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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Jin’s mind was nothing but a blur of darkness and red, nearly drowning her in the sound of beating hearts.
She hadn’t even realized she had moved from her room to find out where the scent was until she smelled Matsunaga come into the room as well.
Tears flowed down her cheeks and she bared her fangs, not moving an inch. “K-Ko...jurou....” She ground out, shaking hard.
"Matsunaga!" Kojurou's voice rang out and Matsunaga's shoulders dropped in annoyance.
"There's no stopping it now." He muttered bitterly.
Jin flinched when she heard Kojurou’s voice, but she still didn’t budge, staring intently at the door.
Matsunaga turned when he heard Kojurou's heavy footfalls, looking annoyed when the youkai found them - not like it was hard to do.
"Are you here to try and take Jin home?" Matsunaga asked. Kojurou stood quietly before nodding.
"Hai. She was never yours to begin with. You've manipulated her long enough." Kojurou replied.
Jin stood a ways behind Matsunaga, a blank look on her face as her tears only continued, staring straight at Kojurou.
"Jin," Kojurou took a step forward, "Let's go home, ne? We'll work out these craving s and urges as we have before. Please. I can't bare being without you any longer."
"How sweet." Matsunaga jeered, "It's a shame she is too lost for you to save."
Jin looked like she was struggling immensely, body shaking, fists clenched and teeth bared at Kojurou, but she managed to garble out two words. “Kill.... me...
"Oh dear..." Matsunaga muttered. Kojurou frowned and moved closer.
"I will not." He stated firmly, "Not if you have enough consciousness to plead with me so."
Her body reacted accordingly to Kojurou moving closer, crouching slightly in a defensive stance. “Please.... Stop me..” She forced out, like simply speaking hurt her deeply.
"We'll get this fixed and I promise to be more attentive of your needs." He stated, his glowing orb of nether force swirling in his hand.
Jin let out a terrible roar before charging Kojurou, claws ready to tear into his flesh, but at the last second, as the tips of her claws met his skin, she hesitated.
Kojurou had slammed her into the floor with so much force, the floor splintered beneath her, eyes rolling back and closing as she lost consciousness, going limp beneath him.
Jin was out like a light, blood dripping from the back of her head where it had been split open by the impact, but other than that, she was fine.
Megohime looked horrified. “What happened to her..!?” She hadn’t heard much about Jin’s disappearance, but she had heard enough to know she had left to feed her blood hunger. She started on healing Jin regardless, easily closing up the wound on the back of her head.
Megohime glanced at Kojurou, but didn’t pry further on the matter, only continuing to heal the vampire in silence. Jin’s breathing was slow and shallow, but she was still fighting to stay alive.
Kojurou stood and left quickly to ask a favor of Masamune.
"You want me to what?" Masamune looked dumbfounded as Kojurou bowed deeply to him.
"I want to mix your blood with my own to help Jin recover from her feral state. Straight human blood drives her into a frenzy and my blood wasn't enough to sustain her."
Megohime has finished healing the wound on Jin’s head, and had followed after Kojurou to see what urgent matter he needed to speak with Masamune about. Her eyes went wide when she heard his request, but she didn’t move from her spot just outside the doorway.
Megohime didn’t know how to feel about Masamune’s decision, but it was his decision to make after all. Returning to where she had left Jin, she sat in wait for Kojurou, fidgeting and chewing on her lip.
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