"It is a beauty but needs some work done to it. The engine is actually going to shit, and there are a number of other internal problems." Camille spoke before she was putting the kickstand down and climbing off of the bike. With that she was striding over towards the new members, just examining them for a brief moment in time. Airie just watched before she was hiding a small yawn and went off towards the car making a comment to Camille not to scare them too much. "Talia.... What is this rest you speak of? I'm trying to con Charlie to love me and come over and give me a full body massage, but he wouldn't. It is overly depressing. I would totally kill for one right now, but don't feel like spending a shit ton of money for one." Camille complained after a moment in time. This had Airie leaning out the car and pointing at one of the new guys then spoke, "He is a masseuse." Yeah already she had started looking up information about all of them.