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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime started back at him, face gradually getting more and more red. “I-I don’t think I can treat a stomach ache..”
“Assurance of a long life.” She said pointedly, then sat back with a heavy sigh. “Fine, fine... Just slow down a little at least.”
Ever since the very day that Akihime has been reclaimed by Yukimura, Amaya had been enduring punishment for allowing her to escape. Every day she would spend her time chained to a post in the middle of the courtyard, forced to endure the sun and heat, and every night, the braziers beside her would be lit, burning bright until dawn.
She was in bad condition, a slow death coming to meet her but she didn’t know when.
Yoshitsugu would tease her most days by dripping cold water over her head, enjoying her misery more than he should have. It was awful. Why hadn't those who freed Akihime been willing to free her? Why did the kitsune deserve a free ticket and not her?
With each day that passed, her rage and hatred only growing more and more. Why? Why didn’t she deserve to be saved like that other wretched Shikigami? Why was her master tormenting her? Why couldn’t she just die already?
"Hideyoshi-sama, please return to your bed!" Servants and even Mitsunari begged and pleaded with the warlord as he walked out to the courtyard and toward the Yuki Onna.
Amaya picked her head up slowly, a bitter and miserable look on her face as her eyes met Hideyoshi’s, breathing heavily from the humid heat that was slowly killing her.
"Why are you chained here to this pole, in this heat?" Hideyoshi asked. He looked like he was going to fall over at any moment, still sick as a dog. But there he was, concerned for a nameless Shikigami.
Amaya glanced to Mitsunari behind Hideyoshi, then looked back to the giant man. “My master deemed me unfit to serve him any longer and sent me here.” Her reaponse seemed too rehearsed, like it wasn’t her own, but one given to her to tell to others.
"I would like to hear the truth." Hideyoshi said. Mitsunari looked alarmed.
"Hideyoshi-sama, you don't need to burden yourself with h-!" Hideyoshi silenced him woth his hand and Mitsunari quieted.
She hesitated before the look of rage on her face seemed to grow. “I allowed an imprisoned Kitsune to escape, but now seeing as how I was simply abandon by both my master and her rescuers, I should’ve killed her instead.” She hissed.
"Release her." Hideyoshi ordered. Mitsunari almost choked.
"Do it." Hideyoshi stated and Mitsunari begrudgingly removed the chains.
Amaya collapsed to the ground once she was released, rubbing her wrists and looking up at Hideyoshi with a skeptical look. “Why?”
Hideyoshi knelt down before her and leaned to whisper in her ear. "I can grant you the vengeance you seek. Not in this form, but I will return to you soon." He whispered.
Amaya almost looked relieved, what more had she to lose even if this was all a ruse? She nodded, not wanting to risk Mitsunari hearing their conversation. “Yes.”
He stood and then suddenly fainted, a soft miasma escaping his mouth.
"Hideyoshi-sama!" Mitsunari moved over quickly and barked at the healers as he tried hauling Hideyoshi back to his room on his own.
Amaya stumbled away once everyone had left, finding no reason to stay now that she was freed, fleeing to the forest to wait for this mysterious entity.
She was alone well until nightfall, until she heard the sounds of footsteps come closer. It was one of Hideyoshi's sons, Hidetsugu, a brutish looking man much like his father but his presence was different. Evil and full of hatred.
Amaya had regained some strength being out of the sun all day and safe from the fires that would be lit by her at night, standing when Hidetsugu moved closer. “Who are you?”
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