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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

They came in after a while and Masamune sighed, "Kay, let's get this done and over with.." Masamune droned. Kojurou grabbed a medicine bowl and bit hard into his palm, dripping as much blood as he could before taking Masamune's hand and cutting deep into his palm. Masamune jerked a bit and groaned softly as his blood mixed with Kojurou's in the bowl.
“Are you sure this is a good idea..?” Megohime frowned, looking worried. “What if this wakes her up?”
Megohime made a face, and quickly moved away from Jin and behind Masamune, watching with worried eyes.
Jin was reactive almost immediatly, eyes shooting open- they were still solid red, and immediatly she went for Kojurou’s throat, letting out a horrid scream.
He grabbed her easily and slammed her into the ground, holding her there with some effort. Masamune slapped a binding amulet on her quickly.
"Jesus!" He huffed
Jin screamed more thrashing and clawing at the ground, teeth bared at Masamune, blood dripping through her teeth.
“Are you sure this’ll work..?” Megohime asked.
It took a while but Jin slowly wore herself out, laying limp on the floor and panting heavily, and growling softly.
"I thought for sure it would work..." Kojurou looked disheartened as he stared down at her. Masamune frowned.
"Kojurou, if she's this far gone, we have to put her down..." He said. Kojurou closed his eyes, looking even more heart broken.
"I know..."
The more Masamune looked at the growling beast before them, the more he realized something was different; her eyes, they weren’t quite solid red anymore, a small black speck in the center of her eyes.
They were barely pin pricks of black among the deep red, but hey were there. She started shaking when Masamune touched her. “No..... More..... Blood...” She forced out.
"I think that's a simple enough request.." Masamune said, "Kojurou, take her to her old room, let her sweat it out."
"Hai.." Kojurou hoisted Jin up and carried her to her room.
Jin squirmed, but it wasn’t to get away, she was in pain already, gnashing her teeth and growling softly, shaking hard.
The amulet would hold until Masamune said otherwise, which gave Kojurou some comfort as he set Jin in her bed. He sat some feet away, not daring to leave her alone.
Jin would squirm and groan all night, but it tore at Kojurou’s heart when she started to cry and plead for it to stop, and no more.
Once the sun rose, Jin stopped moving, completely still and silent as she laid on the bed, eyes closed. Was she sleeping? More than likely, it was daytime after all.
Kojurou sighed heavily and rested his head against the wall, deciding to get some sleep.
Masamune sat with Megohime as they ate breakfast, "Masamune pounding down more food than he needed after giving so much blood to Jin the night before.
“You’re going to make yourself sick if you keep eating this much this fast..!” Megohime looked worried as he sucked down his food, surprised he hadn’t gotten sick already.
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