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Regrouped (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Talia chuckled and then looked at her "then ask him out or ask him to be your fuck buddy but no learning how to disarm bombs with out talking to Airia first" Talia winced when the metal was pullout of her leg and held back all the cussing she wanted to do from the pain
"Oh the heart ache. I would never just randomly fuck a guy I didn't know." Camille spoke in fake pain. Definitely not the truth at all. That was sometimes how she got her information, although she was always safe about it. Always kept a stash of Plan B on her, and always had details about the people she was getting information from. From their childhood to if they had anything. If they did have something, and that was the route she was taking, she always had been wear a condom. "I'll totally take him home with me tonight." she commented and Giovanni was making a side comment that she could show off her collection of toys.
Talia shook her head "you do that but promise me you will not wear him out please he needs to be at the meeting in the morning" Talia then smiled at Eric when they entered the room "hey stranger good to see you are awake and among the living"
Camille looked towards her before she spoke, "You wound me. If anything I'll just make him cuddle with me. Because that is usually what I do." The fact that she didn't seem at all weirded out about taking a random guy home with her, would probably bug a normal person. But didn't really shock anybody in their family at all. "Hey Eric. Good to see you are okay." Camille spoke and was giving him a gentle hug, and he was shooing her away. His voice was more of a whisper, where you had to be super close to here. But he was telling her to go home and get some rest.
"Go home and rest, or I'll have the doctor kick you guys out." Eric spoke in a whisper. Technically he could do that, all he had to do was tell the doctor that they weren't allowed in his room. This had Camille chuckling before she spoke, "Fine but I'll be back tomorrow to visit." With that she was giving him a kiss on the forehead before she was heading out of the room and to the elevator. Who would have figured that she already had that guy's number and was messaging him.
when Camille moved away Talia moved and shifted so she was sitting on the bed so the doc could stick up her leg while she was speaking with Eric "you know you had me scared to death" Talia didn't know if the doctor had told him he had died and was only with them because of Gio's genius.
Eric looked towards him for a moment in time before he was mumbling, "Not exactly my fault." While they spoke, Camille was on her way out of the hospital. Although once she got outside she took to picking more glass off of her clothing. Damn whoever had decided to blow up the damn dumpster, and then there was getting Talia's car fixed. Which reminded her... she had a message from Jack who was stating he had dropped the car off at her shop, then Charlie had taken him and Airie back to the house in his car.
"I know it wasn't Eric but you still had me scared I am just glad your ok and you know I will be there for you during your rehab right" Talia winced when the doctor tugged on the stitches a little to make sure they were secure and wouldn't pull out on her. Talia had a hold of Eric's hand just to remind herself that he was in fact still with them and so long as he was willing to fight he would remain that way "remind me to get you one of our com's for when your at your shop rather then relying on a phone all the time." the coms were small and easily hidden so he wouldn't have to worry about it being seen
Eric just looked for a moment then spoke, "I do have one. Cami brought me one a number of weeks ago. But they had managed to find it, and destroyed it before they had locked me in the room." With that he was just shaking his head a bit before he was closing his eyes, the pain killers kicking in and slowly taking to knocking him out.
"ok" Talia gave him and gently kiss "get some sleep Eric and let yourself heal" Talia then took the crutches from the assistant so that she didn't put any weight on her leg for the next few days.
The doctor looked towards Talia for a moment in time before he spoke, "Why don't you stay overnight here. Then I can tend to your leg, and you can stay close to Eric. I do need to run and help another patient, but please follow Gio to another room. I want to properly clean your leg and get it stitched up."
"yes sir but you know me I will be up all night and sleep all day" Talia had know problem doing as he asked since it would make things easier on them all
"I know this and that is fine. You can sleep her, at least then I can monitor and make sure that nothing gets worse, and be sure that there aren't any other problems that just haven't shown up. But I do suggest getting some sleep. You will need it." the doctor spoke after a moment in time and Giovanni was leading her off into a room. She was being given the standard hospital gown to change into, which would make things easier for the doctor. Easier access to her leg, and checking for any other injuries. Giovanni was closing the privacy curtain so that she could change without him watching, but he was still in the room, just to be safe.
Talia carefully changed out of her clothes and changed in to the gown she had been given and once she was changed she pulled the curtain back so she could get some help getting settled on to the bed as it was hard to climb in to with her leg as it was
Giovanni waited until she had pulled the curtain back before he was going and assisting her into the bed.
Talia winced and cried out a little when her leg brushed against the side of the bed and then metal had been shifted. while most of it had been taken out already the largest piece however was still in her leg and it was causing her a lot of pain
"The doc is going to have to put you under and surgically remove that it looks like." Giovanni spoke after a moment in time. Although he didn't think that she would care, since it was being done for her own health at that point point in time.
Talia nodded her head "I own you a thank you, you brought Eric back to Camille and me" Talia was grateful to him had he nod done what he had there was a good chance both of them would have gone around with a death wish
Giovanni was giving her a faint smile then spoke, "The doctor will be in here in a little bit. Until just get some rest, I need to head off to get a bite to eat."

Camille finally got back to her place after deciding to randomly kidnap the guy that had gotten the bomb off of the car, well more he had willingly come. "Hey Cami." one of the security guards inside her high end apartment building was speaking when she walked in, which had her giving a wave. "Oh by the way Isaac, your car is finished and ready for pick up." Camille spoke before she was taking her mail from him just looking through it for a brief moment in time.
"So I have to ask.... how the hell did somebody manage to weld the damn thing to the car without anybody noticing it. Because it definitely wasn't there when we had left the house earlier." Camille spoke as she looked at the male that stood in the elevator with him. Maybe he would have an idea especially since he had removed the damn thing from the car. That still slightly irked her that that had happened, and the time that she was going to have to put in to fixing the damn car.
"simple its called cold welding it makes no noise and if you have a small enough took it can fix in the pocket of a coat while it is convenient it is also a pain as it makes it easier to attach to a vehicle" he then looked at her and wondered why she was so interested
Camille mumbled something under her breath and spoke, "That is annoying. Majorly annoying." Soon enough the elevator was dinging and she was bouncing off of the elevator and headed to her penthouse apartment and unlocking it. There was a black streak that came out of nowhere, and all that one could hear at first was the meowing from the black cat. "Hello Midnight." the woman cooed and was scooping up the cat into her arms and looking at her phone, a pout almost forming. Seemed like Airie had gotten back to her, and stated that she wasn't allowed to learn anything about bombs. That would be such a bad idea.
Isaiah leaned against the door of her apartment "let me guess you were told no" he knew she had wanted to learn about bombs but even knowing what he did he wouldn't teach her since he didn't need someone else knowing how to build them and causing more problems then they needed
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