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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“S-Sasuke, h-he stopped me in the hall... He started to strangle me.. Started talking like Shiromasa!” She said.
Yukimura stumbled from his room, still tying his sash as he left his room. “M-Masamune-dono..?”
"What's going on?" Akihime asked groggily. Masamune stopped in front of Sasuke as the two approached and Akihime actually stopped farther back as she covered her mouth to fight her queasiness, the tengu looking like he was dying right there on the deck.
"Your tengu thinks it's funny to attack my girl and speak as if he's the late Shiromasa." Masamune growled.
Yukimura saw how bad Sasuke looked, and quickly moved to the tengu’s side. “Sasuke..!?” He hadn’t even heard what Masamune had said, only worried for his friend.
"Get away from him!!" Akihime screamed and forced herself closer to jerk Yukimura away from Sasuke. She held him tight against herself, eyes wide in horror as her gaze glued on Sasuke; she was shaking as she kept him away from the tengu.
Yukimura didn’t understand, why was no one helping Sasuke? “Akihime, what are you doing?! He needs our help!”
"Masamune-sama, I believe Sasuke may be possessed by Shiromasa." Kojurou said gently. Masamune scowled at the ibaraki.
"The fuck? How?"
"He's a part of you, of your soul. He's using Sasuke-san's body, he's killing him..." Akihime whimpered, "He's linked with you."
"Then exorcise him!" Masamune hissed. Akihime bit her lip nervously.
"He might...posses someone else..." She said quietly.
Yukimura pulled away from Akihime, eyes wide. “We have to do something!” He snapped, stumbling back to his room to gather amulets. He wasn’t about to let his oldest friend die.
"Yukimura-sama, matte!" Akihime called, "I-I can purge him...! I just...need everyone to stay as far back as they can so he won't attach to anyone..." She looked terrified but seeing Yukimura so distraught hurt her heart, "I won't let you down this time...I'll save Sasuke-san..."
Yukimura stopped looking back at Akihime. “What about you, I don’t want to lose you either.”
Yukimura frowned worriedly, but nodded. “Let us hurry then.” He said, returning to the deck with Akihime.
Akihime moved toward Sasuke and fought the vomit that pooled in her throat. She knelt behind his head, frowning as his breathing grew more and more shallow. Taking a breath, she let her blue flames dance across her finger tips before touching Sasuke's temples. She winced as miasma rose up to combat her, trying not to cry out as it crawled up her arms in an inky mass. She pushed the flames to burn hotter and it only made the miasma angrier with her, radiating off the tengu to smite her.
"C-Come on, have to help, too..." She whined, "Burn him up, you stupid bird...!"
Yukimura could do nothing, he simply watched and held his breath, fists clenched tightly. He was worried for the both of them, worried Shiromasa would overtake them both.
She pushed herself and forced the flames to completely consume Sasuke, the miasma letting out a horrendous hiss before a swirling purple mass shot from the tengu's body and off into the night.
"Fuck!" Masamune didn't have the chance to use a talisman before Shiromasa's soul escaped. Sasuke had some color return to him almost instantly, no longer looking pained.
"Th...There...he's safe..." Akihime wheezed, the blight from such pure evil crawling up her neck from under her kosode, "I did it..." She muttered before collapsing against the deck.
Yukimura immediately rushed to the both of them, scooping up Akihime and looking to Masamune. “Please, get the healers and help me get them to them.” He said as he picked Akihime up, cradling her against his chest.
Yukimura laid Akihime down on one of the healing beds, then hurried off to wake the healers, returning quickly with the still half asleep healing team who immediately went to work on cleansing the both of them.
They didn't ask Yukimura what happened, only worked through their grogginess to keep the blight from consuming Akihime.
"Sasuke-san seems to be alright, Yukimura-sama," one yawned, "Just a small fever."
Yukimura nodded, glancing to Akihime. “And what of Akihime?” He asked quickly. “How is she?”
"The miasma is trying to corrupt her, as blight does. But we caught it in time, she'll be alright." He said, glancing over as Akihime gasped like a dying fish.
Yukimura seemed to let out the breath he was holding in, moving over to Akihime as they worked, brows still furrowed in worry.
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