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Taken (Guardian and LunarWolf)

while his sister was dealing with them Oliver was going over papers and such while he waited for Sebastian to return to the office so he could find out what had happened and why he had been called to the Black Kings home like he had been
After a while Sebastian finally returned to the office and was heading to his office, only to be paused briefly by Natalia who explained what had happened earlier. Although he did chuckle when she got to the part about what Daenerys had done in return. Yeah that sounded like something Dany would do. "Come to my office. Get Oliver." Sebastian spoke before he was disappearing into his office, leaving Natalia to go and fetch Oliver.
Oliver had been back on his way to the office when he spotted Nat "come one I have a feeling I know that he is wanting to see us" Oliver was pretty good at figuring his friend out and knew from habit that when he returned that he liked to speak with him about what had happened and to make sure that everything was going smoothly before they go back to work
Natalia looked at him before she spoke, "Oh you always seem to have good intuition." With that she was looping an arm through his arm, a rather normal thing, and they were headed off to the office where the other male was at. Once they were there Sebastian was gesturing for them to close the door before he spoke, "A few things. That girl is on her way to the main house. She was beaten and then took a blow meant for Dany. Guess Aaron, who had priorly beat the shit out of the girl, had managed to get lose from his bonds. Tried hitting Dany. And also the meeting with the Black King.... went very well. A new Black King was named." Sebastian held out his wrist and took the bandage off of his wrist that had been covering up the tattoo. It had been a few hours anyways so it was about time to take it off anyways. Natalia just looked for a moment before she giggled and spoke, "Congrats big brother."
Oliver nodded his head "way to go man not many get that honor and the fact that out of all the men he could have pick he chose the best one I will say" Oliver was more then a little happy for him since that meant power which is what he wanted at the moment "so how are you planning to to deal with Aaron since it was well communicated that he wasn't to harm her"
Sebastian looked at him before he spoke, "Because I'm unlike the others. I care more about my people than I do money and power." With that he was sitting in his chair then looked over when he was asked what was going to happen to Aaron. "Let him nurse off being roundhouse kicked in the face for a few hours. That in itself is a major ego blow to him." Natalia snickered after a moment in time. With that she looked at her phone before she spoke, "Oh by the way Oliver, a package showed up at your sister's apartment earlier. No sender address. Darius just got back to me. It was filled with a number of pictures of her. Stalker alert." At the time she knew that Daenerys was alright, considering she had told her that she was still at the cafe. Nobody would be dumb enough to try anything there. Unless it was an opposing gang... if they wanted to get their asses beat.
Oliver nodded his head "its time she movies he has found her then her apartment is no longer safe for her to stay in I know she likes the place but I won't risk her safety" Oliver would speak with his sister later that day to make sure she was on the same page as he was about moving. while they were talking Sebastians phone would ring as the doctor was calling to update him on Thea's condition
Sebastian looked towards him for a moment then spoke, "You know she is going to get fed up with constantly moving to a new place. Given my new status. I can have people keep an eye on her, and she can stay in her penthouse. She is honestly safer there than anywhere else, except for the main house. But she likes her privacy, and I don't blame her with being a star." With that he was looking at his phone when it rang and he was answering it, listening to the doctor briefly. While this happened, Natalia had taken to messaging Daenerys to find out if she had any luck getting the money. "Mission success. The funds were retrieved." was the reply that she got in return, which had her just showing it to Sebastian.

Daenerys left the cafe although she wasn't carrying the duffel bag that had the money in it, nope she had left that to a few of the guys that had been there. They needed to head back to the main house anyways to check in with people, while she was going back to her penthouse. She walked down the road just humming softly, her hands tucked into her pockets at the time.
Alexander watched her as she headed out of the building and smiled a little their guard was up but that would make it all the more fun for him to take her he just had to find his opening.

Olive nodded his head "I know she already has I got yelled at the last time she moved" while he was on the phone with the doctor the males gave him the run down on his new pets condition "well sir the girl has a fractures nose nothing to bad it will heal two o her ribs are badly broken but thankfully they didn't bend in on her lungs so there is no need to go in and fix them with surgery. she also has a fractured skull and a sever concussion but otherwise she is in good physical health other then her freaky memory"
(Alexander or Damian? I know Damian was the name that you had put before. Haha.)

"Hopefully the concussion made her freaky memory, less freaky." Sebastian commented after a moment in time before he was stating that the doctor was to be putting padded restraints on her should she try and leave. After that he was looking towards Oliver as he mentioned how Daenerys hadn't been very happy the last time that she had moved. This had him looking towards Natalia before he spoke, "Call Dany and stay on the phone with her. Anything out of the ordinary happens, tell me."

"I doubt it even with a concussion that her memory will lesson given the scan I did her memory is because of a head injury probably from when she was very young" the doctor looked at the drowsy female sitting in the hospital bed when he motioned for restraints to be placed on her arms and legs to keep her from escaping and running off
"Strange that a person who suddenly obtain a freaky memory because of a head injury. Usually it is the opposite. One doesn't seem to have a memory, versus remembering everything." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time before he was listening to Natalia just chat with Daenerys about totally random things at the time. The small squeal from his sister had him looking over only to see that she was looking at a picture she had been sent. Baby clothes. "Oh I need those. So adorable." Natalia cooed.
"it is odd I will say that now I must go she is starting to wake some more" with that the doctor hung up so that he could tend to Thea and try and keep her form getting to while but before he did hang up he urged Sebastian to deal with her when he returned home and the girl made him uncomfortable and he didn't want her in his medical center long
Sebastian just listened to the doctor and spoke, "If you need to keep her drugged then do so." With that he was hanging up then looking over towards Natalia after a brief moment in time.

Daenerys just paused for a brief moment to look at some clothes that were in the window of a store. Oh those were adorable. "I found amazing clothes that I would totally wear for shows." she cooed into the phone, and was being almost encouraged by Natalia to buy it.
Oliver looked at Sebastian "so how much work do you still have left?" Oliver wanted to go and get his sister but he knew that it would only anger her if he did.

Alexander smiled and used this as his chance to get in to her penthouse so that he could put his plan in to motion
"Go on and get your sister." Sebastian told the male after a moment in time looked over as Natalia who was chatting with Daenerys still. Evidently the other female had just gotten back to her apartment building, and Natalia could hear talking with the familiar security person at the building.
"Sebastian you know I would get my ass kicked if I tried to get her to leave her home with out talking it over with her first"
Oliver would stay and help him out so that he wasn't buried under all the paper work. Oliver looked over when some men came in to talk to Sebastian about some things but he figured that Sebastian would either listen to them or send them away.

Alexander smiled the fools hadn't even noticed that he was in the apartment and it would be really simple to get her out of the apartment as well it would just be a little harder to get her out to his cabin with out being spotted
Sebastian looked towards the men before gesturing for them to speak. While he did this Natalia had wandered off and was giggling at something Daenerys had said.

"Oh they gave a few new security guards here and they are hot as well." Daenerys cooed into her phone although it wasn't long before she was putting in her bluetooth headset and putting her phone in her pocket. She chatted with Natalia while she rode up to her penthouse and was getting her door unlocked, setting her purse down near the door. "Back at the penthouse. For a short bit anyways." Daenerys let Natalia know but assured her that she didn't need to hang up, that she was fine with chatting with her for a while.
seeing her on the phone but a wrench in his plans as he would have to knock her out and then hang up the phone with outdone of the guards being alerted that something has happened and then come up to early. Alexander waited and watched hoping that he had an opening soon
Daenerys went over and sat on the couch although she definitely had a sixth sense type of feeling going on at that point in time. Something told her that something was up so she was sending Natalia a text message, telling her that she wasn't actually going to hang up with her. That it was a ruse. "Everything okay?" Natalia questioned after she had read the message. "Everything is fine. Anyways I'm going to let you go and take a short nap for the evening." Daenerys cooed into the phone before she was making it seem like she had hung up with Natalia, although in actuality she hadn't. Natalia wold be able to hear anything that happened, despite how Daenerys had set her phone on the coffee table. Thanks to some of Natalia's work on her phone, it seriously looked like she had hung up, there was no little icon on the lock screen that stated she was in a call. Made it easier to have somebody listen to a conversation secretly.
Alexander waited a few minutes and then made his move. thanks to years of dodging cops and other gang members her moved fast and was able to cover her mouth and nose while injecting a fast acting sedative in to her system that would knock her out and make thing easier for him in the long run. Alexander waited till he was certain she was out cold before he lifted her on to his shoulder and headed out of the apartment and to the service elevator to head out the back of the building
Sadly for Alexander, there was noise of surprise that had escaped Daenerys, which was enough to alert Natalia that something was up. Which actually had Natalia jumping to her feet and racing back to where Oliver and Sebastian was at. "Dany. Answer me." she spoke frantically into the phone but no answer had her concerned. She walked into the office, not bothering to knock before she spoke, "Something is wrong. I was talking to Dany then she sent me a text telling me that she had a bad feeling, and wasn't going to actually hang up. Now all I heard was a noise of surprise and she isn't responding." This had Sebastian giving a frown before he was cursing a bit then spoke, "Make calls. Have people keep an eye out."
Oliver shot out of his seat and grabbed his keys off the hook by the door as he raced out fo the office his first and only concern was his sister. Oliver knew if she wasn't answering her best friend something had happened.

while everyone was scrambling to get to the penthouse Alexander was well on his way to the cabin with her. while it looked small it was all a front the true cabin was well below ground and no one would find it. the plus of the matter was that being out in the middle of no where severely limited how quickly she would be found if he wanted them to be found that was
Natalia kept trying the cell phone although it only registered that it was at the penthouse. Which didn't help at all. This had her thinking for a bit before she spoke, "Oh the ring I gave her. We had a tracker put in it. I think I can track it but it could take a few hours since we've never tried it before. And I haven't fully gotten the program working for that stuff." "Try it." Sebastian told his sister, just watching as Oliver took off out of the office. A few of the others were getting out of his way quickly. This that he was grabbing his own phone and putting out a few calls himself to some people who were good at tracking. Didn't seem to matter how well the trail was hidden, they always found who they were looking for. Usually within a maximum of two months of them being taken, which was a lot faster than the police half the time.
Alexander pulled in to a parking area and then got out and after searching her removing all of her jewelry and tossing it he scooped her up and carried her off in to the forest. it was about a twenty minute hike to his property but once they were there he would take her below ground that way even if they did show up in the woods she wouldn't be heard and they would have no clue where to find her
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