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Regrouped (Guardian and LunarWolf)

Isaiah looked at his phone when it dinged but didn't answer it as he had been working in his garage all day and had grease all over his hands. the car she was currently driving was one of his as he was doing a tune-up on hers after she had hit a nasty pothole.

Hunter nodded his head "yea he isn't very smart most of us researched the girls before we talk to them about being allies so for him to do this was stupid on his part. I just wished I had killed him when I had had the chance"
Camille just looked towards him for a moment before she was taking off when the light turned green. It didn't take them overly long to get to the building, and she was throwing the car into park after breaking it. The woman was looking around for a moment before she spoke, "It seems that people are here to greet us."
"you get to her I'll handle these men" with that Hunter got out of the car and pulled his knives before he headed into the fray and started to take the males down without a care in the world for who he was hurting.
Camille was giving a nod of her head before she was making sure that she had her own knives on her and then her pistols. After that she was sliding out of the car and taking off for the building, avoiding a few of the men. Occasional she was wiping out a knife to take down a person, but for the most part they seemed preoccupied by that of Hunter. He was the bigger threat. Getting into the building she was looking around before whistling loudly, hopefully Airie was close enough to hear. The response was a masculine scream of pain it seemed, which had Camille running in that direction, shedding the sweater that she was wearing at the time. Sure she had a sports bra on under it but she had been out jogging and had just tossed on the sweater that had been in the car. Isaiah's sweater, but he would have to settle with Airie wearing it. She ran into a room and was giving a whistle when she saw the man on the ground, curled up in a ball. There was a lot of blood and Airie was standing in the corner of the room, bloody knife in hand. "Cami...." Airie whispered and Camille was hurrying over to her before giving her the sweater to put on. Thankfully it did cover up, falling to her thighs. Hey it was better than nothing. "Come on sweetie. Lets get out of here." Camille spoke and was leading her towards the door, not even phased by the few men that had come to try and stop them. Her eyes seemed to flash dangerously and without hesitation her gun was being pulled and the pair were getting bullets straight to the head. "Don't fuck with my family. As for you.... I'll leave you alive. You'll end up dying of bloodloss or you'll suffering for the rest of your life living as a eunuch. What you get for raping somebody." Camille spoke as she looked at the whimpering ball on the ground, before continuing on her path to get Airie out of there.
by the time the girls got back to Hunter, he would be cover in blood from head to toe and be standing among piles of bodies. Hunter looked over at them and then walked over and touched her face lightly "you ok" he knew she wasn't fully ok but he was hoping that besides what they had seen that nothing else had happened to her while they had been driving to rescue her.
Airie was flinching away from Hunter a bit, unintentionally. Probably just because she hadn't really recognized him at first, yet again the drugs were still working their way through her system at the time. "I want to go home.... and shower...." was all Airie mumbled and Camille was giving a nod before she spoke, "We'll go to my apartment since it is closest."
"I'll stay here and wait for the cleanup crew you two don't worry about me" Hunter could tell it was better if he left them alone and gave her time to recover from what had happened. plus he had. feeling that he should Call Talia and tell her what had happened
Camille was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Don't take it to personally right now, her flinching away from you." She was getting Airie settled in the car before she was climbing in as well, and taking out her phone to call Isaiah.
"I am not so get going" Hunter ushered them both to the car so they could get out of there. once the car was out of sight he called Eric since he figured the male would be a little bit calmer about the whole thing.
The two woman were headed off and while they were doing that, Eric was answering his phone. At the time Talia was sleeping since they were still in the process of driving to their destination, but they were stopping to get food shortly.
"Hey Eric I know you guys are on vacation but I figured I should let you know that Airie was kidnapped and raped she is fine and we did get her back but I didn't want you both to get blindsided by it when you returned"
Eric was coughing a bit when he heard the news before he spoke, "Well then.... that was unexpected. I'll let Talia know when she wakes up. Tell Airie we love her and hopefully she is okay in the end."
"I will I'll have her call you both once she is feeling a bit better and dude if I were you I would try and get some while you are both away from the house" Eric knew they were both sexually frustrated and he hoped that this would take care of that since there was no stress from home
"Sounds good." Eric spoke before he was hanging up with him after a moment in time and was setting his phone down.
"It was Hunter. I'll only tell you what he said if you promise that you are going to stay calm, and that this isn't going to effect our vacation at all." Eric spoke after a moment in time.
"I promise we have been trying to get out of town for a while I don't want to turn back" Talia knew the news was bad simply based on what he had said
"Airie had been kidnapped and raped. They got her back quickly enough though, and Hunter is going to have her call when she is feeling better." Eric spoke, getting straight to the point after that.
Talia nodded her head and then chuckled a little "i feel more for the male right now if she had a knife near her he would have lost all of his junk" was she worried about her friend yes but there was nothing she could do while on vacation
Eric was giving a small nod of his head then spoke, "Yeah.... Cami was just telling me about that. The guy had been dumb enough to leave a knife laying near her. Had even taken to drugging her. Not that it lasted long."
"yea he was stupid" Talia then moved so she was sitting on his lap her legs on either side of him while her arms went up around his neck and smiled "so what all are we going to do this week"
"I'm not quite sure at this point in time, figure we can figure that out. And oh please don't sit on my lap." Eric spoke after a moment in time, yeah that kind of hurt still, which had him apologizing a bit.
Eric just looked towards her before he was pointing towards his bag, which was closest to her at that point in time. What was he wanting out of there? His pain meds since it was about that time that he needed to take them.
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