him to finish the call and once he was done she looked at him "what would you do for your sister" Thea was looking for an answer that showed he truly lover his sister
Sebastian looked towards her for a moment before he spoke, "I would do anything for my sister, I have done anything for her. I have killed people just to keep her safe." With that he was just looking towards the room his sister was in before moving over to the bandaged male that came out of another room. "Kyle, you should be lying down." he spoke but was going over to help him anyways, just lending him some support. "No.... I heard about Nat.... Tell me.... Tell me she is okay.... Please...." Kyle spoke in an almost broken voice. This had Giovanni giving a nod before he spoke, "She is fine. The doctor has her sedated right now and on an IV. He is getting her ready for a blood transfusion now as we speak but Kyle.... there is some sad news. The baby didn't make it." How he hated to be the bearer of bad news, but somebody had to tell him. There was definitely a look of pure shock and hurt on Kyle's face, but knowing that his girlfriend was alive helped a little. "She is safe though..... I didn't lose them both." Kyle spoke, tears actually falling down his cheeks.
Thea walked over and touched his shoulder "she is safe and if I had had my way the man who hurt her would be dead right now but she told me to stop" Thea wasn't going to tell him that she had been near passing out more then once and had been bleeding badly since he didn't need that right now "you should be resting as well she won't rest if your not"
"Oh he will pay a price for his actions. But first I need to find out who had sent him here." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time before he was looking towards Kyle then nodding in agreement to what Thea said. "I'll let you know if anything changes." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time which had Kyle giving a slow nod, just looking towards the room where Natalia was at.
"come one once the doc has her settled I will see if he will let you move in to the room as well so you can be close to her" Thea gently guided him back to his room so that he could get some more rest. Thea hoped that the doc would ok moving him in to the room with Nat so that he would truly rest and allow himself to heal
Kyle was giving a faint nod before he questioned, "Who are you even? I've never seen you around here before. Unless you are one of Nat's friends. She has a few I haven't met."
"my name is Thea I am "The Accountant"" Thea gave him the title all the criminal organizations knew her by, while she handled their money she didn't want to know anymore about how they worked hence the reason she had sent those papers to the FBI
Kyle just looked for a moment although he was truly only half with it, probably because pain killers were slowly kicking in. "Thea... that is a nice name." he mumbled although had to stop for a brief moment to use the wall to steady himself, just giving an apology.
"thank you" Thea didn't mind that he had to stop as she could tell that his pain meds were kicking in and she knew he would be out of it soon
Eventually Kyle got back to his room with Thea's help, and she would find that he was giving her a kiss on the cheek although that was more his way of thanking her. That was how he usually kissed Daenerys and a few of the other females, and they never cared. He probably thought that she was just one of them at that point in time. One of the guys that was in the room was getting up and helping the male lay back down, and Kyle seemed to pass out the moment his head touched the pillow.
Thea nodded her head and then went back in to the hall to think some. she knew that Sebastian had told her the truth when he had answered especially since he hadn't hesitated to answer her question and with the truth
Sebastian was just sitting in the hallway with his head in his hands, a bit lost in thought at that point in time. Everything seemed to be going to shit at that point in time. And he wasn't sure if anything seemed like it was going to get better or not.

Daenerys eventually decided that she was going to try and get out of the room. And the first thing that came to mind to try was getting the hinges loose since that wasn't super difficult to do. All she needed was something strong enough to use to pop the pin out of place. Thankfully she did manage to find something, and was currently working on trying to do that.
Dany would notice that even if she got the hinges on that side taken apart the ones on the other side would prevent her from doing so . it was a security contingent that he had put in place before he had taken her. Alexander finished preparing and then after making sure the door was secure and locked and that she couldn't escape he headed out to get food. before he left he made sure that everything was well hidden and if the place was searched nothin would be found.
Daenerys found herself highly frustrated and ended up taking to tossing shit around the room in her irritation, completely trashing it. Man was he going to regret this when she was freed from this place. She knew that it wouldn't be long before somebody found her, more than likely one of the twins before anybody else. They wouldn't give up. Despite everything being hidden, and them crouching in the shadows out of sight completely and watching he man leave, that told them there was something more than met the eye to the cabin. Since nobody had been in there before.
Alexander secured the cabin and went to the one store near by that was only five minutes by car. it didn't take him long to get what he needed and then he headed back home with all the food to get it put away so that he cold get ready to fix their dinner for the night. Alexander was also planning on taking her that night and he had a way to get her drugged and turned on so he could safely screw her
The twins hadn't gone inside, nope instead they had watched the man return to the cabin and head inside. One of the twins watched the back door and the other watched the front, but neither of them had seen him leave at all. But they would just continue to watch for a while, before they headed inside. Their intuition told them that they were in the right area.
Alexander moved around the cabin acting as if he was maintaining and normal routine and then when the sun set her killed all the lights as if he was headed to bed. Alexander checked his room and the was a large false call that breathes with the help of a machine that was thankfully silent and smiled knowing full well that it would look like he was sleeping and that no one would try breaking in while thinking that someone was in the building.
Shame that the twins weren't quite that dumb, they would catch on to something being up. Especially since they had scoured the place earlier and hadn't found a single thing, and then all of a sudden a man had come out. Definitely told them that there was a hidden area, just the matter of finding it.
Alexander had seen one of them and if they were still there in the morning he would call the cops and have them removed. he then quickly made their salads and carried one in to Dany "well this is going to be fun to clean up now time to eat dinner I made salads tonight " Alexander had drugged the Salad through the nuts it is since their was no way any drug he used would be tasted.
"Go fuck yourself." was all Daenerys said as she sat on the bed with her arms folded across her chest. She was actually taking the plate of food and setting it on the ground next to the door before returning to her spot. "Let me the fuck out of here. Now." she spoke, her eyes holding more rage than anything else at that point in time.
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