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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Natalia was being to panic because she couldn't seem to get the program to even want to track the ring, tears falling down her cheeks. "Nat calm okay. Why don't you go to the medical unit. The doctor doesn't want the female there anymore and I need somebody to go and talk to her for right now." Sebastian spoke which had Natalia giving a nod before she was getting up and leaving the room. He went back to talking with the twins that could basically find anybody and was explaining the situation to them.

Natalia walked into the room where Thea was at and saw that she was awake, and was asking if everybody else could leave the room for the time being so that she could speak to her. "You sure, Nat?" one of the other guys asked. This had her giving a nod before she spoke, "Yes. Suggestion for everybody. Avoid Oliver. Things have gotten ugly and fast."
and she was right it was in their best option for them to avoid Oliver until his sister was back safe and sound he would be in a foul mood and this was well known by everyone in the group that if you fucked with Dae that it wasn't her you had to worry about it was Oliver as he would make you pay more often then not worse then his sister would.

Thea looked at her when she walked in to the room and after everyone had left she spoke "still won't do as you say so your waisting you time trying" Thea wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

Alexander soon got her settled in the room she would be in while she was there. what he had forgotten was that all of his meds for his tumor were sitting in the medicine cabinet so if she opened it she would see them
Natalia looked towards Thea for a moment in time before she spoke, "I'm going to put this lightly, because I don't have time for this bullshit. My best friend was just kidnapped by god knows who, and my boyfriend was just found beaten within an inch of his life. And I have an ultrasound within the next two hours that I'm nervous as hell to go to alone. The conditions you need to follow are fairly simple. You work for us, and in return we give you protection. There are a number of gangs that have a hit on your head because of your freaky memory. Yes I know everything about you, from the day you were born to today. If these people get ahold of you, they will use you and then kill you. They wont give you a choice in the matter. But from what I read about you, you work at a shitty accounting firm that doesn't pay you much. Work for us as our accountant, and you will be paid handsomely. You will be protected. But our condition is, you keep silent about certain things that happen within our family. If you don't accept these terms, well I can let you go but already people from opposing gangs are camped out at your apartment, your work, and your usual hang outs waiting for you."
Thea chuckled a litte "really you know everything about me?" Thea shifted and pulled her shirt to the side and exposed a tattoo that had belonged to the Black king himself "I have plenty of places to hide if need be I am his accountant working for that place is just a cover I don't really need it" Thea then put her shirt back in place and looked at her "I will put this clearly so your hormone and fear rattled brain can understand it I do the books and only the books for those I choose to work for but if you want help finding your friend bring me the security tapes I can go through them faster then your men or software can" Thea figured someone who was expecting didn't need the stress of her missing friend
"Yes I do know everything and honey that tattoo doesn't mean anything anymore. Because as of earlier today, a new Black King was named. And no shit you would only do the books, I don't trust anybody around my computers or software. Besides maybe my brother and my best friend." Natalia spoke after a moment in time although she ended up leaping in the air a bit when the door slammed open and Sebastian came into the room.

"Nat. You are staying here. You are not going to be leaving the house unless you have somebody else with you. I'm going to meet Oliver and Dany's place. We are going to see what we can find, and I'm going to attempt to calm him down." Sebastian spoke although it wasn't long before he was getting smacked in the head with an empty pop bottle, and Natalia scolding him for screaming the living daylights out of her.

"I'm sorry baby sister." Sebastian spoke before he was going over and gently wrapping his arms around her in a hug then looked towards Thea for a moment then spoke, "As of tomorrow you will officialially be working for me. When I was named the new Black King. I got his power, his money, his home, and all of his employees. And last I checked you still have a contract drawn up with him. That states that even should the Black King title be passed to enough your contract is still valid, checking the date you still have a few years."

"Bastian. Leave. You can talk to her about this later! Because if you don't get your ass moving to get to Oliver and try to pick up a trail on Dany I'm going to freak out. Or leave to do it myself." Natalia spoke which had him waving his hands in a defensive manner before he was hurrying out. Yeah his sister was a bit on the terrifying side at that point in time.

After he had left Natalia was giving a small sigh before she looked towards Thea then spoke, "I'm sorry if I seem like I'm being a bitch. I really don't intend to be just a lot has gone on today alone. And I apologize for my brother, he is just as stressed." With that said she was glancing at her tablet for a moment in time but it seemed like it hadn't been able to pick up the ring at all. "And no need for you to look at the tapes. We have a face of who took her already. He has been stalking her for weeks."
"just because he has been following her doesn't mean anything your program may have picked one face my brain can pick up hundreds of patterns in a matter of a few seconds I can tell you who all had followed your friend in the last few weeks" Thea knew it would be time to think about leaving for good her contract wasn't up for a few years yet but she had no intention of working for the people who kidnapped her simply because she sent the FBI one of their files that they had desperately needed
"As can my system. My system isn't as pathetic as you may think it is. Oh and that file you had sent to the FBI. Yeah no that wasn't okay to have done, especially since that was containing private information they didn't need to know about. At all. Their system was hacked and all of that information was erased completely, back-ups included." Natalia spoke after a moment in time before she was looking at her phone when she saw that she had a call. An unknown number. This had a frown decorating her lips for a brief moment in time. Who the hell?

Daenerys was awake although what the male wouldn't know wouldn't hurt him at all. She had managed to get ahold of his phone and had called Natalia. Granted the service was super spotty but that was fine. She didn't need words to communicate, just a few numbers. A message within the numbers would allow her to tell Natalia that she was alive but scared. She didn't know where she was. As she was speaking the numbers off, Natalia was jotting them down on her arm with a pen that she had found, insistently recognizing what it meant. "Don't worry Dany. The twins are on the job." Natalia spoke although she was already starting to trace the number that her friend had called from. Sadly the area that they would have to search was still a large area. It had pinged it thankfully but there was still a few miles of area that they had to cover, and a lot of it was forested. Which made stuff difficult.
Thea shrugged her shoulders "fine but I am going to enact a clause in my contract so effective immediately I am no longer the Black King's accountant" Thea then moved to get out of the bed and leave the building an arm wrapped around her waist while her broken arm was dangling by her side. Thea wasn't going to stay there and she was going to go to her family home so that she could recover from her injuries.

Alexander walked in to the room and found her on the phone. with a few quick strides he walked over and grabbed the phone from her and turned it off and then snapped it in half "no phones" with that he walked out of the room and locked the door behind him while he made dinner for them both. Alexander had restraints that would allow her to eat but not escape and wander around the cabin
"You are not leaving." Natalia spoke and a few men were actually moving forward and grabbing ahold of Thea, before they were strapping her down to the bed so that she couldn't leave. Although her attention did turn towards the clear scream of fright that came from the other end of the phone, from Daenerys. This had her let out a slow brief breath before she looked towards Thea before she spoke, "She will be transferred to the main house and put in one of the solitary rooms until Sebastian says otherwise." There was a slight quiver to her voice and she was turning so that she could leave the room, knowing that the particular men in the room would do as ordered and nothing more.

Daenerys had definitely been giving a scream of fright when he had all of a sudden come in and was snapping the phone. Not like it mattered to her, it had been his phone. And she had at least given Natalia a general area to start a search in. Which would narrow it down greatly. "I demand that you release me right now." she hissed at the man in an annoyed voice as she folded her arms across her chest, just glaring at him. Oh was he going to regret this.
Alexander looked at her from where he was standing as he had turned and walked to the door "No" he then turned and walked out of the room locking the door behind himself so that she couldn't get out of the room. Alexander then went to the kitchen as started to cook them some food to eat.

Thea struggled against them and against the restraints when she was tied down to the bed. Thea was going to leave if it wasn't now then it would be soon she had no intention of staying or of fulfilling her contract with the male either.
"Let me go you damn freak!" Daenerys screamed even after he had closed and locked the door, banging on it with her fists. Man was she pissed off and freaked out all at once. Talk about flashback to a number of months ago and that crazy stalker. After a bit though she just decided that she was going to look around the room and see what she could find. Bathroom connected to the room, and the medicine cabinet. Anything that she could use to her advantage? Pain killers, allergy pills.... a prescription bottle for something. Pills to help with a tumor. Huh interesting.

Natalia looked towards Thea for a moment in time before she was walking out of the room but she was stopped by one of the guys who was making a comment about something. "What do you mean that Issac is here? Make him leave. A restraining order was put on him for good reason. Abusive asshole. As usual I'm not here, and be sure to let Bastian know that he stopped by again." she spoke before she was looking at one of the other females that came up and told her that Kyle was awake and asking for her.
Alexander finished making their dinner and then after plating hers up and putting a cover on it he carried it to the door and opened the door and set her food on the dresser right next to the door before he closed it again and locked it so she couldn't get out. Alexander hadn't put anything in the food if he wanted something he would just do it.
Not that Daenerys was even going to eat the food. Nope she didn't trust it whatsoever so she merely took the unopened yogurt container that was on the tray and took to eating that. That she knew was safe. It would have been very noticable if somebody had tried to drug that or open it priorly. After that she was tossing that across the room in irritation before she yelled at him, "You are going to regret this! Especially when my family finds you." And that was no joke, the biggest one that he had to worry about being Oliver himself.
Oliver was at his sisters apartment and currently yelling at the men standing down in the lobby since after the package had been found a guard should have been put on her door. Oliver was more then a little pissed at the moment and it would take someone that he trusted beyond a doubt to even remotely calm him down at that moment.

Alexander sat and ate his own food and then cleaned up the mess from making dinner and his dishes
Sebastian was showing up after a bit and nudging Oliver in the arm gently. "Hey Nat got a call from Dany on a different phone. Signal was bad but Nat got a message in the end. That she was unharmed but didn't know where she was. The call was traced and Natalia was able to narrow it down to a five mile search radius. But a lot of it is forested area." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time. Well that was better than nothing at all.
Oliver looked at him and then nodded his head "lets get out there and find my sister I want her home now" Oliver shot a gear at the men and they all scrambled back away from him as they all knew that he was more then a little pissed off at the moment and they all knew they were fixing to get in to some serious trouble when he did return after finding his sister
Sebastian spoke, "I've already got the twins on it, and now that they have a more general area to look." With that he was answering his phone when it went off and heard Natalia complaining that Isaac was at the office, and letting him know that they were moving Thea to the main house. "Evidently she is enacting a clause that allows her to get out as the Black King's accountant." Natalia spoke. "Which is fine because if she isn't working for me, I can have the mark removed. That is my right as the Black King. I've been there when Dominic did that stuff, especially if they are somebody who was marked for a specific job." Sebastian spoke although his eyes did narrow a bit when his sister suddenly gave a startled shriek and then there was a mumbled hello to somebody. "Who is there?" he questioned. "Issac...." Natalia mumbled into the phone which had the male just stopping dead in his walking. "Oliver do me a favor and call Anthony, he is at the office. Tell him I want him to take Isaac and beat him senseless. I did promise he could, especially if that man got anywhere close to the woman again."
Oliver nodded his head and then moved off and called Anthony to let him know what was going on. Oliver did look over at Sebastian "you know if she doesn't want to work for us you can always keep her as a plaything from what I heard until her married that was what the last Black King did they would all be marked as his and if they tried to run and were picked up they were brought back to him one the mark was seen."
"Very valid point. They are bring over the paperwork and what not tomorrow." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time before he was hanging up with Natalia and heading outside towards the car so that they could get going.

Daenerys was still in a very bad mood and the male would definitely note that if he ever came into the room. She had refused to touch the food that had been brought to her.
Alexander did come back in to the room and then looked at her "you need to eat" the door was closed behind him. Alexander would assure he rifled he had to that the food was safe hell he would even try it to prove to her that was not drugged. Alexzander wanted her to eat her food she would need her strength. Alexander had plans for her and he wanted her well fed before they got started
"No I refuse to fucking eat anything you make me. I refuse to stay here. Just let me fucking go." Daenerys spoke in a sharp tone of voice, an annoyed expression on her face.
"no you can eat willingly or I can make you eat either way this food will get in to your system" Alexander had had a friend walk him through putting a feeding tube in to someone, she would of course be out cold for the whole thing but he would do it if need be
"Fine I'll eat. After you try everything first." Daenerys spoke after a moment in time, folding her arms across her chest. Fine he wanted her to eat then he could suffer the consequence of dealing with the drugs, if any was put in there.
Alexander nodded his head and took a bite of everything and then stood there for fifteen minutes and when no drugs effected him he motioned for her to come and grab her food and eat it "I don't use drugs in food it ruins the taste of the food" Alexander had used a drug to knock her out but he wouldn't tamper with food
"I still don't trust you. You are are nothing more than a kidnapper. More than likely a fucking rapist as well." Daenerys spoke in a miffed voice before she got up and grabbed the food, before going back over to the bed and sat on that, picking at the food. "Ugh this is so going to make me gain weight." she mumbled but was taking a bite from it anyways.
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