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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

She looked up and smiled sheepishly.
"Starving...I could go for a feast right now." She answered before she looked over at Sasuke. The tengu smiled and waved.
"Oh thank Inari." She muttered in relief, "I was so worried you wouldn't wake up."
Yukimura was so glad both of his closest companions were awake, dozing off a bit before coming back into the moment. “Ah, breakfast should be ready soon, if you’d both prefer to eat in here?”
Yukimura gave a sheepish smile. “I got some sleep, I’ll be okay for the time being.” He assured her.
Yukimura’s cheeks grew hot under her touch, but he leaned into it. “It’s for a good reason..”
His cheeks flushed more and he smiled. “Let me bring you both some food, you’ll need it for energy.”
"Thanks, dana.." Sasuke said, "I need as much food as I can get after that burn up."
"And then I want to see you resting.." Akihime added before kissing Yukimura's forehead.
“Hai hai...” Yukimura said softly, giving her hand a squeeze before heading off to get the two a hearty breakfast.
Sasuke ate twice his body weight and then some, more hungry than he had realized. Akihime sat quietly with Yukimura, enjoying the closeness.
Yukimura had sat beside Akihime on the floor, head resting on her cot as she ate, not being able to help that he had nodded off not too long after bringing in the food.
" two are offical now?" Sasuke asked. Akihime blushed and looked up nervously.
"Hai...we consummated our love last night...before you were possessed..." She answered. He made a noise,nodding slowly.
"Took him long enough.." He muttered. Akihime smiled sheepishly.
"Yes, it certainly did..." She replied.
Yukimura didn’t hear a word the either of them spoke, out like a light, hand resting close to Akihime’s thigh, and head on the bed beside her.
In the days that followed, Masamune decided it was time to head home.
"I need to figure out where Shiromasa went off to and decide how to deal with him."
"We loved having all of you. Thank you for bringing Sayuri home." Akihime smiled, holding Yukimura's arm.
“Thank you.” Yukimura bowed his head deeply to Masamune, Megohime, and Kojurou, smiling softly. “I am in your debt, Masamune-dono.”
"Don't worry about it." Masamune grinned.
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou called and Masamune sighed.
"Guess we're leaving." He said and took Megohime's hand gently.
"Have a safe and pleasant journey home." Akihime bowed.
Yukimura bowed as well, and Megohime nodded her head, following Masamune down the path, holding his hand tightly.
They moved to the horses and headed for home. Kojurou was just determined to get back, he had finally made up his mind and decided to bring Jin home.
Back with Matsunaga, Jin had started to refuse the fresh corpses she was brought, only feeding from Matsunaga; her tears never stopped, everyday, every time she fed, she would shed tears.
No matter how many times he told her Kojurou had abandon her, she would still weep when she fed, and if his name was mentioned when feeding, she would bite down hard enough to bruise Matsunaga deeply. She simply could not throw away her love for Kojurou, even with her being drunk on blood.
Jin was feral at this point, to the point she would abosoluty slaughter any human or spirit that would come near the estate, only to return to her room during the day to sleep; only a shred of her old self remained, showing itself in her shedding tears every time she fed.
This continued for days before a new presence was felt around the small house. A familiar presence that made her muscles tense. It was Kojurou.
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