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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Tears immediately fell from Yukimura’s eyes; Akihime looked like she was on deaths doorstep, even though the healers told him she’d be ok. “He’s fine now..” He nodded.
He took her hand and held it firmly. “You’ve never failed me, Akihime.” He said softly. “Rest, please, I couldn’t stand to lose you.”
Masamune and Kojurou stayed for a while before going back to bed. The healers spent hours dealing with Akihime's blight, not clearing it up until the sun began to rise. They sighed in relief, glad they could save her.
Megohime was still waiting in the bedroom like Masamune had told her to, sitting on the bed with the blanket wrapped around her like it would keep her safe.
Megohime was too scared to sleep, even though her eyes burned and she was spaced out. “I know... But you said he wasn’t dead...”
Megohime was silent for what seemed like hours before she finally laid down beside him, but he could still see the terror in her eyes.
Sasuke was up, staring at his lap as he stayed in the futon he was placed in. He still couldn't believe he let such a disgusting vile soul steal his body, even worse were the things he was made to do. He planned to apologize to Masamune and Megohime when he was at full strength.
Yukimura was laid out on one of the other cots, having fallen asleep waiting up for the two to improve, sleeping heavily.
Sasuke looked over at Yukimura and frowned. How long had he stayed up waiting before he crashed? He turned his gaze to Akihime, who was no longer dying beside him. She about killed herself to save him, he owed her his life.
"Damn..." He muttered.
“Sasuke..?” Yukimura has stirred the moment he spoke, sitting up quickly and looking to the Otengu with groggy eyes. “You’re awake..!” He moved over to his friend. “How do you feel..?”
Yukimura had been too worried about Akihime and Sasuke to check on Megohime himself, but Masamune had told him she was ok other than being shaken up pretty bad. “She’s fine, she’s resting with Masamune-dono now.”
Yukimura’s expression fell, but he gave a nod. “She’s better..” He said softly, but she still hadn’t woken.
“She lost consciousness and had a fever, but her fever has gone down and the taint is all but gone.” He said quietly.
At least she's alive, Sasuke thought. A soft grumbling sounded and Akihime whined loudly in almost pain.
"So...hungry..." She whimpered as she awoke.
Yukimura perked and looked over to Akihime, moving to her side. “Akihime..!” He took her hand in his, bags under his eyes becoming more visible as the sun started to rise. “How are you feeling?”
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