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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Natalia just looked over towards him for a moment although she didn't say much, just gave a soft smile and walked away. At that point in time she was more relieved that her boyfriend was okay to really be bothered by anything. While she headed off to go and shower, Daenerys had retreated to her room and was going through her clothes to pick out an outfit for the next day.
while everyone was getting settled or going over things Thea woke up and had started to make a whole lot of noise, while no one out side of the apartment could hear her those inside could and called Sebastian to let him know that she was awake and that she was making one hell of a ruckus and to find out what he wanted to to do about her since the noise was getting on their nerves. one of the males was even stupid enough to open the door and slap the female so hard that she hit her head on the floor and was knocked out form the impact of the blow
Sebastian listened to what they had to say before he spoke, "I'll be sending Daenerys over to talk to her. I would come myself but I'm headed back to the office now. I need to get Kyle settled in." With that he was shooting a text to the orange haired female to let her know what she would being doing, and got a confirmation thumbs up back from the female.

While this happened, Daenerys was actually grabbing up her bag and heading outside so that she could walk to the apartment where the female was being kept at. Yeah she had decided to walk. It was a beautiful day out and the apartment complex was only a couple of blocks away.
since she had decided to walk and given that she possibly had a stalker several guards went with her so that she didn't go missing and end up locked away some where
Not that Daenerys really minded the company at all, they were at least fun people to talk two. Well these two were anyways. The other two that had gone with her a few weeks ago had been like super silent, it had been almost creepier than knowing that she possibly had a stalker. It didn't take them overly long to arrive at the apartment building and heading inside. The female popped a bubble with her gum as they stepped into the elevator.
the guards looked at her when she walked in "you may not want to go in right yet she is back out" the one male speaking looked over at the male that was currently tied up and waiting to be taken back to the office for Sebastian to deal with since they had been told not to touch her once she was at that apartment.
Daenerys was raising and eyebrow before she spoke, "I'm assuming that she was screaming and yelling, and got knocked out cold. Either or I've got time to waste and wait. Sebastian found Kyle and is getting him settled in, and making sure that he gets proper medical care." With that she was sitting down on one of the many chairs that was in the living room and crossing one leg over the other.
the male nodded his head "yea she was screaming and yelling but she didn't hit him he beat the living shit out of her though we have one of the group doctors coming to check her over to make sure that she is ok" the guard looked at the male they had restrained "boss said she was't to be hurt once she was here and he broke that rule so I figure I'll let the boss deal with him"
"Yeah we'll see what kind of mood Sebby is in. He didn't sound overly pleased on the phone. Although interesting news.... a new Black King has been named." Daenerys spoke after a moment in time before she was looking at her phone for a brief moment, spotting that she had a message from one of the men that worked at the apartment building that Daenerys lived in. Evidently a package had been delivered for her, although there wasn't a return address or anything on it. This had a small frown decorating her lips before she mumbled "Last time somebody got a strange package there was a finger in it." That hadn't been a fun time...although they had discovered their informant that had gone missing a while ago. Yet again.... there weren't many people that knew where her penthouse was even at except those in the gang and her bandmates. And both groups wouldn't send it to her place, they would send it to the "company" building where Sebastian had people check for bombs and stuff like that.
'Send it to Darius. Have him look into it.' was the text reply that she sent back. Darius was the one who usually checked for that kind of stuff, and determined if it was safe to be delivered or not.
Damian stood outside of the apartment complex and watched as someone took his gift to Daenerys out of the building. this had the male growling in anger before pressing a hand against his head as the pain grew worse. Damian stumbled back to his car and grabbed some aspiring and one of the pills the doctors had given him. he hated taking them since they made him feel loopy but in reality they pushed the crazy side of him that had developed since the tumor had started back in to the darkness allowing his sane mind to rule for a while and if he remembered to take it he would remain in control.
After a while Daenerys was looking at her phone to see that Sebastian had messaged her and stated that he wasn't going to be able to speak with the female at all. While he had wanted to, there were a few things that he wanted to get done that took a bit of priority over that at the time. But that was fine by her, she would speak with Thea. She would probably have better luck as well. She heard noise in the room that the female was in which had her getting to her feet and going over to the door, one of the men unlocking it for her. Once it was opened she was slipping into the room and studying the female for a brief moment in time. "Good morning. I shall apologize for the man that hit you. He had been given strict orders by our boss not to do so, but obviously he didn't want to listen. So here is how this is going to go, and you can do it the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is sitting and talking with me, and agreeing to my terms and conditions, which will get you released from here as long as you swear you will do as I say. Or the hard way is I leave and you remain locked in this room until my boss is done and comes to speak to you." Daenerys spoke in a calm voice.
Thea looked at her it was easy to see from how she was sitting that she was in an ton of pain and her arm was wrapped around her ribs. while every other inch of her was in pain her eyes showed anger and rage "go to hell" Thea was more then a little pissed off at all of them and she would rather try and escape and get away from them but first she needed to heal up and then she was getting the hell out of there
Daenerys gave a small sigh before she spoke, "Hard way it is then. Be expecting to be sitting in this room for the next few days since my boss is quite busy with stuff and probably won't be able to come and speak to you for a few days. No point in trying to escape, you wouldn't be able to. Shame you wouldn't just have sat and listened to what I had to say instead of being rude." With that she was turning and going back over to the door, tapping on it gently so that they could open it and she could leave.
"its rude to kidnap people and hold them against their will, its also rude to beat them or didn't your mother ever teach you that" Thea looked over when the door opened but instead of letting Daenerys out a doctor came in and gently pulled the girl back in with him "you don't want to go out there just yet lass trust me on this" the doctor then walked over and started his exam of Thea and made several tutting sounds as he found she had two broken limbs and a fractured nose as well as a fractured arm "she needs to go either to the clinic as the main house or a hospital Dae you can pick which but she needs medical attention and more then I can give here"
Daenerys looked towards her before she spoke, "Sorry to break it to you but I did neither. I didn't kidnap you, nor did I beat you. But for the record no my mother didn't teach me that. My mother died shortly after I was born after severe internal bleeding and then my father killed himself in front of my brother and I when we were young." With that she was looking at the doctor just raising a faint eyebrow at the doctor for a brief moment and listened to him speak. "We'll take her to the main house. She knows too much. Don't need to her speaking to people at the hospital and making not only us more enemies, but making herself enemies." Daenerys spoke after a moment in time before she was looking at her phone to see that she had a message from Natalia.
the male nodded his head and splinted her arm after setting it and then wrapping her ribs as well they would need to be set but to do so they needed to put her under since it would be quite painful. thankfully the fractured nose hadn't changed how she was breathing or the look of her nose so there was no need to try and set it. mainly since it hand't popped out of place.
Daenerys just watched for a moment before she was rounding on the male that had beat the crap out of Iris. "You are definitely going to regret this when Sebby hears about it." she hummed after a moment in time before she was answering her phone when Natalia called. "Hey Nat.... Yeah I'm at the apartment now with the girl. Doctor is going to head back with her to the main house." the female spoke in the phone before listening to something the other female had to say. This had her snickering before she cooed, "Yes I can get information from them. Remember half the time men melt in my hand."
Thea rolled her eyes as she listened to the female speak to someone on the phone and wondered how she could be so calm when the male could easily strike her. seeing him shift Thea moved and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and threw her in the direction of the bed before taking the blow that had been meant for her. some how he had gotten lose from his restraints. Thea hit the floor with such force that when her head collided she ended up with a sever concussion
Daenerys had been talking on the phone with Natalia, not really worried about the man since it had seemed like he was tied up tightly. But evidently not so much since next thing she knew, was she was being shoved backwards towards the men by the other female. The man was hitting the other female, who had obviously taken the blow for Daenerys. "What the hell is going on, Dany?" Natalia questioned in a worried tone of voice which had Daenerys briefly explaining what had happened before she was climbing to her feet. Who would have figured that she would be walking over to the man and taking to more or less roundhouse kicking him in the face, knocking him the fuck out. No fucks were given by the young singer whatsoever. "I would him tied up, more tightly. Sebastian will want to talk to him." she spoke before she heard Natalia mention that Giovanni was on his way there. "Doc, your assistant is on his way here now. So he will have gurney and everything. As usual."
the doctor nodded his head "thank you now the fun part is going to be the round the clock observation she is going to need fo the next twenty-four hours" the doctor rubbed his head and sighed a little and then tapped his finger to his lip as he thought. the men carefully moved her out of the room and after the other two were out they stripped the male of anything that could be used to harm himself or let him escape before they locked him in the room
"Well you already know I'm a night owl. I can assist. After I go and get somebody to cough up money that they owe." Daenerys offered after a moment in time before she was prancing over to the doctor and giving him a slight hug. "Oh by the way, since I know you haven't been to the main house yet today, since your daughter has called me to tell me, they found Kyle. He is in bad shape but alive." she hummed after a moment in time.
the male nodded his head "we will take good care of him and make sure that everything is how it should be" when his assistant arrived they got Thea settled and moved to the van so that they could get her to the main house "Dae take care when you go I heard you may have another stalker so keep your eyes open and you head phones out"
Daenerys looked at the doctor for a moment in time before she spoke, "Yeah. I don't think it is a may have another one, pretty sure I do. A package showed up at the apartment my penthouse is at. Nobody knows I live there except for my band mates and the gang. And they would give stuff to me personally or give it to Oliver." With that she was giving a wave of her hand before heading off so that she could walk the short distance the diner where she was going. Literally right down the road.
the male nodded his head and then head out with his assistant so they could get her to the house and tended to. the male knew Sebastian was going to be more then a little pissed over what had happened but he hoped at the same time that he didn't go over board and hurt someone
While Giovanni and the doctor were getting Thea situated, Daenerys was walking into the diner and just looking around for a brief moment in time. Most people would be terrified to walk in there, especially with how many big and scary looking men were in there, but not her. "Hi guys!" the female chimed cheerfully and almost everybody was waving a hello or speaking.
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